"So do you want to build your own website and do idol based programs? I watched your show on youtube and it was really good. " Suzuki.

"Yes, but I'm also worried. I'm very interested in making programs. I'm also worried about starting a company. It's a headache... "

"Aren't you good at that?"

"Well, I'm not really a genius. You can see that at most I preview and do it earlier, so I'll do what I'm interested in very seriously, but these things I really don't want to He yuedao.

"Then if you don't want to do it, why don't I do it for you?"

"You? Really? "

"Is that why you show me these?" Suzuki's smile is so smart that she can easily bear the word "genius". Of course, she can see that he Yue doesn't show the same level of talent ability as her, and she is not interested in the commercial content in front of her. But at the same time, she also realizes that he Yue really likes variety shows and idols, and she is really capable in this aspect.

And she is interested in this aspect, otherwise she will not choose the major of business law in the future university. For her genius, English and law can be said to be proficient at any time. The real difficulty is top business or top science. She has no interest in science, so she will definitely contact with it in the future These, now happened to be in he Yue's side, with such an opportunity, so she has no mustard to he Yue's little mind.

Although they have received the information from he Yue, there is still quite a long time to go before they can take action. In this respect, they both have the character of planning and then moving. Once they start to do it, they should directly pull up the whole company with the operation system instead of putting the company there first and then thinking about how to do it.

Suzuki's help is a great help to he Yue. Without Suzuki, she is too busy to be an idol on weekends and do business while going to school.

In September, after studying, he Yue takes care of the idol's work. In addition to the idol's daily performance and shooting, occasionally other jobs come into the schedule, such as the photography study that has not been put down.

After watching Makiko Kata's photo album shooting in Okinawa last time, she had the opportunity to participate in the shooting of several idols or artists, and she learned more and more photographers. The AKB and XX program group really cared for her, recording her whole process of learning photography. Until recently, she finally got the nod of the photography teachers, It is expected that the next time I have the chance to pick up the camera, I will probably be the main photographer to provide photos for the magazine.

In fact, this is quite rare, because the magazines she will provide photos are expected to be men's magazines, among which many girls wear very little, which is similar to Xiao huangben's works. Such magazines are originally a small number of female photographers. In addition to he Yue's idol status, the final compromise result is that, let alone later, at least he Yue's participation in shooting in these magazines Rong must give it to the operation audit. If it is really inappropriate, he Yue will be asked to appear in the position of the magazine photographer with a less prominent name.

Just a week before the boxing guessing conference, he Yue finally had a chance to perform in public.

The birthday is usually the most important day of the year for the career of selling idols.

Wine girls, cowherd and so on, usually have the highest turnover in a year on their birthday, and the idols are similar. Although there is no showroom yet, fans will not lose their hearts to the idols of taboo. Before and after their birthday, idols can receive a large number of fan letters, gifts, handshakes, and the number of participants will also be around the birthday It's going up section by section, and so is the surrounding sales.

He Yue, the soul of a straight man, does not care about his birthday, but the people around him do.

Her real birthday is in late August. However, during that time, the whole AKB group was extremely busy. The Tokyo Dome involved everyone's energy. Her birthday as a little graduate student could not be held at the scene as big as the dome, so everyone ignored it.

It was not until the end of the Tokyo Dome that he Yue's birthday and birthday performances were finally put on the agenda.

The day of the birthday performance was Saturday, and he Yue came to the theater early in the morning.

Today, there will be three public performances, which are noon, afternoon and evening. Afternoon and evening are the public performances of the official team, and the one at noon is the public performance of graduate students.

As far as operation is concerned, theater performance has always been in a state of loss. The rehearsal of the idol itself, the rent of Akihabara theater, and even the electricity charges in the theater, even the lighting and sound equipment for each theater, are all rented out.

If the theater can be closed, it will reduce the investment for the operation, but it can not be closed. Compared with one public performance a day on weekdays, three public performances a day on weekends can maintain a general balance of revenue and expenditure. With the use of many equipment and venues, the price of one public performance on weekdays is similar to that of three public performances a day on weekends.This afternoon and evening are the performances of group A, and today Qiantian Dunzi rarely has time to come back to participate in the performances. However, the postgraduates' performances at noon are relatively less popular. It's just a Postgraduates' birthday performance. Although he Yue is very tossing, there is still a long way to go before AKB fans accept her.

Although there is no support from most mainstream AKB fans, it is relatively easy for he Yue to fill an AKB theater at this time. In the early morning, fans outside the theater on the eighth floor of tangjikod began to gather. What's different from the past is that there are many more Yingyan voices in today's fans.

Less than a year after joining AKB, he Yue has shown a very different side from her members, so the people who like her have become different from her girls. Now she is like an artist of baozhongge opera company mixed into AKB, with a large number of female fans. These fans may not be interested in AKB and other girl idols, but now they come to the show one after another Field, chasing the figure of he Yue.

Of course, the ratio of female fans outside can't match the number of members in the theater. Because today is three performances and two lineups, the graduate students came to the theater early in the morning. In addition, some members of group A also came. Although the number is much more than in the past, he Yue has seen the annual performances, and compared with the members of group A The first thing to do later is the graduate public performance, so the members of group A are very sensible, and they don't hinder the younger generation on this side of the stage. Most of the members of group a hide in the lounge, waiting for the graduate public performance to end.