He Yue has talked with Qiu Yuankang about T4 before, but when talking back, I'm afraid no one will take what he Yue said seriously except Qiu Yuankang. Qiu Yuankang himself is also a genius, so he will pay more attention to he Yue's ideas.

She also didn't like to keep a low profile. She organized a speech and said, "now, to sum up, the main problem of T4 is that the team style is not clear, the characteristics are not enough, people lack the motivation to pursue, and the team a, K and B may be short of staff in the future, which makes it difficult to carry out the public performance.

I think it should take some time to solve the problem of T4. In this aspect, I have told Mr. Qiu yuan before that on the surface, there seems to be a big difference in style among the members of the four teams. For example, Shimada Qingxiang seems to be a perfect match for team K. but with respect to my directness, I think that although Mr. Shimada adapts to group K, he can't be a top member of the team.

In fact, the four teams are a very complete team, because there are different types of popularity potential. However, if the four teams are expanded, only a limited number of one or two members may succeed in the end.

In the eyes of adults, team 4 may not be able to form its own characteristics, but for the members of team 4, they have formed a sense of belonging. As a member, I am very clear that the three teams of AKB are all based on the same period, forming their unique temperament. Now T4 is on the way of their predecessors. If they are easily separated, they may not be able to fully integrate into their team in the future 。”

What he Yue said is the fact that the members of the four teams, especially the ninth generation students, joined three teams after the team was broken up. But from the beginning to the end, what made them feel closest to each other was always the same generation. This is just like the relationship between the 13th generation and guangzongxun. They may work together, but their predecessors and descendants can never be as close as the same generation.

"The achievements of a team are of course very important, but the future is just as important as the potential and the comfort and happiness of the members. The behavior of adults for business purposes may eventually be resisted by the members intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes they may not pay attention to these resistances. I hope the seniors can understand this."

"Of course, we know the team atmosphere is very important, but now the situation has been delayed, we always have to do something." Someone said to he Yue.

"She has mentioned this to me before. He Yue means to let the members of team 4 try to develop variety show." Qiu Yuankang said.

"Variety show? Can they do it? "

Variety shows also need talent. On the whole, there are two kinds of variety shows. One is to get topicality through personal roles, such as salt from Shimazaki, chubby from Chuanrong, lemon from shikawa Meizhi, and so on. These T4 members have distinct characteristics, but on the other hand, the most critical and Central person in variety shows doesn't want this kind of ability It's the ability to talk.

To put it bluntly, it's a power like that of Yanai.

"They have a certain variety ability, but the whole team lacks the core members with talk ability. It's them. No, it's the permanent injury of female idol group. How do you want to solve this problem?"

To this question, he Yue said, "if we don't solve it, we don't need to solve it at all."

"Not solved?"

"Do you know the average age of MC in the variety shows of the five popular TV stations plus NHK and the six TV stations?" He Yue asked.

"Hungry..." When people look at each other, they don't know such data, but we all know that they are not too young.

He Yue said: "I'm not sure about the specific age, but I know that this data will definitely exceed 45 years old. Coupled with the male dominated status of MC in the entertainment industry, it can be said that MC is basically uncle's work. The women who can really do MC in the golden stalls are a few very old women, such as Akiko HOTA, yakubo, and so on, while the young top MC has its own advantages in this era There's only one, Becky. "

"So, we don't need to think about MC at all. We just need to find an MC for them." He yuedao.

"So what do you mean?"

"Do you remember AKB48 + 10 when group B was just founded around 2007? If you can find a suitable MC for the variety show with group B and three students as the main body, it's really good to cultivate them like that. " He yuedao.

Qiu Yuankang then asked, "as you said before, let the elder lead them?"

He Yue said: "that doesn't conflict with finding MC, but I don't have much to mention in terms of candidates. After all, it needs a lot of consideration."

Some people said at this time: "the top members of the first three periods are unlikely to be the leaders of the new team, and T4 has been established for some time, so it is not suitable to send anyone in the past..."

Indeed, sending someone to be a captain in the past may not convince the members, or even make them more resistant.

There is humanity: "at this stage, the only qualified member who is not too busy may be Kaan Nan."

He Yue takes a look at the speaker, who is next to zhizhiye. It seems that he is from zhizhiye, zhixingtaro's department.Then she bowed her head and didn't say what she thought.

To be honest in his heart, he Yue thinks that he an Nan is a member with hidden dangers.

She is likely to be assigned to group B in the case of the giant egg Pavilion. In January next year, she had an affair and shaved her head. In February next year, cypress also went to Wenchun because of her friendship. Later, she was demoted to graduate school. Then, the members who had a good relationship with her during that time, shinko Kota, Weiji Nishino, Lianghua Oshima, and Nanna Daiwa It's not that Wen Chun can't catch other gossip except her, but the way she has gone through has affected many people intentionally or unintentionally.

It's your own business to degenerate yourself. No matter how fat, flop or whatever, I don't care about you until I don't push you. However, you have influenced so many good children. He Yue thinks this is the most irritating thing.

Whether it's group B or T4, he Yue doesn't want her to go. If she can, just send her to Mexico.

But she can't say that. She's a super senior, not to mention that she's only a graduate student now. Even if she becomes a management in the future, it's difficult for her to directly ask her to leave because of her status.

And she, of course, will not leave. As a senior, she knows that her talent and ability are not good, so she has no desire. If she can, she would rather stay in her comfort zone forever.

As for the discussion of T4, it is not effective to discuss it once or twice. The formation of the cabinet of the first three groups also needs to be discussed. In this regard, the most important issue in the operation is Ma you Watanabe.