The end of VTR, the screen back to the studio, applause throughout the scene.

"Yes, he Yue! That's great! This VTR Becky's eyes seem to have stars in them.

"It's the first time I've seen such a work. Can a variety show do that?" Xiao Shan also exclaimed.

"Where's love sauce? Come on, call her out and say hello He Yue cried happily.

With her cry, the girl turned out from behind the set.

"Wow! The heroine is out! "

"Japanese dramatization! Japanese dramatization

The girl is quite shy to say hello to everyone.

"That's great. I want to take part in such a recording. I'm a heroine!" Becky said enviously.

Today's Hashimoto love is also dressed up, the girl is now in the peak period, before playing so satisfied a bridge section, so the whole person seems to radiate light.

"I didn't expect that the effect of this section was so good, but I didn't do anything. It all depends on he Yue's ability to do it!" The girl waved her hands and said modestly.

The content of he Yue is quite different from the style of human observation in the past and this life.

Now "human observation" has just begun to take over the plain people's participation style of the whole person trend. It uses a large number of ordinary people as the leading role of the variety show, and uses their wonderful variety effect that professional artists can never do to win the audience's laughter.

A few years later, human observation will gradually become a venue for artists to publicize and program groups to make fake.

At that time, you could only see two types of VTR in this program. One was that the so-called ordinary people's reaction was no different from that of professional artists. It was fake and hypocritical, which made people feel toothache. The other was that the artists came on the stage, went shopping in crowded places to get close to the people, did reaction art in haunted TV stations, and played ghost in fake taxis and buses

In the most exaggerated part of the program, the program team set up a set on the top floor to let Limei Ishihara stand in the set. Ordinary people came on the stage like facilities and let them stand there to chat with Ishihara.

…… It's just a chat.

The main gimmick of the program is the expression of surprise and joy when ordinary people see the stars.

It's so boring that it explodes.

And lazy enough to explode.

A golden two-hour program, the same project, readers who are reading this book are expected to be able to write about the same!

To be honest, human watch around 2013 is particularly hard to do.

The biggest difference between ordinary people's participation in programs and star programs is that it is difficult for you to have a fixed utilization rate of materials.

The plain people you find, if they are really ordinary people and don't know that they are being photographed by a camera, most likely they won't give you a proper response.

There is a saying that people will feel fatter when they appear on TV than when they look at them in reality. In fact, the same is true of personal reactions, so the reactions you give on TV must be bigger than in reality.

The extremely low utilization rate of material costs a lot of preparation time, more recording time, and amazing waste rate. If you use the cameraman and ad as consumables, you can make good use of them. Anyway, the investment is not very large. Just go around and interview them.

But "human observation" needs to set up scenery, write script and rent space.

Sometimes you pull a group of more than a dozen people, start a group performance of 20 or 30 people, rent a whole restaurant, and as a result, all the materials can't be used after one day's shooting. Are you angry?

In fact, this issue of he Yue is similar.

It's a good-looking segment of teenagers, isn't it? But in fact, this is the third paragraph she took with Hashimoto. For two days, he Yue and Hashimoto, together with the crew, shot a total of four paragraphs, and the leading actor changed four. Only in this way can they finally get the most satisfactory work.

As for the first three segments of the previous shooting, they can only be regarded as waste and left in a corner of TBS warehouse forever.

If it's an interview with ordinary people, the utilization rate of material may be very low. But now what they do is a project with complete script and shooting plan. If they switch to ordinary variety shows, even if it's a failure, the director on the scene will show you a black face, not to mention recording four times in a row. It's money for each recording.

Therefore, he Yue's work, good-looking is good-looking, but all kinds of restrictions are doomed to its production times will not be too many, once a year or even two years, it is already very good.

Of course, as long as the complete done, the effect is certainly particularly good.

At the end of the interview with AI Hashimoto, he Yue even announced: "this content, especially the conversation in the chat room, after I showed it to someone from a publishing house, the other party was also very interested. Therefore, here, please allow me to announce that the adaptation of this VTR will be published by the publishing house, and the form is very new, the so-called dialogue style !”"Dialogic style?"

"That's right, the whole content of the book starts with chat room conversations!"

"Why? Wait, is this the book? It's too easy, isn't it? He Yue, is this your first book? " Becky asked.

"Yes, I just realized that it's so easy to publish a book? What he Yue has done so far is so amazing that we are used to it. Now I think it's a book Yoshida road.

"It's no big deal. It's just changing the script into a medium one. I'm afraid it's only tens of thousands of words, and the circulation will not be too large. Besides, this is not the first book I participated in. Before that, I also participated in the shooting of naimuban school, the first photo album of naimuban 46. I also appeared in the film, and I'm one of the four photographers of the photo album. Please go to the bookstore and buy it Make sure you check this book on the way when you're talking

"Don't carry private goods, publicize others!" Make complaints about the way.

"It's not allowed to play this part!" Becky also make complaints about Tucao on the side.

But Hashimoto AI, listening to the conversation of several people, can't keep up with the rhythm. She has a good relationship with he Yue in private, but there are few opportunities to be on the show like this. Although she has seen a lot of he Yue's play on TV, this is the first time to see her talking with Becky and black meinaizi. Make complaints about

. This is the top female MC and funny artist. When he is younger than she is, she has come back and forth, and has been exchanging with Tucao. It has been very lively and interesting to the atmosphere of the entire studio. This ability also makes the bridge open eye opening.
