After stepping down, he Yue relaxed. Watching the competition of her group on the stage, she slipped backstage and prepared to go to the bathroom.

"He Yue!" The voice of calling people sounded behind him, turned around and stood not far behind him.

Daichan Meinai also felt very strange. At that moment, she almost called out "he yuesang". Finally, she remembered that he Yue was the descendant of several issues of her own, and she didn't bring out the last "sang".

"You Why did you lose to me? " Da Chang came and asked.

"Don't think about it. I just don't want to get a high position in guessing boxing. I prefer to Other people can get such an opportunity. " He yuedao.

In fact, she almost made a slip of the tongue and said, "I still hope that young people can get such an opportunity. If we compare our age, we can't compare with he Yue.

"No problem, really?" Asked the audience.

"Of course, or do you want to report me cheating?"

"No! I didn't! It's just

"Don't worry! Only the two of us know about this, and it's over, so don't think about it any more, just finish your guessing conference with peace of mind. " He Yue said, went into the bathroom, leaving a person standing there at a loss.

If he Yue didn't intentionally lose the game, maybe she can really win the championship. The evidence is that she won her big game, Meinai, and won the final championship on behalf of jiuqisheng, giving jiuqisheng a chance to release a single by the unit team.

In the end, when she held the championship trophy, she was in a dream. After the episode with he Yue, she never thought that her team could really win the championship.

He Yue, on the other hand, stood on the stage with Xu Teng, clapping and blessing them.

Jiuqisheng, as the golden generation of AKB, didn't succeed their predecessors in carrying the 48g flag. It can't be said that they didn't work hard. Even Shimazaki worked hard to be an idol. It's just that personal character and opportunities often play more or less roles in it, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, which makes people unable to control.

It's amazing that they have the chance to get a new song now that the ninth term students have been torn down.

At the end of the handshake, all the members came to the stage. Maybe the live time was still a little rich. After chatting with jiuqisheng, Yanai zhihara, Mayou Watanabe and others, the host threw the topic to he Yue at the end.

"He Yue, what do you think of today's handshake meeting?"

"It's wonderful. It's a pity that I lost. If I win there, maybe the champion will be me!"

After hearing this, the audience was also terrified and bowed with the cup in her arms. She knew that he Yue's words might really come true.

The host then asked: "we know that he Yue took over from Mr. Qiu yuan in the general election to produce the single of the new neizhenyi center, but he Yue is not interested in helping to make the single of this year's boxing guessing conference?"

"Absolutely not!" He Yue said firmly.

"Well? Why? " Yokoyama asked.

Shimazaki said: "before Ming Ming, we had a lot of praise for the public performance. It was a little sad..."

"Don't forget, I'm just an ordinary member. Mr. Qiu yuan is the producer. He seems to be giving me a chance, but in fact he's just lazy! At the beginning, I was asked to do the public performance of T4 by a super younger generation. Now I'm still allowed to do it? "

"He Yue, do you hate me, team 4?" Shimazaki asked.

"That's it! He Yue, do you hate us? " On the side, Shimada Qingxiang also coaxed.

"If I had hated you, there would have been no public performance of Palos set sail! Shut up

"How can you talk to us like this? We are the elders!" All the girls in T4 are shouting.

He Yue also quickly rubbed his hands. I'm sorry, but he didn't have to say honorifics to his predecessors. Just shut up. No matter how many words there are, they will really be popular.

The boxing guessing conference is over. Now it's October of 2014. In the last three months of 2014, the large-scale live has basically ended. At the end of the year, AKB's large-scale live only has the special part of the national tour, while naimuban's side is preparing for the Christmas live.

Of course, at the end of the year, everyone began to prepare for their appearance. In addition to these tasks, the most important and time-consuming work of he Yue in the whole October was to shoot her first photo album with Bai Shi Ma Yi in early October.

In fact, half a year ago, he Yue began to design Baishi's first photo album.

In order to help Baishi choose a shooting location, she even went to Saipan, where she planned to shoot. She went there for two days and came back after special shooting.

In history, Bai Ma's first photo album was shot by Yoshino shinoyama. This old man was very good at shooting girls at the beginning. He had many classic photo album works, but the people who had seen this "pure man" were not very satisfied.In fact, from the perspective of a man, this photo album may be the one with the highest level of craftsmanship among the naimuban series, but it may not be good-looking when the level of craftsmanship is high, because Baishi is not such a craftsman.

If you take the same sub mirror lighting to take photos of Aishi Hashimoto and tanmi, the effect will definitely make people's blood gush, but Baishi, her beauty is not that kind.

Let's talk about the performance of Bai Ma in the whole photo album.

Except for a few "classic" photos, the smile of Baishi in this photo album is stiff in most cases, which gives people the feeling of a fake smile. She is really blind. She has made such a great sacrifice for the photo album, and some of her photos are full of Seqing

There is no doubt that shinohama is a master, but he Yue thinks that this may be one of the reasons for the failure of this photo album.

At this time point in 2014, both Baishi and naimuban are not popular. If you find a young but talented photographer to take pictures of Baima, you may be able to take beautiful pictures. But if you spend a lot of money on Xiaoshan Jixin, will they really take pictures with great care?

Not to mention, like he Yue, he went to find a shooting place half a year in advance, and specially confirmed the location and wrote a complete set of shooting plans.

To put it bluntly, when a master takes pictures of things he likes, he can really make a sense of art and taste, but taking a picture of white hemp may be just a slightly busy "work" of others.

After shooting, hand in the photos and take the money to leave. No matter what your fans say.