The live staff of "men and women's picket team" shouts out the signal of the end of shooting, and the artists finally relax.

He Yue immediately went to the artists in the back row to apologize. In fact, all the artists were very happy. Even if he Yue didn't apologize, it's OK. However, according to her understanding of Japanese variety show, she had to apologize at this time. It's necessary to say something in the past at this time.

It's polite. Unless she gets into the intimate relationship between takeyama and Yamazaki in the future, an apology is always needed.

Of course, the artists present are also quite tolerant of he Yue, not only tolerant, but more praise.

He Yue's ability is very good, this time's performance is also quite good, and the producers are nodding.

Mr. Chao Cang D said to the nearby cadillon San: "originally, I was very worried. The child's ranking was very strange. I was worried that she deliberately won the position. If she did, she would be able to catch her loophole with the level of these funny artists."

In the variety show, he Yue and these funny artists can be said to be rivals. Once he Yue's remarks are found to be wrong, these people will not have any pity. They will come together like bloodthirsty sharks, directly smash he Yue, and use her flesh and blood as a tool to win jokes.

If he Yue hears these two people's words, she will sneer. She also has her own understanding of the virtue of funny artists.

This group of funny artists, speaking from the bottom of their heart, are against the idols they hate.

All over Japan, there are so many funny artists who come up from the bottom step by step. The small theater helps to sell tickets and work, drives and walks dogs for the seniors, and finally climbs up a little bit. They do the most unruly variety show on pay TV station, do six or seven business performances a day, and even take on private work secretly, playing in front of the gangster boss who scares me to death Their own unruly jokes, while they were off stage, they were sweating one layer after another on their backs

No business is easy, and funny artists bring laughter to people, at the same time, there are also many scars behind them.

For example, Youji was popular in Japan as soon as he started his career. However, he was short of accumulation and soon fell into the altar. He didn't work for a whole decade. That decade was his best youth, but he could only watch TV in his own nest every day and scolded those who could be on TV.

This kind of him, by all means, finally climbed up from hell, step by step in the variety show, and finally came to the point where he is now popular all over Japan. Who does he hate most? He won't hate those opponents who are also funny artists, because it's not easy for each of these people. What he hates is definitely those idols who can be on TV without doing anything, and who can win the camera by laughing casually.

These idols are not singers, have no good music, and are not actors. Their acting skills are embarrassing to death, but they can get on so many variety shows that he couldn't even dream of getting on in those years. They also have the appearance that I can't be an actor or a model, so I have to go back and become a "variety show" player. I'm afraid it's disgusting to him, right?

Of course, dislike is dislike. These comedians will never show any dislike in their performance, because they certainly know that any place needs a complete ecology to go on. It's not good for all idols and all comedians. Therefore, no matter idols, comedians or singers, they all have the meaning of their existence .

And Another point is that no matter how annoying an idol is, he is also a man. It is undeniable that an idol is really good-looking. No matter how annoying it is, it still needs these idols to "nourish the eyes".

He Yue thinks that for these funny artists, her presence may complicate their emotions.

On the one hand, he Yue's existence makes them feel cordial, because he is an idol who only works hard in the direction of variety show from his debut, and his personal ability is also quite outstanding. In their opinion, he Yue is more inclined to make fun of artists than to say that he Yue is an idol, but he doesn't make short plays or make talent.

It's also true that there are no funny artists who don't do short plays or make talent. For example, Youji has almost no such thing now.

On the other hand, they must also be very afraid of he Yue. The entertainment industry says big or small. The five major TV stations plus NHK, and the golden stalls of these six TV stations every week are the most tragic war zones, and these time will not be fully allocated to variety shows.

Political news, TV series, music groups, documentaries Apart from the rest of the variety shows, any artist who can enter this period is the top in Japan. In such a variety show, there are different types of funny artists, idols, actors, singers, athletes, social critics, lawyers, doctors in different industries Everyone is an opponent!

What's the future of a 16-year-old girl idol with such talent?

Or to put it another way, most of them have to be 30 years old to make achievements. 40 years old is the golden age of funny artists. What were they doing when they were 16 years old? To the idols on TV, playing mud in the countryside!

and he Yue's sixteen years old, but they can make complaints about them on TV.He Yue, who knows how these funny artists think of their idols in private, will never give these people any chance to seize their weaknesses, nor reveal any weakness or shyness.

While he Yue was recording several variety shows, AKB and naimuban were doing their work step by step.

In September, AKB's first draft conference also entered the implementation stage.

A review started on August 12, and by September 3, when the review ended, the girls' applications began to be reviewed.

At the strong request of he Yue, she finally participated in the draft.

Originally, according to the idea of operation, it was very difficult for he Yue to participate in these activities.

Although she cooperated with Qiu Yuankang to drive away one of the top three shareholders of the company, and although she expressed interest in idol planning and production from the very beginning, the selection of members is the most important activity of the company, and he Yue's qualification is still too weak.

The original plan of aks is to let Qiu Yuankang hide from he Yue recently. As long as Qiu Yuankang is not caught by he Yue, he Yue has no choice but to take the following people.

However, in September 2013, it was a particularly critical and delicate time. He Yue only threw out one thing, which forced aks to find Qiu Yuankang.

Because she will be in the League for two years, and on the side of aks, every contract signing is also two years!

"Hide from me? Then I'll graduate! " He Yue with practical action, to Qiu Yuankang issued such a threat.
