He Yue gradually realized that in order to change zelaka, first of all, he needed to change the draw, let the child become realistic and sensible, and then it was possible to change zelaka.

After thinking about it, he Yue thinks that there seems to be a musical about Shengtian this evening. It's better to watch it together. Of course, there are too few of them, so Call Qiu Yuankang? If this fat man can go, Shengtian will be very happy, right?

He Yue thinks so, took out mobile phone.

But after pressing on the phone, she thought about Qiu Yuankang's name for a few seconds, and then she put down the phone.

In fact, it's OK not to call this guy, because there is a person who can be invited at the scene.

After deciding to take action in the evening, he Yue began to watch the girls' variety show recording honestly. Now, the variety show in zelaka is the best. Although it is still an ordinary idol variety show, compared with the embarrassing silence behind, the variety show now is excellent.

The program is recorded all day, and the work is finished at 6:30 in the evening.

The girls leave from work one after another. He Yue also comes forward and stops the draw who is ready to leave, as well as Changbin neru.

What he Yue doesn't realize is that she has no sense of existence when she sleeps at home, but when she gets outside, she can think of this girl, which is also a very magical thing

Of course, the two of them will not refuse the invitation of the elder, but before that, the three of them will go to dinner first.

From the studio of Tokyo TV station, the three went to a restaurant selected by neru. As for what to eat at this time? Of course, it's barbecue. If Sakamoto doesn't eat barbecue, do you still eat Southeast Asian cuisine?

The three came to the restaurant and chose a secluded corner.

Ping Shou seems very happy. He Yue's eyes are full of adoration. The essence of this girl is still a lovely little girl. In he Yue's eyes, it is the endless problems of zelaka and the special music style among the idols that make this teenage girl look very distressing.

He Yue herself has more influence in the idols than Zhiyuan. Her ability and her protection of her idols are all the special expectations of those people like tie and Changbin.

It's absolutely worthwhile for them to have dinner and watch musicals with he Yue.

While the three were ordering with the waiters, the door of the barbecue shop over there was suddenly pushed open.

A dozen young girls came in together.

The restaurant near the TV East studio often has idols recording programs, so the restaurant itself is not surprised by the arrival of these girls. The three people on he Yue's side immediately recognize each other.

They are he Yue's good-natured people who have just become idols.

When he Yue saw them, the girls with pseudonyms also saw three of them. A group of girls rushed to say hello. The three people sitting at the table of he Yue were the most important three in the idol work for the girls now. The draw was the center of Sakamoto's team, Changbin was the center of their pseudonyms, and he Yue was their super elder or their elder Board.

Tied with long shore want to stand up, but see he Yue did not move, two people also finally did not move.

Although he Yue sat still, he didn't want to let the three of them destroy the atmosphere of the pseudonym team. So when the girls came, he Yue said to the leader, Junichiro Sasaki: "we just have a meal and go after eating. You don't have to come with us. This shop should have enough bags, so we won't join in, otherwise your atmosphere will be even worse "I'm here."

Unless it's an invitation, in he Yue's opinion, this is the best way.

After eating for a while, she said to Changbin, "go there and say hello. In addition, tell them not to save and try to order something delicious. Do you understand?"

He Yue's words directly ask "do you understand" instead of "do you know". Smart Changbin immediately understands he Yue's meaning. After wiping his hand, he stands up and enters the room not far away from the pseudonym. He Yue's side also casually draws hands and asks: "what do you think of today's selection and publication?"

"In fact, I don't want to be a center that much, but the teachers say that when the combination is just formed, one needs to stand in the center of gravity and get the most push to attract ordinary audiences..." Even handed.

"Where else? Like a new row. "

"Well That's good, so everyone can get a chance. "

He Yue nodded and whispered that it was true. Then, she organized a speech and said, "you know, in fact, in the previous planning meeting, I was very opposed to this kind of behavior of bringing the back row members to the front row."

"Why?" The draw was very surprised at he Yue's sudden words.

"Because it's not going to improve the back row, it's going to raise the popularity to the front row."

in the face of the elders, this kind of attitude expressed by the silence itself,

"why, don't you believe it?" He Yue asked without surprise."I think everyone is serious and hardworking, so..."

"It doesn't matter. You may think that I can't believe it now, and I don't mind that. In this way, don't tell anyone, just watch quietly, see what everyone does and thinks, see whether they have made efforts to meet the requirements of the front row members, and whether they are angry and angry, or will they redouble their efforts in order to win back Back in the front row. "

At this point, Changbin also came back from kana's room, and the three people began to eat again. He Yue also noticed that in kana's room, the communication speed of restaurant staff increased a lot. Obviously, they did order more things.

After a while, when the three went out after dinner, he Yue went to the front desk to pay. Of course, he also helped settle the bill of kanasaka.

Even paid some more money, in order to avoid this group of girls to continue the single.

It's a normal thing for Japanese entertainment circles to pay for the younger generation in the store. He Yue has also met many times. Even now, if Shizuka or other seniors see he Yue in the store, they will take the initiative to help pay, even if they may not make more than one percent of the money.

However, there is a special case for he Yue. If it's Ma you Watanabe and Ai Li Suzuki, who are the predecessors in her company, it's basically he Yue who helps pay as the boss, not as the predecessor.

Zhijinxiang, who is obviously not so rich and has to pay because of his status as a senior, is sure to find an opportunity to make up in other directions after that, which he Yue has been insisting on.