With the end of the year approaching, AKB and naimusan are also busy.

One of the busiest points is the establishment of a new regiment.

The day continues to be the AKS meeting.

As the booth grows larger and larger, there are more and more meetings and plans on the AKS side. The main topic of today's meeting is still the establishment of a new group that has been discussed for several weeks.

The efficiency of meetings is often inversely proportional to the number of times. It's the same today. After chatting in groups for several hours, there was little effect. Finally, even he Yue yawned, and the meeting finally ended. After the meeting, Yasunari Wada found he Yue very hard.

"He Yue, I heard that you are interested in investing in a new Sony Group?"

"Yes, it's just a small investment." It's hard to keep this secret inside the operation, so he Yue is not prepared to hide his words.

"Since you are interested in investing in a new group, why don't you give it a try?" Asked Yasunari Wada.

He Yue shakes her head and thinks to herself, can AKB's new regiment be the same as naimuban's?

The new regiment of naimuban, no matter how it opens, is in Tokyo. No matter naimuban, beechban, niaojuzan or nisaka, they all rely on Tokyo, or Kanto, the largest city on earth with 30 million people.

AKB's new regiment, from ske to NMB and then to HKT, is farther and farther away from Tokyo.

These are two trends of the two idol groups.

AKB felt that he had no space in Tokyo, so he tried more and farther places, even overseas, so he had a huge reputation in the world.

But naimuban does not have that capital, so he can only focus on Tokyo.

But naimuban is also clear that the so-called skymbhkt seems to be a local geo idol group established by AKB, but in fact, it still relies on the Kanto circle and Tokyo. The more prosperous the sky and HKT are, the greater the influence of shaking hands and sales in the Kanto circle is. Compared with them, their Geo advantage is not so obvious, that is, NMB is because of Kansai and Jixi Only when Ben is special can he be more special.

For he Yue, naimuban is good, because she still relies on the Tokyo media. The sub groups outside Kanto, even aks, have only a very small influence. Her influence as a small shareholder will only be smaller, almost equal to no rights. Moreover, she does not help her career very much. He Yue really does not need to pay.

What's more, the future weights of AKB and naimuban are not the same.

AKB has already entered the later stage of its popularity, but naimuban is still on the rise. It is not a good choice to invest in AKB unless she controls the whole group.

In order to control the whole group, the first thing we have to face is Yasunari Wada and jingle group, which has begun to show interest and desire in AKB.

Even if he Yue has made a lot of money, he is still unable to cope with jingle.

Her advantage is that she has a lot of liquidity in her hand, especially when she just cashed out bitcoin, the liquidity of $100 million may be more than 10 billion, which companies can't take out casually.

Even though she has invested a lot of these funds in showroom and variety shows, she still has a lot of working capital, but jingle also has a lot of working capital. What's more, there are many industries that Heyue doesn't have, such as Pachinko, which is the gambling machine. Jingle controls the biggest chain in Japan. In addition, people eat black and white Its influence is beyond he Yue's.

Therefore, when jingle turns its attention to AKB, he Yue can't stop it at all in theory. Now it's Qiu Yuankang, not her, who is blocking jingle's complete control of AKB. It's only under his leadership that jingle can't get rid of the decision-making level of AKB who oppose them.

However, with the establishment of the new regiment planning, he Yue feels that this day is not far away.

Another reason why she doesn't want to interfere in the establishment of NGT is that she realizes that Qiu Yuankang has really lost interest in most of AKB's work. No matter it's NGT or SPR, he won't occupy the main influence, or even make a single yen.

Even if he was stopped by he Yue and did not withdraw, it was almost impossible for him to increase investment.

The present situation is almost a dead end for he Yue.

Jingle is eyeing AKB group, while its ally Qiu Yuankang is not interested in controlling an idol group that has gradually lost its mainstream market. This makes it impossible for he Yue to drive away jingle, let alone jingle. How to ensure that Qiu Yuankang will not be driven away is an important issue.

And jingle is also very subtle in treating he Yue.

Just like today, Yasunari Wada came to chat with he Yue. Jingle doesn't treat him as Qiu Yuankang's ally and opponent.

Jingle people are not stupid either. They know that AKB is doomed to decline in the future. A declining idol group will not be in the interest of any controller. If they can, they absolutely hope that AKB will continue to be popular.However, there is no doubt that jingle itself has no such ability. The media, popularity and popularity can not be controlled by anyone.

In Jingle's opinion, to ensure AKB's continued popularity, we need to guarantee three people first.

One is Qiu Yuankang, the other is yuan, and the third is he Yue. Any one of the three can make AKB maintain its position as a top idol group.

However, among the three, Qiu Yuankang is the biggest opponent who controls AKB, and he is also one of the controllers on naimuban's side. The contradiction between the two sides is almost irreconcilable.

Zhiyuan is an ally of qiuyuankang, but the power behind her is Taitian. In the future, she will not follow the route of AKB operator, so she has gradually separated from the competition circle.

Only he Yue, a young man whose influence has gradually deepened and who is becoming more and more popular in the entertainment industry, seems to have a chance to win over and become the AKB brand in the future.

Therefore, even after he Yue's sudden attack and kicking zhixingtaro out of the company, jingle still doesn't regard he Yue as an opponent, but has been trying to make he Yue a friend.

In the communication between he Yue and Wada Kangzhi, she can even feel that jingle has already done a good job of giving some shares to let he Yue stay in AKB for a long time, and even try to let her take over Qiu Yuankang.

And the condition, of course, is to let he Yue become a person of jingle.

Jingle, with such an idea, is the most active in investing in showroom. As soon as Suzuki released the rumor that he was considering financing, jingle almost immediately found them. They also want to exchange AKB's shares with SR!

Moreover, the price offered by jingle is very attractive. There is no comparison between naimuban and jingle!