The final part of the whole MC or short play is the "quarrel farce" like the ostrich club. Surrounded by T4, he Yue finally changed into a T4 costume.

"Welcome to the wonderful T4 public performance" Palos, set sail "!"

When MC is over, he Yue and T4 members walk off the stage. After dressing, the members begin to sing songs, and T4 members clap high five with her.

In the process of her participation in the rehearsal of the girls' public performance, during the daily rest and meal time, we talked about the topic of variety show more than once, especially when she took part in several famous variety shows and performed well.

He Yue takes advantage of this curiosity. In her speech, she never regards variety show as a worse choice than actors and singers. Instead, she uses various ways to improve T4 members' liking for variety show. Although T4 girls know that he Yue wants them to take the variety show route, limited by their age, they can't be like Qiu Yuankang and other old foxes. He Yue can learn from it with a word or even half Read out the meaning or purpose behind her, so a group of girls are gradually influenced by he Yue. Although they are not completely inclined to variety show, at least they are no longer resistant to taking the initiative to do program effects and do variety show reactions.

He Yue's main knowledge for popular science is that variety show does not mean that the popularity of variety show will be reduced, otherwise the popularity of Yanai will not be so severe. First of all, you need to consider your own reasons to reduce the popularity. What hurts the popularity is the superficial variety show that completely ignores your personal image and even your personality. Never mind the

's nearly ten minutes of MC content, various anecdotes, make complaints about the arrangement, T4 girls are far from perfect, but it doesn't matter. This is a good start. Ho Yue didn't want to take T4 with her ability to take the road of variety show. Their future will be shown on TV.

The third day and the fourth day passed in a flash. At the end of the fourth day, T4's "run penguin" got the RH champion this year. The girls on the stage hugged and wept. He Yue then got under the stage and recorded their moment with a camera.

On the evening of rh100 final day, he Yue's first video "where is naimuban" after entering 2013 was also broadcast.

As a matter of fact, the broadcasting sequence of "where is naimuban" recorded for the first time was not the sequence of that day's recording. There were four episodes recorded in that day's recording. He Yue's feminine side was the first two episodes, and the last episode of that day was five releases. However, in the broadcasting sequence, five releases were broadcast soon after the end of that day's recording.

Slightly different from he Yue's previous life, there was a slight change in the selection group of 5 singles. ITO Ningning, who was supposed to have been selected for the first time in this single, failed to enter the selection. The person who replaced her was Zhongyuan Riya fragrance.

The little girl is also crying with joy. In history, she has only entered the selection of 7 singles, 15 singles and 16 singles. This time, it has something to do with the butterfly he Yue.

As AKB's closest operator to naimuban, the last time I met Qiu Yuankang, fat man also asked her about naimuban's members and the new single. At that time, he Yue casually said that Zhongyuan riyaxiang was a hardworking and serious child.

In fact, she didn't give a brief account of the girl's entry into the selection group, but for the existence of Qiu Yuankang, it's just a matter of casual words to put forward to let someone on the edge of selection enter the selection. Maybe it's because he Yue reversed his idea, and he pushed the boat along the river to let Zhongyuan instead of ITO enter the selection.

Anyway, in the eyes of qiuyuankang and even its operators, whatever Zhongyuan or ITO got was just the edge of the selection group, which was originally used to rotate UG into the selection position.

He Yue is also happy for the girl, but instead of congratulating her, she comes to Shengju.

5 single is the last single of the center in the early stage of foal's birth, which is also the most stressful period for her. In addition, this single zhongsaiteng bird also failed again after the second selection. After the selection was published, the video of the day ended. Compared with the previous recording of laughter, the atmosphere of the studio at this time was terrible.

Those who are selected for the single selection are happy, but they are more lost. Not only will they be lost in the selection, but the change of position will also make them feel depressed. Going to the back row will make them disappointed, but coming to the front row but not center will make them feel worse. Even the center position will be depressed because they are always center and bear great pressure, so the video is over Later, he Yue ran over to talk with Shengju.

The girl who became a center didn't have much happy emotion on her face. Around her, her selection group communicated with each other, and she was the only one sitting in the center and silent.

In fact, the girls in naimuban usually have a good relationship, but no matter how good the relationship is, there will always be some subtleties at such a time. He Yue goes over and pats the girl on the shoulder.

"Five single continuous centers, hard work."

Shengju looks up at he Yue, with a complicated look on his face, only a little happy, a little pain and loneliness, and the surprise of seeing he Yue.She didn't expect that he Yue, who had never been in the single selection, came to say hello to her first.

Seeing that the people around didn't notice them, he Yue leaned over to the girl's ear and said in a voice only heard by two people, "I know some inside information. Do you want to hear it?"

Shengju looks at he Yue in surprise, and then remembers that compared with these members, he Yue has always expressed her interest in the operation of the idol group and participated in it. She says that she has inside information, which is most likely true.

"The location and experience of center will become a very precious memory in your life. Maybe you feel more painful to be a center now, but I think it will be more happy to recall these days after four or five years, so Just enjoy it as much as you can. " With that, he Yue patted the girl on the shoulder again and ran to the same lost bird.

It's much easier to make the little bird happy than it is to know a lot when facing the foal, but it's only a side attack. He Yue doesn't even have to say anything. She just stares at her for a few seconds, and the little girl can't help laughing.

Tears blurred smile, the girl reached out to hit he Yue twice.

"What's the matter? You're so annoying. Go to find him! She's in the selection! Why come here! Go away! I hate you most! And if you can't get into the selection, aren't you a little disappointed? "


PS, um Don't reward with IOS A lot of them are taken away by Apple Last month, we had more than 3K rewards for our hard work, but today, as soon as the data comes out, we can get more than 1K rewards Of course, no matter what you used before, I would like to thank you very much. Your existence is that this book could not be signed at the beginning, but now the only reason that Muyou can promote it is that it can persist
