On the whole, the four people live still follows the consistent way of performance. At the beginning, it was the chorus part of the four people. Many of the four people songs in AKB history were taken out, such as "Southern Hunan in tears", and other songs that he Yue and the four people like were also adapted into four people songs.

In the second part, Murayama and Okada performed a lot of songs, and the cooperation between he Yue and takino was also quite good.

After a few days of contact, Murayama Okada needless to say, the relationship between he Yue and takino is also very good, and the communication is also relaxed. Many of takino's facial expressions and movements are very qualified, and some of his eyes even make people have a deep feeling.

In addition, he Yue, Murayama and Okada also have their own repertoire to perform, but for the main part, he Yue and takino are still paired.

More than two hours of live time passed in a flash, and soon the positive film of live was over. The sound of encore of he Yue's four people in turn sounded. After a while, he Yue, who had changed his clothes, appeared first.

"Hello, everyone." With he Yue's voice, cheers rang out.

He Yue said: "there are many people looking forward to the 4-person live this time, and what makes us most happy is that teacher Qiu yuan also told us that he is looking forward to the live. Although it's strange that a few decades old uncle is looking forward to the performance of four minors, it's teacher Qiu yuan after all."

"So, I asked Qiu yuan for what she wanted this time directly."

"Next, please listen to the new song that teacher Qiu yuan specially provided us for this live "The surface tension of tears."

Many of the songs in Qiu Yuankang's repertoire were born long ago. He Yue found Qiu Yuankang in "the surface tension of tears" in these repertoires, and after providing the idea of lyrics, Qiu Yuankang wrote this song "the surface tension of tears".

Because he Yue provided the main idea of lyrics, Qiu Yuankang also invited he Yue to join him in the title of the book, but he Yue didn't care much about these, so he casually refused the invitation.

"The surface tension of tears" is a good song in AKB's later period. The way the four people sing is also very suitable for this live, so he Yue asked for it and became the representative song of the four people in the future.

This four person live has also become a classic of he Yue's fans. Although he Yue's four people have a lot of communication "business" in their daily life, there are few opportunities to perform together. He Yue and the other three people are not in the same team, and the other three people will not insist on doing business in their daily life. We all know that the more business they do, the less value they have, so it's worth doing Silk people will be particularly looking forward to the four people live, because after this opportunity, I don't know when to wait until the four people live in the future.

At the end of live, four people and about 3000 fans were very reluctant to give up. Besides he Yue, three people shed tears and returned to the backstage amid the cheers. Normally speaking, it's time to hold a celebration party. But because there is still live behind, only he Yue's four people, as well as several dancers and agents are left to celebrate.

At the celebration, of course, it's a big meal. Adult dancers and agents can drink, so the four main characters can only watch.

With the gradual growth of age, there are already adults in the three-story apartment, such as Baishi hemp clothes. So recently, the purchase of some alcohol has become the consideration of the three-story apartment. However, because he Yue is still a long time away from adulthood, and Baishiqiao is not a very alcoholic person, this matter is still on hold.

At the end of the celebration, the four people drove home in a hurry, because the second episode of "the road must add School Park 5", which is "the camera doesn't stop", will be broadcast tonight.

At the end of the second episode, the showroom website will also update the content of the third episode in real time.

Although Murayama himself is a participant in the shooting, and he Yue must have seen the complete works for a long time, everyone in the third floor apartment didn't ask for the following content from he Yue in advance.

This is certainly not appropriate, and Many people are not particularly curious about this work and need to ask for the following content

But Okada and takino can't help seeing some strange things these days.

Because in the past few days of exchange, the four people will inevitably exchange information about the content of the TV play. Okada and takino were a little cautious at first, but later they gradually found out that he Yue and Murayama were not only vague about the play, but also seemed confident?

This is strange. They can all see that the contents of the first two episodes are not particularly excellent. At most, they can only be regarded as barely fluent in telling stories that are not rigorous. Moreover, there are so many scenes that can be seen in sleeping. This kind of work They can see the common, he Yue this kind of guy can't see it?

To say the least, if he Yue is so proud that she can't see what she should see, and there is Murayama on the side, whose intelligence is at the same level as everyone else, at least she should be able to see what he Yue can't see

However, no matter he Yue or Murayama, they are all in a state of expression. This makes Okada and takino a little curious about the content behind. Is there any extraordinary change in the content behind?But in their eyes, I really can't think of any strong change that can make people change their mind

After returning home, there are already girls waiting for 47 floors to finish their work. However, compared with the first day, there are fewer girls waiting to watch the show on time. Baishi, Hashimoto, Saito and others all have jobs. On AKB side, only Murayama Okada and takino are there. However, Shengtian, who had been busy with stage work before, has come back, and she has never been able to Seeing the first episode and the second episode, I have no idea about the effect of film arrangement.

After the four returned home, takino and Okada had no reason to stay on the 47th floor. They went back to their respective rooms and sorted out their internal affairs. After changing their pajamas, they came to the 47th floor again.

As soon as they reached the 47th floor, they heard Shengtian's voice full of vitality.

"NAH! What's the content like? The plot seems to be going on a little fast now. Did you kill the zombie!? Is it a flag that hemp sauce turns into a zombie at the beginning

Two people came in and sat down in some corner of one side.

"Wow! Hello Almost at the moment of sitting down, two people suddenly found someone sitting in the corner.

Is that the girl from sakaka 46? What is the name of Changbin neru? They are not familiar with the girl, but takino is still interested in her.

"I was also recruited by he Yue." Takino approaches to say hello to Changbin.

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