In my mind, the intersection of Guangyuan Pingtai and myself flashed by.

Actually That's really not much for her.

The first meeting, the accidental help in Shinkansen, has been hard to remember. For he Yue, it's never something that needs special memory.

Then he became a fan of himself.

Since then, for more than four years now, there has been no contact between the two people in private. Of course, the most chatting is at the handshake meeting. In addition, guangyuanping is likely to stand near her when she occasionally does activities, and he Yue will say hello and say two words. In a word, from he Yue's point of view, the communication with guangyuanping is a common fan nothing more.

What's a little special is that Guangyuan is probably the only fan who has an intimate relationship with her in a very special way.

Of course, he Yue is very special to Guangyuan Pingtai. He Yue was also a fan in those years, so he also understood the psychology of fans. Fans are very special to idols. They are neither lovers, nor friends, nor relatives, but they know everything about them. They even know a lot about their public performance better than idols themselves, He Yue can't be clearer.

But she did not believe that she always did a lot of things to protect Guangyuan as a fan.

Such a person is simply a model of fans. He likes he Yue, but he doesn't like the "suspected lover experience". He never interferes in he Yue's private life, and he doesn't pick the idol's fault when he meets and chats. He will help her when she has problems, and even play an extremely important role, but he never asks he Yue to pay anything What

Perhaps because of this, he Yuecai has always been deeply impressed by guangyuanping, and even secretly pays attention to his itinerary, his views on himself

For four years, such a simple and hardworking young man likes a very special idol like he Yue

For he Yue, he is just a very small part of her entertainment career and idol career. Everything about Guangyuan Pingtai, on the importance of he Yue's heart, may not even catch up with a smile from Saito Feiniao or Murayama Caixi

For Guangyuan Pingtai, he Yue is almost the only light in his life

However, on such a morning, he Yue was embarrassed by Guangyuan Pingtai's departure.

Not because of anything else, the main reason is that he Yue herself is the most special idol.

So for Guangyuan Pingtai, he Yue doesn't pay special attention to her daily status as an idol, but at such a time, he Yue can't help but bring everything in her body into her idol status.

He Yue, who is a fan and he Yue, an idol, has two different moods interwoven with the sense of substitution, which has an unparalleled impact on her psychology.

She has never been a weeping person. She has been an idol for several years. After graduating from donko Maeda to nainainai Hashimoto, she has only been on her own show. Because of the relationship between uncle Yu and Dazhu, she cried once. Even that time, she did the effect. The so-called "Weeping art" has more "technology".

But at this moment, her tears suddenly couldn't help.

He Yue quickly lowers her head and makes her eyes parallel to the ground. He Yue really hasn't experienced tears at work, so she is really not good at holding back tears. In her panic, she can't help but hold back tears. So she has to lower her head and let the tears flow directly instead of on her face.

The sudden strange appearance soon attracted the attention of the surrounding staff and even photographers, and people turned their eyes and camera lens to her.

"He Yue, what's the matter?" Di Meisha holds her and asks anxiously. She can only see he Yue's head down, tears falling like broken thread beads. Di Meisha is also in a panic. She has never seen he Yue cry like this.

"It's OK. I'm ok. I'll be ready soon." In fact, he Yue knows very well that she can't make such a gaffe. The program is about to start. She's too much trouble for the program group.

In fact, she is trying her best to squeeze tears out now. After two minutes, he Yue finally raises her head.

At this time, there are many people around her. Everyone looks at her anxiously and worries about her sudden tears.

"It's OK. I'm ok. I can be on the show!" He Yue said holding his waist.

She even sobbed a little, but she had a new smile on her face.

"No problem? Is that really OK? " They all asked.

"If not, it's OK not to appear." We all know he Yue's attitude towards work very well. We know that she is in trouble because she is so impolite now, so we all treat her with a very tolerant attitude.

"No, please let me out, no problem, I can control my mental state!" He Yue said firmly.Seeing that she said so, everyone didn't insist any more, so the program groups returned to their own positions, only waiting for a few seconds, and the program began immediately.

"Welcome to today's zip! 》First of all, please allow me to introduce today's guest, he Yue from AKB48 and naimuban 46! "

In the applause, the camera turned to he Yue. A few minutes ago, she was still crying. Her eyes were still red, but she couldn't see anything special in her expression. With the introduction, she went into the set of the studio.

"Welcome to our zip! 》。” Said the host.

"Hello everyone, I'm here to do Xuanfan!" He Yue said directly.

Her direct also attracted a burst of laughter, and people's eyes were filled with appreciation and surprise. Everyone saw he Yue's gaffe just now. Everyone was very worried about her insisting on the program. The whole program group was afraid that she would suddenly lose control of her psychological state in the program.

But it's unexpected that he Yue really controlled his mental state perfectly in the next two hours.

In fact, at least half of the two-hour program is on VTR, but even when VTR is on, there is also a small window to point the camera at the artists, so the program participants can't relax for a second.

And he Yue did.
