He Yue estimates that when "all the people are running away" is broadcast, there will be such a picture. He Yue swish away, followed by the hunter, and then followed by the photographer carrying the camera. He ran a few steps, and the photographer stopped to hold his knee, panting and chanting: "what the devil, that's, how can she run so fast?"

After getting rid of the hunter, he Yue went around in a circle and met Shengtian at the appointed place.

And there, followed by the photographer of Shengtian, as well as his own photographer who had heard about the meeting place before.

"He Yue!" Shengtian is scared to death. The hunter runs so fast and fiercely. She thinks that even he Yue can't escape. Now when she finally sees her coming back, the girl is excited and almost jumps on he Yue.

"I said they couldn't run away from me, did they? Like me He Yue took the girl to continue a new round of evasion.

The highlight of the program is that the program itself has a plot. During the program, the plot has been advancing, and new events and new characters have been added. In order to express themselves more, he Yue and Shengtian are also fully involved in the plot and have made outstanding contributions.

Time soon came to the last 20 minutes, and the number of hunters in the field had increased to eight. He Yue and Shengtian watched nervously and dodged. At this time, there were only seven people left in the original 20 odd artist lineup.

Not only that, but soon the cell phones on their arms rang at the same time.

A short message flashed across the screen of the smartphone, and two more people were caught by the hunter and exited the game.

Today, there are more hunters than there are participants.

Of course, this is not without benefits. In the huge Fuji paradise, only five artists are inconspicuous.

If this is a real shot, and there is no cheating game, he Yue and Shengtian will simply find a corner to hide until the end of the game.

But according to he Yue's estimation, in the case of constant surveillance, and even the real-time pictures of the cameras around her may be transmitted to the live director, she thinks it is useless to hide. She must move all the time to make the live director unable to grasp her specific position.

Although this will increase the risk of being seen and chased by many hunters, she has run away from the hunter twice so far. He Yue doesn't mind running from the hunter again.

With Shengtian, two people along the high path, while controlling the best line of sight angle area, while constantly walking.

Suddenly, Shengtian came over and patted her on the shoulder nervously. The girl's voice trembled: "that Over there! Here we are

He YueShun looked at her hand and found that a hunter in black with glasses was coming towards them.

And, not one, but two!

It seems that the director group is also quite angry at he Yue's repeated escape from the hunters. This time, they directly let the two hunters come together!

"Go! From there He Yue and Shengtian set foot on the road of escape again. In their area, their sight is very good, but there are many ways to retreat. In the face of two people's search, they have enough way to retreat and leave their present position.

The two cameras also bent down to leave with them, but just staggering the two hunters, Shengtian nervously took a picture of he Yue behind. It turned out that on the way Anren had planned to leave, another hunter came!

"What to do!? We're dead! Why did three people come after us? " Shengtian's voice was trembling.

"Don't worry! chill! Before I observed, there is another way He Yue pulls Shengtian and hides to the other side, but she actually lies. There is no way for her to take Shengtian to the corner. There is only a small space for her to hide.

"Wait here, I'll be right back!" He Yue pushed Shengtian to the corner as the middle road.

"Well? He Yue?! What are you going to do? " Shengtian finally realized what he Yue was going to do.

"It doesn't matter! Don't worry, they can't catch me, and you just hide here! "

"He Yue! No! No, he Yue It's like he Yue is going to die. Shengtian grabs her arm and shouts out an aria.

The girl's performance On the whole, it's half true and half false. It can't be said that she is all true. There must be exaggeration in it. But she is really flustered to see he Yue leave.

However, he Yue has to go. If she doesn't go out, both of them will be blocked in the corner and lose.

There are already tears in Shengtian's eyes, and the photographer grabs her face to make a close-up shot. He Yue thinks that after the post production of the TV station, this scene may get a lot of tears and discussion.

Pressing the girl in the corner, he Yue finally ran out.

As soon as she went out, she saw the hunter coming.

It was the hunter who had blocked their retreat.If he Yue goes out about five seconds late, there is no need for them to discuss, they will be blocked in the corner.

When he Yue saw the hunter, the hunter also saw her.

Two people's figure instantaneous common acceleration, started a new round of chase.

The direction he Yue chose was their original position, so without two steps, she saw the two hunters who had been intercepted!

Now there are three people chasing her!

Almost directly facing the hunters in the past, he Yue surprised the hunters. With a little stupefied Kung Fu, he Yue had already scurried in front of the two hunters!

She estimated that at this moment, the two hunters' headphones must ring the director's roar: "what happened, Leng! Come on

He Yue's speed is really too fast, she caught this short moment of Lengshen, the three hunters are left behind, and pure competition speed, he Yue has not lost.

But the director group seems to have a thorough eye on he Yue. Just as they almost get rid of the hunters behind, not far from he Yue, two more hunters appear!

"I'm going!" She had to turn again and run to the other side, but the real problem was physical strength.

The sprint of anaerobic exercise is very physical. It's OK to accelerate the sprint once or twice in a short time. No matter how much, even he Yue's body is hard to achieve. In the face of the third wave of hunters, he Yue's speed can no longer reach the initial state.

On the hunter's side, the two of the third wave are fresh and energetic. They haven't accelerated before.

He Yue knew that he would be arrested.
