Although he Yue made such a promise before the public performance, the reaction of T4 members in the public performance was still very subtle. The interaction between the girls and he Yue was very little, and if it was not necessary, she would never throw the topic to her. You know, he Yue's MC in the public performance was very good. Under normal circumstances, members like to throw the topic to her, because she can always make good decisions Good response.

At this time, he Yue is somewhat grateful for Qiu Yuankang's decision to let he Yue take over the T4 public performance. The strange state of T4 and he Yue in the public performance will surely be noticed by fans, but they will only think that T4 still cares about he Yue making their public performance when they don't know the truth.

For he Yue herself, what makes her more curious about the photos and rumors is, who is the source of this?

Looking at the picture, it is obvious that this picture is what happened in the theater the day before the boxing guessing meeting. On that day, she and Murayama got together for various reasons, resulting in the picture in the picture. At that time, there were no other people in the rest room except them. To say, the only one who knew their condition on that day, except two people, was Qiantian who suddenly broke into

Could it be from her? Impossible?

Was Maeda holding a cell phone that day? He Yue has forgotten, but even if she holds her mobile phone, he Yue doesn't think she will spread such rumors and photos.

Shortly after the public performance, Maeda made a special plea, saying that he had never disclosed the incident or the news of taking photos. However, he Yue felt a strange breath when he got the news from Maeda.

Ah, sauce is so busy that she doesn't even have much time to go to bed every day. It's a rare public performance. She doesn't have time or interest to pay attention to the love affair between the two young graduate students in private. People around her are not interested in mentioning this kind of thing to her. Who let Maeda know about it? Did she see it in the related groups of members' mobile phones or something?

The key is not whether Maeda knows it or not, but that even Maeda knows it, which is enough to show that there is someone behind it promoting the development of things!

He Yue edited the message and told Maeda that she believed in each other. Then she thought about it and sent a message to Murayama.

"Although the rumor seems very big and lively, it's nothing at all. Don't mind too much. If we don't mind, the rumor will soon go down."

He Yue's decision soon had an effect. At first sight, it seems really big, because people can easily associate with the real purpose of he Yue's joining AKB. If he Yue anxiously denies it, it will only make people feel guilty. But when she and Murayama don't mind and mention it in a joking or even derisive manner, people will calm down And then think about it. Between girls Even if I do, is that exaggeration?

Women's idol groups, which can't engage in some CP, especially AKB has many songs that describe the relevant content, some of them even have a direct marriage on the stage, so what happened between he Yue and Murayama may be ambiguous, but in fact, there is still a long way to go from everyone's so-called bottom line!

So the voice of doubt soon fell down again, and the crisis between he Yue and Murayama seems to have passed.

AKB is calm again, and Murayama Maeda and other participants are finally relieved. A little different is he Yue. She comforts AKB and Murayama and others. She begins to look at the details of the incident and recall the news stories about AKB group that have not happened yet.

Among all these details, what he Yue pays most attention to is how the photo was taken?

Since it's not Maeda, nor she and Murayama, and there is no one in the rest room, who did it all?

After getting the photos, what is the purpose of promoting the rumor? That's the key part of the whole thing.

He Yue thinks that they shouldn't be involved in this matter. She should also look like "it's too good. The matter is over". But in private, she must study it carefully.

Because she made up her mind to deal with it in private, he Yue began to devote herself to her work again. Her main work after the boxing guessing conference was, of course, the public performance of T4.

Although she just announced that she was too proud to accept anything that day, in fact, there were 10000 people in her heart who wanted this job.

Think about it carefully, if you can, I'm afraid there is no 48 fan who doesn't want to create a public performance of his own?

All the songs in the public performance are what you like, and all the members can arrange according to their own wishes. When arranging such a public performance song, he Yue has only one feeling, that is, harpy! Although the members of the public performance are limited to team 4 members, he Yue is still very happy with the arrangement. It feels like It's a little bit like playing civilization six, but it's much more real than the game.

He Yue spent a week screening the song list for his team 4 public performance. After the screening, she took it to the T4 members to practice. Of course, he Yue participated in it, and together with Sato, she gave the members a heart, so that they would no longer resist he Yue and seriously practice the public performance repertoire.Then, after more than a month of practice, by the middle of October, the new public performance of T4 was finally finished.

On October 17, the new public performances of groups a, K and B have already been performed. After the first day performance, the public performance of T4 will finally come to an end.

At 5 p.m., the fans came in, and backstage, he Yue also stood with the members of T4.

"Today, we have worked hard for more than a month. I believe it will definitely be a successful public performance. I can see all the hard work and efforts we have made in the past month. Now, it's time for us to get something in return."

The members also nodded, and some girls even had tears in their eyes. They looked at he Yue, and their eyes were totally different from the night of Tokyo Dome more than a month ago.

"Well Let's go He Yue roared.

"We're on it!" The girls cried out.

Around them, there are several cameras recording together, some of which are from major TV stations, some of which operate themselves, some of which will be used for documentaries in the future, and even two of which are from TBS TV stations.

Among them, the two TBS cameras are the most important, because according to the plan, the TBS pay channel will broadcast the documentary about team4 and he Yue in the late night next week after today's public performance!

This is the relationship between he Yue and Qiu Yuankang based on the previous "Yan Zhi sports club". It is a very important stroke of her T4 variety direction!