The 30 minute issue of the late night variety show is usually recorded four times a day, that is, once a month. The same is true of where naimuban is. In the early morning, he Yue and his three people went directly to the studio.

Although she has met many people in naimuban in private, and Murayama has recorded programs with two members of naimuban for many times, Murayama and Matsuoka are still very nervous. He Yue doesn't care much. She is more eager to have a try.

After waiting in the lounge for a while, the 16 people who participated in the recording also came to the studio.

The three immediately stood up and said, "good morning, we are members of AKB48 who have come to work as part-time staff."

Naimuban people look at each other, Sakurai Lingxiang stood up and said: "good morning, we are here to join the time is almost the same, public debut time is also before and after, so we don't take honorifics between each other, this is our own program, so we relax, recording time don't be too nervous."

"Good!" He Yue replied.

With that, naimuban people begin to put down their belongings and make up. He Yue and his three also sit in the corner of the rest room, and the rest room is quiet for a while.

Sit for a while, see no one to answer three people, west wild seven setes came over.

He Yue can see that this action is also a struggle for her. Both she and Saito are introverted, but Nishino is older than Saito after all, so she stood up first at this time.

The girl came to sit next to Murayama and asked, "have you ever been to Tokyo?"

"No, it's our first time in the TV station." Murayama said.

Strictly speaking, it's not the first time for them to play in TV, because the selected news has been on the news programs of major TV stations, where there are pictures of them, but it's absolutely the first time to shoot here.

At this time, see the west wild came, Saito bird also slowly came, she was reading in the corner, but he Yue saw her twice, the girl finally came.

Saito bird with his trademark smile said: "he Yue, what are you looking at! I can't even concentrate on reading! "

They all know he Yue's love for Saito bird. Six years later, as a team ace, Saito bird will surely have quite a lot of people who like to worship, but now the little bird is still a very common person in the team. He Yue's love for everyone doesn't have any special purpose.

And Saito Feiniao and he Yueda expressed their special love for her from the first time they met, which surprised her and made her happy. After a period of contact, especially after the communication during the recording period, they gradually became familiar with each other. Although they haven't really made friends, at least such jokes are normal.

"What books to read?" He Yue asked.

"It's the novel nanain recommended to me, ah, nanain!" Saito suddenly remembers that he Yue hasn't said hello to Hashimoto, and runs to pull the girl with short hair over.

Hashimoto also seems to want to say hello, ready for a long time, came after the way: "Hello, I am Hashimoto Naiwei."

"Meet me!" After he Yue saw Hashimoto, she also thought of something. She took out a big bag of things from her carry on luggage.

"It's just you."

With that, he Yue opened the gift in his hand.

"Wow, that's great!" In front of Hashimoto, there are a lot of "nanamin on the cup".

"Wow! How lovely He Yue's action, let the other girls around naimuban come together.

"There are thirty-five in all, one for each, and there are others with soy sauce." He Yue's comments on Songgang cuisine.

"So do I?" Songgang vegetable picking is full of surprises.

"Great, I want it when I watch the show!"

"One for each! Don't rob them The girls came together and quickly separated the twisted eggs.

"Is that ok?" He Yue asked Hashimoto around him.

"Of course, it's yours. It's just using my image, not to mention comic books." Hashimoto himself broke off the twisted egg, and a small Nannan fell out of it.

"It's lovely. I love it!" The girl's quiet voice can't hear much joy, but he Yue knows that it's already a very exposed emotion for her.

"By the way, when do banana people usually come to the studio? Do you go to say hello?" He Yue asked.

"You can go and have a look. If they are there, there will be agents outside. We did say hello every time at the beginning of the program, but we said we didn't need to go every time. Since you are here for the first time, it's better to say hello in the past." Hashimoto said.

"Well, let's go now!" He Yue stood up and said.

They went out of the lounge and found the agent who came with them this time. Under the guidance of the staff, they found banana man's lounge.As expected, the agent was standing outside. After communicating with him, he Yue knocked on the door of the rest room.

"Come in, please The sound inside is not surprising. The studio is not a good place for sound insulation. The sound they speak to their agents outside must be clearly heard inside.

He Yue pushes the door in and banana people have already stood up.

In 2012, they were much thinner than they were 18 years ago. They also had a little bit of the spirit of their youth. They were not as kind as Buddha after six or seven years.

"We are members of AKB who are also in naimuban this time..." He Yue and the others introduced themselves one by one. Banana and Sakurai said again that they were similar to Sakurai before. After they wanted to relax, they retired from the lounge.

At this time, the studio is almost ready, and the recording will begin soon.

The live director came up to the three and said, "today is the recording of the fourth issue. Your part is in the second issue. It happens that you haven't been involved in the shooting of the program before, have you? Then study on the side first, but don't walk around, or you may get in the way of the camera. "


Three people answered, according to the arrangement of the staff came to the camera outside a place that does not hinder the movement of the staff.

At this time, the members of naimuban and the two MCS in the shed were already in place. The staff were nervously adjusting the makeup and seats of the members.

He Yue observed the surrounding environment and found a lot of kitchen utensils and ingredients in a corner outside the main shooting area. It seems that the first issue of today's shooting is about cooking. (there is a difference between the content arrangement of dog fighting in novels and in reality)

the content arrangement of dog fighting in novels is different from that in reality