Because of the existence of these little sisters, the proportion of female audience in the venue has almost reached the highest level ever!

If the operator randomly finds a poor female player to participate in the competition and then is eliminated in the first round, there may be a lot of criticism about it, but when he Yue gets the third place, no one will say that. Her strength is real.

He Yue and Murayama are also approachable people who let Chinese people see Japanese idols. They have no airs at all. They can take a picture with others as long as the other party doesn't ask too much. Of course, they still can't sign casually, and he Yue will give a very serious explanation: "it's stipulated by the company on various occasions that they can't sign, in order to stop reselling."

In addition to the group photo, he Yue and her fans are particularly close. Waiting for the gap in the competition, they just sit directly in the fans group. Although most of them are girls, there may be few stars who can do so in China.

The most popular and amazing move came before the semi-finals.

During the interview, he Yue suddenly mentioned the fans who came to see her. She even said: "today, we are also very hard. We haven't had anything to eat since the competition, so I'll treat you to food, but I can't treat you to anything good. I'll treat you to a hamburger and a can of coke. "

WOW! Audience fans were surprised to shout out, never heard fans give gifts to idols to buy things, who heard idols buy for fans?

At the event held by Mordor, it seems that he Yue didn't invite many things. One of them should be at least 15. Today's hundreds of fans may spend more than 10000 yuan.

The fans of AKB on the spot can be easily distinguished from the audience of the legend of hearthstone players who specially came to watch the game. Many of the fans are little sisters, and they also hold hands to push scarves and so on. The audience of the players are envious of this and cheer to ask the organizer to invite them to eat as well.

make complaints about this matter in Japan, and maybe they will even have to say they are shameless, because everyone knows the image role of Ho Yue in Japan, but in China, she did not dare to do so.

So just looking at the reaction twice, she quickly revealed the answer.

"Don't worry, since you want to invite everyone to eat, how can you invite only a few people? Today, one of the audience is one, everyone has a share!"

With that, a staff member has already sent a hamburger and a coke. Now, the cheers are finally United.

Generally speaking, it was not long before he Yue came here to deliver food to the audience of the e-sports competition. In 2015, no one has done this kind of operation, and normally speaking, only the organizer of the competition, such as he Yue, can do this kind of operation.

When everyone gets their share of food, the staff of McDonald's finds he Yue with the bill. He Yue takes out his card and swipes it on the spot, causing a burst of cheers again. This is also one of the parts of the show. It's better to let people see his black card, showing that he is not bad at money, but also strengthening his generosity again

As for the tens of thousands of yuan

At the end of the competition, the organizer finally found her and wanted to reimbursement her money. How could he Yue give the other party this opportunity? She directly refused the other party's suggestion and flew back to Japan with Murayama's plane.

And this operation started to ferment after she got on the plane.

Tens of thousands of yuan, in exchange for China and Japan, all kinds of media attention and scramble to forward, everyone was shocked by this operation, coupled with the identity of he Yue, things will be more interesting.

"Idols participate in game competitions, and even invite fans to eat and drink on the spot"

"never seen such a painting style"

"what is the ultimate affinity? 》

"Xiao Mingxing, who are like you, should see what is a professional artist"

To be honest, he Yue is not that great.

Everyone knows that she is making a show, but this kind of show is obviously liked by everyone, and she really paid for it.

Then gradually, the voice on the network changed.

Because people began to wonder who he Yue was and why she could easily afford to treat the audience?

At the beginning of the excavation, some of them couldn't stop.

The first to be dug out is "nanamin in the cup".

He Yue and Sony's he Yue have expired and renewed their contracts.

However, after the renewal of the treaty, he Yue also made less money.

There's no way. In fact, the initial treaty took advantage. Sony thinks that a few children are making a little fuss and asking for Hashimoto's animation image, and it's only limited to one product, even without a penny's usage fee. Now three years later, although Hashimoto is still not the top batch, it's already the top in naimuban, and with naimuban's development Saka's gradually forming, her popularity and fame will gradually grow in the future, at this time, it is not appropriate to charge a cent.It's not even about personal relationships, it's about business, it's about treaties.

Even if he Yue is one of the members, there is no way to treat her specially.

According to the sales volume of "nanamin on the cup" published now, people have basically calculated how much money he Yue has made. This calculation, when it comes to her age, people are a little scared.

She was 14, 5, right? At this age, you can earn money that others may not earn in their lifetime?!

Dig deeper, huh? what? The 14-year-old girl who dunked was also her?

What? High school sophomore published papers, was Tokyo University admission exemption?

Is this guy really just a little idol?

Further digging, people suddenly found that, like showroom is also her?!

That's great. Although the newly born live video website doesn't know where she got the money, there is no doubt that it has entered the category of billionaires. No wonder this guy can treat easily. I'm afraid all the people in that meeting hall don't have the money as much as her?

Mixed with all kinds of true and false news, the attention of he Yue and AKB group has risen again.

However, he Yue didn't care much. After a short day's journey, they soon returned to Japan and became their little idols again.

At this time, the time has entered February, and the sales volume of Baishi Mayi's photo album has begun to walk out of a surprising curve.

Dabaima's photo album sold about 30000 in the first week, which is not very high, but it's also not low. It's a good result that naimuban 46 members stole a photo album.

But for he Yue, this achievement is lower than the first week sales of Baima in her previous life, which makes her slightly uncomfortable.
