"Well Well, if you can get permission, it's OK to let me play Hashimoto promised.

Although it's just a temporary promise, the cheers have already started, obviously fans are looking forward to it.

Two people talked a few more words, some no, MC is over, then the concert continues.

According to he Yue, Hashimoto's Graduation Concert is the most important one of naimuban's, because this concert, to some extent, has established naimuban's own live, especially his graduation live style.

Compared with AKB's performance at graduation, Hashimoto's graduation live gives people an impression of turning around gracefully and leaving.

To be honest, he Yue still hopes that naimuban's graduation will be more gorgeous and more unforgettable.

She has never been the kind of person who, because she is a fan, thinks AKB or naimuban are good at anything and then negates her idol group. Naimuban does have its own style, but who would hate better shows and better performances?

So when designing Hashimoto live, the producers and Hashimoto have their own ideas, which are similar to naimuban's consistent style. With them, he Yue is not afraid of style deviation, but also trying to play their own brain ideas.

One of the biggest surprises, even he Yue is looking forward to, is that in the middle of the concert, there is a solo from nainainai Hashimoto!

This is also what he Yue strongly demanded after thinking that Hashimoto could not participate in naimuban live of nhkhall next year.

Hashimoto is tall enough and in good shape, but she has the temperament of a literary girl. Such a big girl dances lively or charming under the gaze of tens of thousands of people

In short, after a performance after MC, he Yue, Saito, Baishi and Shengtian all changed their clothes and came to the monitor as soon as possible!

The stage lights dim down, only a spotlight hit the center of the venue, Hashimoto appeared.

The girl's body is wearing a complex and gorgeous dress, her face is exquisite and incomparable makeup, lovely and amazing.

The music started.

"To make a man difficult" (ないのねだり), nainainai Hashimoto's only Solo, the melody of the song is gentle, just like Hashimoto's memory. Gradually, the whole venue is quiet, the green fluorescent stick is gently waving, with the voice of Hashimoto's song, this is the time for Hashimoto and his fans to experience and feel.

A solo, after cutting, took about 2 minutes. At the end of the melody, it was surprising that Hashimoto did not step down, and the melody of the second song immediately began to ring again.

She is still the only one on the stage. This time her song is It's called "the combination of the two"!

This early Divine Song of naimuban has rarely been performed in non annual concerts, but this time, Hashimoto, who is not one of the selected members, chose this song.

The fans are also surprised. The situation of naimuban is that unless some members graduate, they seldom ask others to perform other songs. Unlike AKB, the songs of the whole group are used casually.

Fans immediately realized that it was rare for them to sing other people's songs this time. Many people also thought about it. Except for he Yue, I'm afraid no one can break naimuban's style for many years.

So the cheers were occasionally mixed with some thanks to he Yue.

Of course, most of the cheers are dedicated to Hashimoto.

After another divine song full of flavor, solo comes to the fifth minute. Hashimoto has not left, but the tune of this song suddenly changes. The third song is "The sun's mouth says the sun"!

This song has a little showy feeling. Especially in the dance, Hashimoto's dance has a strong sense of retro rhythm. There are many pauses in the dance. Of course, the dance of this song is not performed by one person.

Baishi hemp clothes, Saito flying bird and shayouli Matsumura appeared on the stage together, wearing their respective men's clothes to accompany the dance, um It's more like a short play.

Many audiences feel disappointed after watching the performance of this song, because he Yue doesn't appear in men's clothes, but if you think about it carefully, you will die. It's understandable that he Yue doesn't appear. Her men's clothes are too superior, and it doesn't mean that she is so beautiful that she can surpass Shengtian Baishi and other big top men's clothes. In fact, she has always been the only one of her own in men's clothes The next one is empty, and then it may be her top men's clothing.

Three songs passed, and the fourth one started. This time it was Solo of Shengtian's picture of pear blossom, hypothermia!

But this time Hashimoto didn't sing. The singer still appeared in Shengtian, the highest place on the stage. Hashimoto was dancing solo!

Well It's understandable that naimuban is the most relaxed when he arranges solo for Shengtian, because there is no need to consider the technology of range and intonation. No matter how difficult the song is, Shengtian can control it very well. Therefore, Shengtian can sing other people's songs and sing his own flavor, but few people in the group can sing Shengtian's songs well."Kiss of hypothermia" is originally a rock song. At the beginning of the music, Shengtian's aura was fully opened. At this time, Hashimoto on the stage also faded part of his dress and turned it into a dress for dancing. With Shengtian's singing, the girl danced beautifully.

This is so cool. The solitude in the middle of the stage, with long hands and feet, is in his 20s. After years of idolatry work, Hashimoto, who has gradually formed his own aura, has restrained his smile and performed a handsome dance. This is the first and last scene, which makes everyone open their eyes.

He Yue's eyes are straight. To tell you the truth, naimuban's singing and dancing styles are relatively narrow. It's really rare to see such a dance before Hashimoto graduated. This dance alone will live up to her solo with the operator.

The last part of Hashimoto solo is the song she asked for, which is "silent guitar".

It's also a rock style song. This time, it's not sang by Shengtian, but by Hashimoto. The girl is not a good singer, and she is obviously more suitable for the gentle style of the first solo in front of her. But it's rare that her performance is not bad, and he YUENENG feels that Hashimoto chose this song because of her.

This is a song that he Yue likes very much. Although it may not be the top 5 of he Yue's favorite naimuban songs, it's not because she doesn't love enough, but because naimuban's divine songs are also many, such as "blue sky", "uniform", "opportunity", "swing" and so on. But these songs must be formally performed in the annual concert, so Hashimoto let them go Song, finally chose this song "silent guitar".