"Top members will not easily become hainv, but we are AKB48 group, and the number of people is our biggest advantage. I believe that as long as the planning content is made public, some members will be willing to join. What's more, we will declare at the beginning of the planning that this is a short-term and time limited exchange activity..."

"In terms of media cooperation, NHK doesn't have to mention that for the other five major private TV stations, the first thing is that the direct participants in the planning and local hainv will get enough attention. Not only art news, but also social news will also pay great attention. When the time comes, NHK will cooperate with variety shows to open up topics, and even 24-hour TV, red and white and other special planning..."

"In terms of capital investment, the most important participants in the planning are one or two members who need to go to the Northeast frequently. The most important investment is the clothing, food, housing and transportation of the members and the staff of the production team who follow them to the northeast. In this regard, because there is a fixed visit to the disaster area every month, the investment is not large. With the full assistance of AKB group and the local government Next, it is expected that... "

Qiu Yuankang was more and more surprised by he Yue's plan. Is this really something that a 14-year-old girl can write? Qiu Yuankang originally thought that in such a preliminary plan, he Yue would be full of unrealistic fantasy and false Dayong's imagination. What would he rely on to radiate Hokkaido from the northeast to lay the foundation for the establishment of Sapporo 48 in the future? What would he make use of geographical advantages to cultivate local people and get enough support to accumulate enough advantages for the next 10 or even 20 years, and even let local children grow up More likely to add AKB than peach grass

But he Yue was completely beyond his expectation.

In fact, he Yue only pays attention to two issues in the whole planning book. One is the significance of the planning, and the other is whether it is possible to realize it!

From the meaning of planning, to the way of realization, to how to reduce investment and how to get support, he Yue has built a plan in the simplest language!

Although this plan is only limited to planning now, he can see too many things in this plan book!

The employment of the plan has been reduced to a very low level, and the company hardly needs to share too much manpower. In terms of investment, it is also a drop in the bucket. After reading it, Qiu Yuankang thinks that the plan is really possible!

It's a good guess with he Yue. His original intention is just to find a job for he Yue casually, to see her level, and to support her. As for whether she can make the hainv project, Qiu Yuankang didn't care at first. In his opinion, AKB is so popular now that it's troublesome to visit the disaster stricken areas every month, and there's no need to mobilize people to do it What part-time planning.

However, after reading the whole planning book of he Yue, Qiu Yuankang found that this plan is really interesting. The investment is small, but it is of great significance. There are not many employees, and it is more likely to attract the attention of major media. Although AKB is popular now, the higher the attention, the better.

Put down the plan, Qiu Yuankang looks to he Yue.

"Have you consulted anyone about this?"

"My mother has given me some suggestions. In addition, I have referred to the articles on the Internet for the practice of the business plan. The staff of the company have also provided me with a lot of help." He yuedao.

In fact, she did the whole thing. Her mother didn't provide any help. The reference on the Internet was more like review. At most, the staff provided her with some information and data.

But in he Yue's opinion, it's really nothing to show off. It's all her knowledge in her previous life.

"Let me have this business plan first. We'll announce the plan on the 19th, and you'll find out the candidates in the next few days." Akira Yasunari.

"Can't the 19th be too fast?" He Yue asked, it's the 12th, only eight days away from the 19th. In he Yue's concept, eight days is not enough for such a big plan.

But Akira doesn't seem to think so.

"Eight days has been a long time. Many of our plans can't be completely decided the day before the announcement." Akira Yasunari.

This sounds like self mockery, but it can't be said that there are many problems with this operation mode. This is how the team operates. For example, the establishment of stu was discussed a week ago. When it was announced a week later, it became stu, and then the team was established. However, there was no dedicated shipboard theater for several years. Was it announced too early? Have you announced anything yet? However, the announcement of such a plan undoubtedly gives investors confidence. In business activities, this confidence can get more investment and attention, so AKB's operation will always announce its plan as early as possible.

Qiu Yuankang said so, and he Yue could only nod down. After coming out of the office, he Yue returned to the status of a new graduate student. In the next eight days, in addition to the public performance, they had to prepare for the song ranking concert starting from the 19th. This concert is the tradition of AKB group every year. In the middle and late January of each year, around this concert, they have to do a lot of work There will be many activities that last for several days or even more than a week. For example, this year is the unit Festival plus a four-day concert.

The unit Festival on the 18th has nothing to do with he Yue's 13th birthday, and they only need to appear two days before the concert, which is still a supporting role that no one pays attention to.Compared with these preparations, the daily performance of graduate students is more energy-consuming.

Because there are too many major activities and the rest time is very long, there are not many arrangements for the public performance of the 48 department in January, and the regular members are not too busy. There are too many graduate students waiting to be replaced in front of the 13th students, and the girls do not have many public performance opportunities.

In the operation plan, only guangzongxun and Oshima Lianghua got two public performances in January. For example, he Yue's appearance opportunity is just the dance accompaniment of some small parts of the song.

Although there are not many students who can perform, the training has never stopped. Generally speaking, graduate students are not able to dance in all dance performances. Graduate students who join AKB should first be familiar with the dance of most AKB single releases, and then the team dance and performance position. There are four teams. If each graduate student can master the dance of one team, he will be qualified to perform on stage .

For example, guangzongxun, who has just joined us, has only mastered the dance of group K. he Yue and group K have mastered it completely, and group A has reached the excellent level. As for team 4 and group B

In terms of movement, she is almost impeccable. In terms of temperament, according to the dance teacher, she may not be qualified to perform in these two teams in her life.

The cute and cute in group B and the vigorous life style of the little girls in group 4 are too far away from he Yue.