After the finals, he Yue, who had been filming in the United States for about ten days, finally returned home.

The Golden State Warriors won the final championship as they wished, and curry also fulfilled his promise. After winning the championship, he came to he Yue and gave her his original shoes and the ball for the game before he presented the prize.

This issue has also caused a lot of discussion in the United States. If curry hadn't explained it in time, many media might have reported that curry had an Asian girlfriend.

Curry also gave a very high evaluation to he Yue in the interview, not only for her basketball ability, but also for her belief in herself.

"As early as 2012, she believed that I would become a superstar and that I would definitely win the championship. Few people are optimistic about me, and even fewer people believe that I can win the championship. Her support is very important to me at that time, so I have to fulfill my promise this time!"

After returning home, he Yue didn't even have time to return home, so she went directly to the TV station and entered the TBS studio to shoot the final part of the basketball program.

Because he Yue has a huge connection with the warriors' historic victory, TBS also spends a lot of money on this side. There are not enough basketball artists like zaburyo. TBS directly invited the biggest basketball artist in Japan

Ming family autumn swordfish.

He Yue didn't know that TBS invited autumn swordfish in advance, so when the old fish appeared behind the studio, he Yue's whole life was not good.

This funny monster can be said to be the most influential artist in Japan. The most important thing is, how long has he not been a guest on the show?

In he Yue's memory, that may be pushed to the time when he appeared on chatting 007 around 2010.

But even that time, the old fish who was surrounded by seven funny artists in the middle of the show still firmly controlled the atmosphere of the show, saying that he was the MC of the show at that time.

The appearance of this man on the show is beyond the control of the host he Yue.

So he Yue said without hesitation: "you always come to be MC! I can't, I can't do it! "

Fish uncle quickly said: "it doesn't matter, I come here mainly to see that pair of shoes, not to rob your MC."

"Why? Do you like Uncle Yu very much? "

"Of course, I like to collect NBA items, and I like curry very much!"

"Well This pair of shoes is not very good for you, but basketball, are you interested? The basketball with Curry's signature in the sixth game of the finals He Yue took out the basketball track that KULI gave her.

"Well? what? You're going to give me this! "

"Of course, I've already told curry that the basketball is coming to give away."

"Then you shouldn't send me! It's good to send the girl you kiss Uncle Yu said.

"Ah That When I got back to the hotel that day, I was beaten so badly! " He yuedao.

Fish uncle once again the line of sight back to basketball: "this is really ready to send me?"

"Of course!"

"Well I can't just take it. What do you want in return? I still have some things in my collection, such as Jordan's

"I don't want those, but I want a promise from Uncle Yu."

"Oh? What do you want to do? "

"In a certain quarter of the next year, I hope to invite uncle Yu to be MC and do a quarterly program!"

"Is that your purpose? Well, I promise, but when and what do you want to do? "

"I haven't thought about that yet..."

Unlike idpd, which needs to take care of every aspect of program production, the shooting of basketball program he Yue is finished, and the subsequent editing and production are all done by TBS. After more than half a month, she finally went home.

She had a night's rest at home. The next day, she appeared at AKB theater in Akihabara. In fact, she had been busy outside for half a month. Today is her rest day. However, in view of the fact that she hasn't been on the public performance recently, he Yue simply canceled the rest and went to the theater to participate in a public performance.

It's very rare for Ho Yue to perform in the public performance of group K. in terms of today's lineup, Mr. suto rinhua, Mr. guangzongxun and others all have their own work. Ms. OTA also participated in the NMB public performance in Osaka. Among the top members of Group K, there are only ho Yue and OHADA.

Of course, the lack of people is made up by graduate students and draft students.

The location of guangzongxun is from the top of Meng Kuo of houteng, and the location of Lin Lin Hua of Xuteng is from the top of Fei Nainai of Xiakou.

Because it's rare to appear in the theater, he Yue called Timothy at noon.

"Prepare some consolation products for you, don't choose the ones with too much heat..." She ordered her agent and went back to the theater again, but on the way to the stage backstage, he Yue suddenly stopped.

She looked at the corner of the theater strangely. In that corner, Kato uedo, who was supposed to take the place of guangzongxun, squatted and looked at the mobile phone.

He Yue was a little surprised, and her movement state was too strange. The whole person shrank and shivered. Is the theater so terrible?He Yue patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "what are you doing?"

But what I didn't expect was that Hato didn't seem to notice he Yue coming. After being patted, the whole person was startled and jumped up. His head almost hit he Yue's chin.

"Ah, ah, ah!" I'm afraid the girl's scream can be heard even on the other side of the stage.

"What's the matter? Calm down He Yue holds her.

This time, goto finally saw who the people around him were.

"He He Yue... " The original rigid body finally softened down.

"No It's nothing... " Said goto.

At this time, other people who heard the scream also came.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " The staff and members asked one after another.

"It's OK. She's just scared by me. Let's get busy. I'll be right here." He yuedao.

After fooling other people away, he Yue takes goto to an empty rest room.

"Well, there's no one here. Come on, what's the matter? Are you so afraid?"

"I No It's nothing... " Said goto.

"Really? You can think about it. If you want to say who can protect you most among so many people, I think it may be me? And we're similar in age, so there's nothing hard to say. "

"I I also told the staff, but they said it was ok... " Said goto.

"It's not useful for them to say whether there's something. I think it's OK for the client to evaluate whether there's something. Since you are so afraid, it must be something. Even if everyone thinks it's OK, I think we should take it seriously."

"Then..." Finally, goto said, "yes How many meals It's like When I go home recently, they will follow me. When I wait for the bus at the station, they will come to chat me up I A little scared... "

He Yue frowned.

Er Jie
