“nanamin!?” Nishino and Saito finally understand the reason why they are familiar with each other. The ol image painted on the paper is clearly the appearance of nainaiwei Hashimoto in the regiment!

"Although AKB can't be used, naimuban's should be ok? Besides, I only used one person's image. " He yuedao.

"Do you want to use her as a spokesperson?"?! But you can't make money with her, can you? " Nishino road.

Now naimuban's popularity is basically limited to the idolatry group. I'm afraid no one knows these girls outside this extremely isolated circle.

He Yue didn't seem to care about this. She shrugged: "in fact, there's no need for members here, and there's no problem. Just design individual names and images casually. I use Hashimoto's name and image, but it's just easy. If the company doesn't allow it, it doesn't matter."

This move is of course meaningful to he Yue.

Nainaiwei Hashimoto is a very special member of naimuban 46 middle school. She has maintained short hair since her debut, with a very special quiet literary temperament.

On the contrary, she came from Hokkaido to Tokyo to become an idol because of her poor family situation.

Trapped in this, she finally chose to leave the idol industry after the economy was not so difficult.

I'm afraid this is a wound in the heart of the whole naimuban fan group. Hashimoto is also one of the earliest top graduates of naimuban. After her, the top members of naimuban also began to graduate one by one.

Although she hasn't been in the idol business for a long time, he Yue can realize that most of the time she is very happy in this business. When she was a man, she always considered a question, what would happen if Hashimoto was not so trapped in the economy? Will she graduate soon and return to normal? Or will you continue to be an idol and enjoy the work with an ordinary heart? On the contrary, can she stay longer, accompany naimusan to the position of 17 years, or even 18 years?

Although she has had a lot of influence on the world, to tell you the truth, her influence is basically passive and unconscious. However, drawing Nanmin on the cup and using Hashimoto's image is her first initiative to seek change in the world.

"Of course, we can't use Hashimoto's image in vain. If we can't give her money, just give her 1% share." He yuedao.

1% sounds like a small number. Nishino and her colleagues all think that this figure is a casual reason for Hashimoto to to use her personal image, but he Yue knows that this figure is not a lot.

The idea of Nannan on the cup comes from he Yuechuan's "rims on the cup", which was sold in July of 2012. The rims with different shapes and expressions sold 100000 in a week, one million in half a year, and more than 12 million in 2017!

With an average price of 150 to 200 yen in the twisted egg market, the total sales of these cup rims exceed 20 billion yen!

If we can give 1% of Hashimoto's sales of 20 billion in five years, it will be 200 million yen!

Even if it is 1% of the profit, Hashimoto's income is at least ten million!

This will completely improve her financial situation and allow her to arrange her life more freely and at will.

He Yue seriously thought that if she really hates idols, she should simply follow her idea and let her graduate earlier to find a job that makes her happier. If she is still attached to idols, then let her continue to do it. At that time, she will be happier.

Compared with other people's ideas, nanamin on he Yue cup is obviously more mature and has more gimmicks. The other three people nodded and agreed to the idea of making twisted eggs with her blueprint without much consideration. At this time, the van has also arrived at the destination. After they got off the car, they found that the destination of this trip is naimuban LLC, the operating company of naimuban 46.

He Yue leads the three people into the office building, led by Nishino and Saito. They soon find the relevant person in charge, naimuban's general agent and business manager.

The next thing is simple. He Yue doesn't even ask the name of the business manager, so he gets permission to use Hashimoto's shape and name. It's not surprising that naimuban despises them. The plan they put forward seems like a child's house. Now, the business image and value of Nishino and naimuban are almost zero. It's really good to talk about it seriously You can't sell it for money.

Of course, naimusan operation company has basic business acumen. When he Yue said that he Yue would draft a contract, he Yue was also required to have only the name of Hashimoto and the right to use animation images in twisted eggs, and the maximum contract period should not exceed three years.

With these restrictions, we can basically ensure that he Yue can only use Hashimoto's image to do one thing.

The first phase of the program ends here. At the end of the program, the four of he Yue get on the bus again. In the video, their next destination is the patent application agency.Hiroda immediately opened the video of the second program. At the beginning of the program, four of he Yue had already arrived at the patent application department.

But what Guangtian and the video audience can't see is what happened on the way here.

In fact, it's only the second time for the two sides to meet. Saito Nishino is a famous introvert in naisakari. So when the camera is not shooting during the moving process, the atmosphere is quite quiet. Especially in the mobile vehicle, he Yue sits with Murayama and Nishino sits with Murayama Saito sitting together, the corridor of the van is quite like a watershed.

After the discussion with naimuban operation company, what is not shown in the edited video is that he Yue and his three did not actually get on the bus directly, but went outside to buy some takeout.

It's noon. On the van, the staff are sitting in the front, and four of he Yue are sitting in the last row of the van to eat the takeout lunch.

Eating, Nishino put down the bento box and said softly: "he Yue, you Why do you use Nannan's image as a twisted egg

"Nothing. I'll use it when I think of it." He Yue said perfunctorily.

"Yes? If so, shouldn't you think of yourself or our partners first? Why do you think of Nannan? "

"It's just a sudden thought. I really don't think so much." He Yue will never admit her idea. Of course, she also thinks that no one will believe her idea, because that idea must be based on the fact that twisted eggs will definitely make money.

But in the face of the west wild repeatedly questioned, he Yue also some strange, this girl is not know what?