Get white stone script invitation, inside turned a circle, he Yue turned out a few scripts.

No. 3 in the diary of the overhead ol, and No. 3 in the over protected jiahuzi I don't know the number, and No. 4 or No. 5 in unnatural death.

The three books are more unreliable than the previous ones.

"Overhead ol diary" is the original work and script of the comedian fool doctrine. The idea comes from his attempt with the nature of social experiment. He set up a social account set as the company ol, and then submitted it from the perspective of adult women. Many of the contents are very representative female words. Later, the fool doctrine script was sought after by the Japanese entertainment circle and became popular in Japan It's simply to make this idea into a TV play.

Late at night, each episode has 25 minutes, the audience rating is not high, and there is no particularly complete and fluent plot. How to look at this TV play is not reliable, but he Yue is very clear that this work of fool doctrine is very topical, and playing such a work can bring a lot of relevant "talks" to the participants.

"Protected jiahuzi" is a topic work of Takahata Chongxi and Takeuchi Liangzhen. Bai Shi is auditioned for the cousin of the protagonist jiahuzi. He Yue remembers that the role seems to be a high school student, but it's very easy to change the background of this less important supporting role. If Bai Shi plays, she will change her age background to suit her appearance The state of the system.

Fujitsu's yuejiu or something has not been as influential as it was 20 years ago in recent years. The rating of haiyueji is about 6%, while the average rating of protected jiahuzi is 11.5%. In the end, it is even 14%. In this era, the works that can get this rating can be regarded as a topic of concern I did.

If Baishi could be on this play, it would be the greatest help to her career.

As for the last unnatural death

It's normal for a TV play in the beginning of the 18th century to start looking for someone in the end of the 16th century. After all, the series may have been ready to start shooting in the second half of the 17th century. Baishi Mayi certainly won't get any good role in this play. It's estimated that in nine cases out of ten, it's the kind of supporting role whose appearance time of each episode is no more than one minute. But he Yue recommends this play to her. Besides this play, it's also a topic work Besides, I also hope that she can see more about Ishihara's performance. She can't compare the acting skills of strong women. Even if she can learn one tenth, it will be enough for her to survive in this circle.

After giving the recommended three books to Baishi's agent, he Yue went into other work. As for whether Baishi would accept her proposal, he Yue didn't expect much.

After all, there are examples of the three single and akb17 general election in the front. He Yue has the right to make suggestions, but he is not qualified to ask the other party to listen.

But unexpectedly, after a few days, Baishi's agent came again. This time, she came with the three notebooks that he Yue had chosen for Baishi!

Baishi took all the auditions of the three plays!

Among them, "overhead ol diary" will be released in April next year. The shooting company doesn't have high requirements for Baishi either. It's said that it's just an audition, and the director nodded his head and agreed to it. After all, Baishi is also a topic actor now. For the broadcast of TV series, her appearance can bring a lot of topics, attention and ratings to the series.

And the audition for "over protected plus child" will start at the beginning of next year.

The agent said: "our family Baishi really believes you. I heard that you recommended three new books to her, and gave up all the books she had picked out without considering them..."

He Yue is also quite surprised by Baishi's practice, especially after AKB and naimuban's operation have rejected her proposal. Baishi's practice makes he Yue feel more moved. Only the people around him can trust him so strongly.

Of course, after the audition, he Yue can't confirm whether the characters in "protected jiahuzi" and "unnatural death" can be played. Even if the characters are taken down, he Yue can't be sure that Baishi's performance will be really good.

It's true that all the three Japanese dramas are topic works, but most of the so-called topics in topic works are focused on the protagonists, and Baishi's absence may not attract attention.

On the whole, it's a question of whether to choose "chicken head" or "Phoenix Tail". The protagonist of the late night show and the supporting role of the topic both look good, but the effect depends on the person.

As for haiyueji, which is neither a topic nor a supporting role, it is a more boring choice.

As for the possibility that Dabai plays a very good role in the rubbish works, arouses the attention that does not exist, and even becomes a top actress? Calm down, she is white stone linen

Cruelly enough, she's 24 years old

Acting depends on talent. 4-year-old Lutian aicai, 13-year-old anda Youshi, 14-year-old Shida futurai and 17-year-old Hirose Sisi, if they don't have this talent, they should try their best to put on some programs while they are popular. If they want to go on this road, they should settle down and play more supporting roles and Polish their acting skillsFrom the perspective of actor line, he Yue, the idol of Akira Yasunari, thinks that the calmest and surest person is lingnai Matsui. Of course, after the aura of Maeda and Oshima has faded, they all start to be steadfast, but lingnai Matsui is the best of these people.

The route has been drawn for Baishi, and the next step is his own business.

For the others, Shengtian's route has long depended on her. Although he Yue gave her the opportunity to work on stage drama in advance, to tell the truth, Shengtian could have taken this route even without her intervention.

So In fact, the only thing that worries he Yue now is Saito Feiniao.

To be honest, her future is the most uncertain.

Saito's position in naimusan is a bit like that of Mayou Watanabe in AKB. When the generation of Maeda daishima retired, Mayou became the center of the team. She was one of the final members from 2010. Her existence can be said to run through the whole period of AKB's popularity.

As a result, she has a much stronger AKB label than other people. Of course, she has taken a lot of work outside the village, but the final effect of these work is not good.

Saito, in he Yue's opinion, is more difficult than Mayou

Ma you is already very difficult, because when she started her career, she was a pure idol, and Saito, she was only more troubled by the image line.

In short, that childlike face, let her become a super beautiful girl, but also let her only this route.

Unless she dares to change her image in a very important period of her life like Yasushi and Erika zajiri, the cost and risk are also great. These two are both exposed in films or photo albums