On TV, three girls changed their pajamas and entered the bedroom.

In the Heshi large room of Hakone Hotel, the tatami is big enough for four people to sleep side by side. It is reasonable to say that there should be he Yue in front of the camera on this day, but it is a pity that she is not there, so the three people only spread out three bedrooms.

For the audience, even the scene of girls sleeping in their pajamas is attractive enough. What's more attractive is the content of the three people's in-depth chat under the bedding.

"Who sleeps in the middle?"

"That's caissisan, of course!"

"No, I don't want it. Okada, you should sleep in the middle."

"Well? Really? Yumirin should sleep in the middle! She is tall and sleeps in the middle The picture will be more harmonious. "

"What picture is not, forget it, let's draw lots!" Murayama added.

In the final draw, nainainai Okada lay in the middle.

If it's Okada of Ho Yue world, I'm afraid he will be very happy at this moment. However, Okada of this world can see that when he lies down, he is full of discomfort.

"Will you be scolded by master he Yue? This should have been her position!" Okada asked as he lay down.

"Why do you say that? Even if he Yue comes, he may not lie among us, right

"Gee If it's the elder, it must be the middle! "

"Hum, maybe he Yue will take you to sleep together at that time!"

"Will you? It can't be true? Don't joke, Murayama

"I don't know. She has a good relationship with you!"

"Hee hee, that's interesting."

"All right! Stop it! I'm going to sleep

The light went down and the three girls were silent.

"I'm still a little concerned about it. We've done a terrible job today." In the dark, no longer rambling, once quiet, Okada began to blame himself.

"Don't think about it. He Yue will be here tomorrow. There will be another day for recording tomorrow. With her, you can absolutely record all the content you need!"

This is the end of the scene in the bedroom, and then the TV screen has switched to the next morning, um But the morning picture only lasted for a moment, and there was an advertisement right away.

In front of the TV, he Yue's curiosity about the real situation did not stop.

"What's not recorded, what's in it." He Yue pulls the village mountain to threaten the road.

"There are hidden contents, but no! Here! You! Look Village Mountain whole person group together, mischievous say.

"Wow, don't blame me for being rude!" He Yue pounced on him.

"Gee!!! Help! Someone help me!!! QJ The content of the girl's cry was tragic. Unfortunately, the cry was mixed with laughter. Obviously, she was not really afraid.

After a while, he Yue finally calms down. On the contrary, Murayama takes out his mobile phone, pokes it a few times and turns to a picture for her.

"Look, we took this after the shooting."

He Yue came to have a look. The three girls were lying side by side with wet hair and no makeup. Takino was holding his mobile phone. The three were very lovely together.

"Well, this is the only one for today. Other things I'll give it to you later, depending on the situation! " Murayama took a picture of he yuedao.

"Later!? There is no future! Bring it to you He Yue suddenly rushed up again, holding Murayama and snatching the mobile phone from her hand.

"Wow, you are so bad! no way! You can't look at it for nothing

Although he snatched Murayama's mobile phone, he Yue didn't press it. Instead, he asked, "so? What's the price? "

"Well ice cream! It's not my own, it's the three of us, at least for a month! " Murayama said.

"Deal!" He yuedao.

"No, no, no! That's not all! "

"What else?"

"Ice cream, of course, goes with desserts! We have to pay for desserts! "

"No problem!" He Yue raised his cell phone again.

"It's not over, it's not over!"

"Hey, don't go too far!" He yuedao.

"This is the last time! Finally

"What!? Say

"We want a chorus of four Village road.


"Three of us, plus you!"

"At the Nissan concert?"

"It doesn't have to be Nissan. It's OK to perform in public. Most of the content that didn't play that day was actually about us talking about wanting a chorus."

He Yue released the girl, nodded her head seriously and said, "OK, I will do it."

"Well I'll show you. "

"But before that, let's watch the show first."

On TV, the advertisement was over, and the next morning's picture appeared on TV.He Yue finally came.

As soon as she comes, the style of the whole program will be different.

At the beginning, he was still walking outside. Compared with the previous three people walking, the picture of he Yue is really

This guy who is in the mood is also in his own program. He seems to be free and casual. As soon as he goes to the street, he leads three girls to the house of an old lady who is a passer-by.

In the next five minutes, he Yue not only helped the old lady repair the fence in the backyard where there were no young people at home, but also watched the photo album with the old lady. He even accompanied the old lady to tell dirty jokes, not to mention the old lady. Even the whole program group was amused.

Murayama and takino are muddled. They laugh and play with each other. They just feel that he Yue is very happy when he Yue comes, while Okada is more burdened. Originally, she was thinking about the program flow and the next plan, but these things were all messed up by he Yue. Okada desperately follows he Yue's rhythm and can't keep up with it, so she can only watch he Yue.

When they came out of the old lady's house, there was not much time left for them to take a walk, so they had to get on the bus and rush to the next place where they had lunch.

In the car, Okada finds out the script of the program and plans what to do in the next few days. However, he Yue grabs the script of the girl.

"Don't watch it. It's our own program. We can do whatever we want freely. It doesn't matter whether it's fun or not, whether the audience rating is good or not."

If it is Okada five years later, it may be easier for her to relax. But now, it's really difficult for her to completely relax. To be an idol, she hasn't relaxed to that point.

He Yue took the girl's script and looked at it. Oh, it's really serious. She wrote a lot of notes on the whole script, many of which were her expectations. What would he Yue do? Then she gave her reaction. It was a long time to prepare for this program. It's a pity that he Yue didn't come to disturb everything. That's why she cried so hard yesterday.

Thinking of this, he Yue sorted out the script and gave it back to the girl. He patted her head and said, "I don't mean to deny your seriousness. It's very good. I admire you for being so serious, but sometimes it can be easier."

