This decadent young man walking towards Gabriel is called John? Constantine.

Since he was a child, he could see the devil and the undead. This special ability once made him very afraid. He had committed suicide, but heaven and hell did not accept him. However, he didn't die, and he didn't know where to learn all his skills to help human beings drive away the demons. Try to save yourself in this way, in order to enter heaven after death.


"If you have guests, then I'll leave!"

Looking at Constantine, he lit another cigarette and looked at Gabriel and Jiangning.

Gabriel said, "well, if you want me, come here. If I want to find you, I can always find you. "

"Ha ha!" Jiangning meaning unknown smile: "of course, you have this power!"

With that, Jiangning turned and left.

The meeting with Gabriel and the moment he saw Constantine made him understand where the world was. Although the devil's force value is not too strong, Constantine's force is not strong. However, there are heaven and hell in this world. If you can get some answers from the angel or the devil's mouth, then it is not a worthwhile trip.


"Who is he?" Looking at Jiangning leaving, Constantine asked with a fierce puff.



Constantine took another look at the location of the gate. "What powerful wizard are there these days?"

"Child, you are wrong!"

"I was wrong?" He looked at Gabriel in doubt.

Gabriel said with a smile: "he is not an ordinary wizard. His magic power is very strong. If I fight him in the world, I can't be sure of winning. "

"Oh?" Even though he was a little surprised, Constantine's face was still light: "is it so powerful?"

Instead of answering, Gabriel turned to Constantine and said, "boy, you're here. I know what you want."

"Recently, there have been a lot of supernatural events. Maybe you can give me some time, I can help you do more things here! "

"You're still trying to get into heaven! Unfortunately, you still can't get into heaven. "

"Why?" Constantine's expression changed a little. He came to Gabriel eagerly and looked into her eyes. "I've done so many things and driven away so many demons. Isn't that enough?"

"You can't go to heaven with that alone!"

"What on earth does he want me to do?"

Gabriel responded, "sacrifice, faith!"

"I swear to God, I have him in my heart, I..."

"No, you know it yourself!"


"Damn it, damn it He looked at the cough medicine in his hand, opened the bottle cap and took a sip. Poor physical condition, so that he does not care at this moment, is still raining.

"Do you smoke?"

"It's you!" Turning his head and looking at Jiangning standing beside him, he took the cigarette and lit it up.


Jiangning said with a smile, "I didn't get wet by the rain, did I?"

"That's great!" Meng looked at the hands of cigarettes, looked up at the sky, still raining. However, the rain did not rain on him at all. To be exact, there would be no more rain around him and Jiangning. Separated by an invisible barrier, all the rain fell down to both sides.

"I don't remember we met, and this is just the second time we've met."

"Of course, I don't know you either. This is the second time we've met." Holding out his right hand, he introduced himself: "Jiangning, Chinese people have just arrived in Los Angeles."

Constantine did not immediately extend his right hand, but looked up and down before shaking hands with Jiangning.

"You come to me specially, not just to know me, so simple!"

"Of course!"

Pointed to his lung: "your cancer is very serious, but I have a way to make you reborn!"

"There's no hope. The cancer is advanced. I don't have long to live, unless I can find a pair of healthy lungs and replace them for me. But those guys in hell don't want me to live again. "

"So you are as shallow as ordinary people!" With that, Jiangning turned and left.

"Wait a minute!"

"What else?"

Constantine catch up with Jiangning, slightly hesitant said: "you really have a way to cure my disease?"

"Of course

Looking at Jiangning's confident smile, Constantine said: "I don't think this kind of good thing will fall on me for no reason. I've smoked 30 cigarettes a day since I was 15 years old, and I often drink too much. My health is so bad that it can't be worse, and I don't think I have the money to pay for it. So, what do I have to pay? If it's a soul, forget it! "

"Ha ha, sometimes I am the soul. As for money? Now that I'm poor, all I have is money. I need some information! "

"Intelligence?" Constantine was puzzled: "Gabriel said that you are a powerful wizard. You only have more intelligence and insight than me. Why do you need my information? "

"I just came to America, and I don't know something about the western world."

Constantine said, "what information do you need?"

"Ha ha."


"This underground bar is said to be a refuge for ghosts. In fact, it has everything in it. The boss's name is Milne. He's a neutral man! " While walking, Constantine introduced Jiangning to the underground bar he was about to arrive.

"Neutral?" Playfully said: "ridiculous, in heaven and hell between the two camps, talk and neutrality?"? If it had not been for the existence of the border, the world would have been completely divided by the two forces. "

Constantine: --


When he came to the underground bar, the strong man took out a card.

"Two frogs on the bench!" Constantine was right, and then the strong man let him in. Constantine sidled by and looked back at Jiangning.

"Pediatrics!" It's Jiangning's turn. The strong man takes out another card. The front is a mouse in a skirt, and Jiangning wants to answer what's on the back: "a dragon with wings."

That's right, the strong man immediately got out of the way!

"Hello, John!"


"Milne is very principled and neutral. I'm not sure what you can ask from him!" Walking through the crowded bar, Constantine spoke to Jiangning as he walked.

"Is it?" His face was covered with an indifferent expression: "I don't think his mouth is so solid!"

"No trouble, Minnie is my friend!"


Ignoring the human devil's eyes, they walked through the corridor and came to a private room. Behind the door is the neutral's private room.