"What, Sasaki! I don't know her at all! I can't say I don't know her, but I haven't talked to her at all! He Yue, I'll beat you like this! " Watanabe denies that it's funny.

No one takes he Yue's words seriously, such as Watanabe and Sasaki. Now there are no rumors about him. No one believes that he Yue, a little graduate student of AKB, can know the secret of the star circle. In the question and answer just now, everyone thinks he Yue is making a malicious joke.

As for a few years later, Watanabe Jianzhen will catch up with Sasaki, two people will get married and have children? Now no one dares to think so. After all, there is a gap between the two people's ages, and Sasaki is the goddess that many people dream of.

After the burst of laughter, goto and Dongye once again praised he Yue, and even the guests in the front row praised him repeatedly. Different from the praise of funny artists, there was a little bit of envy in their praise, because they knew that it was not easy to say interesting things on TV programs, and they might do it all their lives It's not like he Yue.

This is not inferior to he Yue's learning ability and sports ability.

The program continues to follow the script. He Yue looks at the time. The one hour program has been recorded for about an hour and a half. If you recall the process, it is estimated that the recording will end in another half hour.

In this half an hour, will houteng throw the stem again?

On the surface, he Yue doesn't seem to care too much, and the artists are also carrying out the established process. Only the live audience and the audience in front of the TV when the program is broadcast will think of it from time to time, expecting he Yue to bully him again.

Finally, at the end of the game, the opportunity finally came.

In the process of the program, Miyazaki asked four lawyers on the other side of the studio a legal question. After all the four lawyers had answered, goto suddenly looked at Watanabe: "Watanabe is also a lawyer, right? Can you express your views on the question just now

"It's coming, it's coming!" Everyone sat up straight, looking forward to he Yue's last performance!

"Why am I a lawyer again! How many times... " Watanabe's face was denied again.

Gong Li: "it's really profitable to be a lawyer, isn't it?"

Yes, that's it. Follow the process. Next, Dongye!

"Do lawyers really go to the scene to investigate cases in movies and TV plays?"

"Really, I'm not a lawyer! I haven't even read the complete book of six methods! "

Well, the process is over, and the time is coming! The cameramen seemed to understand the audience's psychology very well. The previous shots were very clean. Finally, they came to the end, but they seemed to sell it deliberately. The camera slightly circled half a circle, as if they were saying with the picture: "next, let's invite he Yue to finish this last time we pretend to be stupid!" It's the same.

Everyone is waiting for he Yue's off-line problem! So now, let's see he Yue, you can say god horse!

Finally, the picture was hit on he Yue's face!


She's digging her nose! Good digging! After digging, I smell my fingers!!!

A national idol! On Sunday's golden variety show! All in the hall! Dig your nose!!!!

I do not know how many people are drinking water in this moment to spray out the water! A burst of laughter followed in front of all the televisions.

The whole studio also exploded in an instant. Auntie tosano and guriko beside he Yue certainly knew that he Yue was doing this, but they didn't react according to what happened around them at the moment. Instead, they switched the camera on the live monitor, which was very similar to the content broadcast on TV, so we can all realize that when the picture was switched to he Yue, we could not see it The impact of her nose digging!

The first, second and third paragraphs of the whole show are all made by he Yue. Each one is very interesting. Under repeated superposition, it's like the bowstring of a bow is constantly being tightened. The atmosphere has been pushed to the highest point. Normally, the answer at this time must be more interesting than the previous three times, or just like he Yue , not only directly pull the bow string, but also let yourself fall, so as to get the biggest laugh and the best program effect!

's laughter is accompanied by what Tucao and other funny artists make complaints about: "what ghosts!" Is the child really 15 years old!? When I was 30 years old, I couldn't make such a good match in front of the camera! "

At this time, the program finally came to the end.

With the shouts of the live ad, the recording ended and everyone relaxed.

During the normal recording of the film, Toyo had already removed his microphone and was ready to leave. He had always been in the habit of not staying at the shooting site, but today he did not leave immediately. Like goto and others, he had a great interest in Ho Yue.

TV people have different ideas from ordinary people. He Yue's basketball ability and learning ability are very valuable. She is very popular in the basketball circle or among high school students. Otherwise, she would not choose a high school with RB as she would choose a high school. But having these abilities does not mean she has the ability of TV. The famous one hair house artist is Xiaodao Yixiong also graduated from Waseda. As a result, he didn't perform well on TV except for his only popular jokes.We didn't expect he Yue to have any wonderful performance on the show. He was just a little idol. His performance on pop dad a few days ago has been very strong. Can he still play well this time?

But he Yue did.

The first two throwing stems were well received, and the third one came to her hand. The unexpected response not only failed to cool off, but detonated the whole studio. What's more, anyone can see that her practice in the third paragraph is obviously intentional rather than really forgotten. If it is really forgotten, it is a coincidence. Although the effect is still very good, it won't make people feel it Precious, can deliberately do so, it means that in the future she can achieve similar effects, such ability, on a 15-year-old child's body, it is absolutely valuable!

"He Yue, it seems that AKB can sign members to other companies? Would you like to come to gibbon Dongye and houteng came together and asked.

He Yue smiles in his heart, gibbon? She would rather go to Janice than to gibbon. This funny company in Osaka is a standard blood sucking company. It shares 9:1 with newcomers, 90% of the company and 10% of the artists. Although gibbon has very powerful resources, most of those resources are aimed at funny artists.

Taida, who had invited her before, had a 3:7 share with the artists. Moreover, it was artist 7, company 3, and he Yue of Taitian didn't agree. Gibbon wouldn't agree.
