In addition, almost to the end of the year, those special programs at the beginning of the year also began to record.

One of the special features is TBS.

In April next year, he Yue actually has two new programs, one is her golden adventure youth fan group, and the other is TBS's late night fan.

However, this program is not brand-new, but from the TBS charging channel up, originally he Yue presided over the NBA basketball team.

This group has been working since he Yue became an idol. During the NBA transfer period in the middle of this year, she made a big plan, closed several funny artists for a week, and made an interesting transfer guessing plan. Surprisingly, the content of the plan was very good after broadcast, and it was not only in Japan, but also in China and even in the United States Few viewers saw the clips on YouTube.

Laughter, he Yue has been doing this program for many years, and many of its contents have also begun to spread on the Internet regardless of national boundaries.

For example, she went to the home of basketball fans to visit her collection, for example, she showed her basketball ability in the early stage of the program, and she was filmed in high school three years and easily won three national basketball league championships.

The popularity in foreign countries has turned to be popular in China, which has raised the attention of the program team. However, the sponsor of NBA League, after seeing this situation, consciously got the opportunity and simply promoted the program to the ground.

Because it was mentioned above the ground wave, the program team suddenly got a large amount of sponsorship funds, and the NBA was more generous. It directly gave 10 sets of round-trip tickets to the United States, and sent the whole program team to the United States to watch the NBA's opening game from 16 to 17 years!

As for the specific suspense of which game is not big, the Cavaliers did get the 16 season championship, but a team that has won the championship lacks some attraction, especially in the face of the current situation of the warriors.

He Yue has been saying that he likes the warriors since 2011. As long as the fans watch the program, they don't know about it. This year's warriors are even more concerned because they won the second place last season. They have not weakened but also strengthened. After Durant came to the team, the strength system of the whole NBA has been completely unbalanced. Fans of other teams regard the warriors as evil In the end, boss, in the eyes of warriors fans, this is the happiest time.

However He Yue can't go abroad now!

NBA is also to give the ticket, just remember this in Japan is still guilty.

The planned things had to be all over again, which even affected Hashimoto.

Originally, if she could go, he Yue had a good plan to take Hashimoto to the United States. Before last year, she took Murayama to the finals, and even left a strong kiss on the big screen. This time, if she could bring Hashimoto to the scene again, she would have another strong kiss Not to mention the special experience of kiss between girls, he Yue's behavior of kissing different girls in the same venue and showing them to the whole world is enough to produce dozens of website news with high reading numbers

"She's changed! It's a change

This kind of.

It's a pity that all these things can't be done, even including the plan that naimuban's company will directly put Hashimoto's photo album on the west coast of the United States to shoot if they can.

Now I can't go abroad, so I have to go to Hokkaido for shooting according to the original plan.

He Yue, who couldn't go abroad, had to stay in Japan to continue her shooting work. It wasn't until the boxing guessing meeting began in October that she finally had a more leisurely job.

That's right. Compared with the fact that TV program recording needs to be on the way from time to time, and sometimes there is no time to eat, the work of guessing boxing conference, which starts in the morning and doesn't leave until evening, is almost like a rest for he Yue. She doesn't even need to watch too many scripts about the preparation of guessing boxing conference, and no specific work is arranged for her on the day of operation It's just to let her play an active role among the members.

Maybe this is what he Yue is good at.

For example, when he Yue arrived at the scene on that day, the first person he Yue touched was the Songgang flower on the side of HKT.

To be honest, in terms of character, he Yue thinks that little Hana sauce is the most suitable child she has ever seen to be an idol. Her pure and incomparable smile is impressive. He Yue even moves her mind to be a part-time hibasaka in the future.

However, this idea is just to think about it casually. Because of her existence, there are too many uncertain things in Hisaka's future. She dare not add new changes to Hisaka.

The preparation period of the boxing guessing conference in the daytime is no different from the boxing guessing conference in recent years. The main work is to cope with the media's all kinds of follow-up and waiting for the live photo shooting. In addition, the busiest thing for he Yue is the live broadcast.

The live broadcast of this year's boxing guessing conference was bought by showroom.

After several years of cooperation, showroom has established a good relationship with AKB. In the face of the challenge of pay TV, niconiconico and other online media, he Yue also made a big effort and directly paid for the live broadcast right.In addition to the boxing guessing conference, there is also a live part of the backstage, which started before the boxing guessing conference.

Then, when the boxing guessing meeting started, after singing and dancing, the first scene appeared was a publication.

The publicity image of the wine accompanying girls' school in "road must add school 6" has been made public.

Hmmm…… There was not much surprise cost in the cheers on the scene. Many people were embarrassed when they saw the content. For everyone, the really familiar road Xujia School Park is back

Obviously, this 6 is not the content that he Yue is responsible for supervising the production and shooting, and the debut lineup is also the lineup of pure blood AKB group.

I have to say that this time's "road must add School Park 6" is a little embarrassing.

Because the first five were adapted into movies and became popular all over Japan. They won billions at the box office, not to mention many awards all over the world It's too much for a village drama.

But compared with embarrassment, AKB's operation is actually more serious.

At the beginning of operation, he Yue wanted her to continue to be responsible for the shooting of 6, but he Yue was very clear that her ability could not be successful again. Moreover, at 5, because she did not believe in he Yue's strength, the operation gave he Yue all the rights except the income of ordinary TV dramas. As a result, she did not get any money from the operation, and finally the box office dividend was zero In the pocket of he Yue and he Yue company.

This time, the operation will not be like 5 again, and he Yue has lost interest in shooting new works. If it's no profit, you can't get up early. Let the operation continue to do 6. Even if the operation is crazy, it's OK to take advantage of what he Yue did before.
