He Yue's words, like a basin of crystal cold water, directly splashed on the head of all the operators.

"To There will always be a way out of it Someone said.

"What's the matter? Have you started to gamble on national fortune? "Okinawa as a Pearl Harbor?" He Yue almost said with a grim smile.

It's a bit killing to say that as a Chinese.

At that time, someone jumped up to yell at he Yue, but he Yue was stopped. He Yue also looked at the crowd fearlessly, and seemed not to care that he stabbed the hornet's nest with his poisonous tongue.

She said: "when you are leading an idol group of hundreds of people, and there are so many staff in the company, you are not careful to operate the portfolio, but you can prepare for billions of business with the uncertain tone of maybe no problem? Have you ever thought about the impact if the plan fails? "

With these words, the conference room finally became silent and calm.

He Yue's words are cruel, but when we calm down and think about it, we finally attach importance to he Yue's meaning.

But if I think about it, I feel that I don't know what to do.

Okinawa is originally a small island, and there are no large stadiums around it. If it really can't be held on that day, I'm afraid it can only be replaced by some indoor theaters with hundreds of seats. Members alone can fill half of those seats!

But if you think about it, I'm afraid that's the best way.

Will it be held in another place? Where to? The nearest county is Kagoshima, which also has no good venues. The nearest large-scale good venue is Fukuoka dome, but it's impossible to change there, because you don't prepare anything, set up a venue, publicize in advance, and sell tickets there. Do you have to be responsible for the 8000 people who come to watch and take them to Fukuoka dome? Even so, it is impossible for 8000 people to fill the whole giant egg. What about the remaining tens of thousands of seats?

To put it bluntly, Okinawa will not allow you to change places at all. We have spent hundreds of millions on inviting you here, but now you are going to other counties? Even if it doesn't rain outside, you have to do it in Okinawa!

Another way is to hold it another day.

There are two ways to change the time. If you can't change the time today, you can change it tomorrow. If you can't change the time tomorrow, you can change it the day after tomorrow. Or you can change the time directly to a time when there are no frequent typhoons.

When the general election is held, tens of thousands of people will gather on the beach. Most of them are tourists from all over the country or even all over the world. It will not be held for a few days. Tickets can be refunded or changed. But some people only have a holiday on the general election day. They have to go back to Tokyo or other places tomorrow. What should they do?

Even those who can not leave need to stay in hotels every day in Okinawa. Do you pay for this?

In a word, it's a matter of pulling the whole body together. It's really hard to revise it after setting the time. Even to exaggerate, once you give up, it may be the best choice not to hold it any more, because no matter what the other choices are, it's a loss, and you can't make as much money as before.

So there's no way to have the best of both worlds?

It can be held in Okinawa without changing the time, and it can accommodate enough audience.

Think about it and know how hard it is.

Because of he Yue's speech, the AKS side finally began to pay attention to it. A group of people seriously discussed the future path and planning revision, and the reply from Okinawa side also changed from very welcome to temporary discussion.

In the next few days, he Yue continued to follow up the team's plan. The response from the company was that aks had begun to contact other places outside Okinawa, such as Nagoya and Osaka, where it was intended to hold the general election. However, we all know that these places are far less attractive than Okinawa.

Osaka, in particular, has already said that this year will be its last general election, and Osaka does not want to fight for the general election if there is no general election next year.

Nagoya is very attentive, but compared with Okinawa in Osaka, Nagoya is much weaker.

He Yue knows that nine times out of ten, the general election will fall to Okinawa, because no matter how you look at it, there are only two choices: Okinawa and Nagoya. In the case of heheyuan and Mayou, the operation of Heyuan and Mayou may have put Nagoya in mind for 18 years, because no matter how hard zhulinai canvasses for votes, he is unlikely to defeat Heyuan and Mayou in Nagoya.

So the key problem is how to avoid the risk to the maximum extent.

What he Yue didn't expect was that three days later, the operation was decided, whether it was in Okinawa or the beach she was familiar with.

As for how to solve the problem.

In the end, the decision given by the operator is that there will be more than half a year left for us to find a suitable way.

Oh, it's like after crossing the river, you don't know what the road ahead is, but you cut off your own back road.

He Yue's first reaction, of course, was anger. She wanted to go to the trouble of operation at that time. Anyway, her image has long been fixed in everyone's mind. Now, when should she go instead of speaking out?But halfway through, she suddenly stopped.

All kinds of thoughts in my mind turn a few circles, suddenly have different ideas.

Qiu Yuankang, a fat man, how can he sit in Diaoyutai?

If he Yue didn't say anything before, Qiu Yuankang hasn't thought about the problems faced by the Okinawa general election. Now he has made clear the danger of the Okinawa general election, and this guy hasn't taken any action yet?

Why don't you believe this guy.

Looking back on the past few years when I met him, it was he Yue who "stormed the front". When he finished the most important and difficult work, he ran out to clean up the "mess" and got the greatest benefits.

This time, he Yue really doesn't want to be taken charge of again.

So after thinking about it, she decided to close her mouth. You are not in a hurry. I am in a hurry. Anyway, I have no shares in AKB. It's a bad game. I graduated with takeno Murayama!

It's strange and subtle that the general election has been shelved. Of course, it's not the general election's preparation that has been shelved, but the Okinawa solution that may cause problems that has been shelved. However, the general election is still being held in an orderly way. Of course, it's still early to open and launch publicity. It depends on what will happen later.

With the end of next year's general election, he Yue came to the meeting in zelaka again. This is a completely different team from the AKS, but he Yue and Qiu Yuankang are both here. What's the same with the AKB is that he Yue begins to meet people again.