Jiangning carried out his research in the wizard tower, and constantly lived in the palace, royal garden and wizard tower in triplicate. Although research is very important, he is also a family man. Naturally, I will not ignore my wife and son!

Although he also wanted his son to become a wizard, he was still an apprentice wizard. I didn't dare to teach my son, so I created a martial art for my son! He called it "Chivalry" which was created by combining the knowledge of martial arts on earth with the knowledge of martial arts in the multiverse.

Even the housekeeper marvels at this chivalry skill. For mortals, this skill is quite powerful. Therefore, every day, Jiangning would take time to teach his son how to practice this skill. Because, this combat skill can enhance the physical fitness and the functions of Qi, blood and internal organs, and make people more powerful.

In addition, the above martial arts from simple to deep, from easy to difficult, under the guidance of a special person to learn quickly. Therefore, after nearly a month's study, tutehem's physical quality is obviously different. Full of explosive power.

In addition, Jiangning used Alchemy to create his special armor and sword, which was worn by tutehem. It seems very heroic!

Looking at tutehem, wearing blue armor and holding a sword with cold light, Jiangning could not help thanking an Islander. Brother Chetian, thank you!

That's right. The armor that tootham wears is a famous cartoon. Among the saints, Odin's holy robe!

This sacred dress is quite beautiful. With Jiangning's painstaking efforts, it is not only beautiful in appearance. The defense is even more amazing. It is impossible for mortals to damage this suit of armor. Moreover, Jiangning has also blessed many sorcery formations, and this armor has become more powerful.


In the imperial garden, Jiangning is painting a full-length portrait of his son wearing armor and holding a sharp sword.

The figures in the painting are vivid. It's just like the photos taken by the camera, which surprised the ministers, waiters and Cassandra!

"Well, son! Come and have a look. "

Jiangning beckoned. Tutehem came over and looked up. He was stunned by his powerful and handsome appearance.


Jiangning enjoyed his son's surprised and shocked expression: "how are you, satisfied?"

Tootham kept nodding: "it's like I'm in a painting!" Then he remembered something and said, "please teach me!"

"No problem!"

In later generations, this full-length portrait of Jiangning, created for king tutehem II, was worshipped by countless painters thousands of years later. It is regarded as the national treasure of tutehem dynasty! Of course, Jiangning did not forget to draw a "group photo" of himself, Cassandra and his family, which also caused a huge sensation in later generations. When his paintings were published by later dynasties, after special verification, it was confirmed that the age of the paintings was 5000 years ago. And created by the original king himself, Jiangning's identity is no longer a mythical character. It's a living existence! Naturally, it is also true about the birth of the tutehem Dynasty and the birth of the island of Shenzhou. By countless film companies, constantly remake, make a film and TV series.

Every time, the audience ratings all burst. People all over the world are interested in this mysterious wizard king and want to know him through movies.


On the land of Egypt opposite the Mediterranean, the turbulence that lasted for more than ten years was broken.

To be exact, it was broken by one person.

This man unified the whole upper Egypt, and then unified the whole lower Egypt again. Officially, it started the era of pyramid civilization.

His name is en Shaba Nur. However, he prefers to call himself



Apocalypse was the first mutant of civilization at dawn. His life was full of frustrations. At birth, his parents abandoned him because of his gray skin and blue lips. When he grew up, his love was frustrated because of his appearance, and finally he slipped into the abyss of crime. He has powerful super power and willpower, can transfer consciousness into a new body and obtain "eternal life".

He was abandoned by his parents because he was born with gray skin and blue lips. Later, he was adopted by a group of vagrants in the desert. As he grew up, his strength began to increase day by day So much so that he unified Egypt.


In a new capital, Memphis.

Apocalypse was wearing a gorgeous robe and a mask symbolizing the sun god. Beside him stood four bodyguards with different masks and armor. These were his four knights of apocalypse.

"The new pyramid, is it finished?" Apocalypse asked, the knight beside him.

The plague Knight immediately replied, "it's not finished yet. The attitude of these Dalits is always procrastinating."

"Speed up!" The Apocalypse told him that he would not care about the lives of these Untouchables. In his eyes, these people are no different from slaves. Why care about their life and feelings?

"By the way, you have informed other tribes. How many tribes have shown their admiration? How many would not? " Asked the apocalypse.

The knight of war immediately replied, "most tribes are willing to submit, but some of them are stubborn and unwilling to submit to us."

"Since you don't want to, you must know what to do, my knight of war!"

"Of course, the great Pharaon!" With that, the knight of war went out excitedly. Every time, he will be very comfortable to listen to the group of pariah before the death of the howl, this taste, let him very fascinated, also let him very excited.

The death knight came to the apocalypse and said, "great Pharaon, I've heard about that country."

Apocalypse said with interest: "I heard that they were the first civilizations, and the land was prayed to heaven. And the king of the first generation is said to be a powerful wizard, isn't he

"That's right!"

"Tell me what you've heard!"

The death knights bowed humbly and said, "I heard that their land is not far from our land. It's an island hanging alone on the sea. It's said that it's very rich, the climate is suitable, and the products are very rich... "

"Say the point!" Apocalypse said unhappily.

"Yes The death knight is about to sweat. Although he is called Death Knight, it doesn't mean he is not afraid of death. Others don't know the power of apocalypse, but he knows it very well. The power of terror is just like God.

"According to reliable information, their first king, the wizard, has returned."

Apocalypse said excitedly, "are you back? Very good, very good. Let me have a look, the wizard king As soon as his voice fell, a purple light shield covered him and the three Knights around him and disappeared in an instant.