With the death of commander Qiao Hai ER and the fall of the command flagship, the morale of Dashi warship, which was close to the battle, fell sharply, while the morale of Tang army, which was trapped in the tangle, rose greatly.

The personnel quality of the Tang army was better than that of the Dashi army. Seeing his own Wang personally cut down the commander of the Dashi army, the morale of the Tang army exploded instantly, cheering and leaping, bravely chopping, killing and injuring countless Dashi soldiers.

"I've taken over Joel!"

Ajert raised his arms and exclaimed, holding the sword of the monarch in his right hand and the head of Joel in his left. The loud voice, after blessing, covered the sound of fighting in the whole sea area for a moment.

The soldiers fighting with each other are one of them. Ajert keeps shouting in two languages. With his voice, people can't help but focus their eyes on him.

When Tang Jun saw him, his morale was like a rainbow and his spirit was uplifting.

When the cannibal soldiers saw it, they were very sad. Their morale plummeted and they didn't want to fight.


I don't know who yelled it out. After listening to it, all the soldiers of Dashi army stopped fighting with their opponents in front of them and rushed back to their respective warships. Yell at the rowers and get out of here.

The morale of the army has been lax, and it has lost its lofty ambition when it just started.

"All officers and men, pursue and kill the enemy!"



The vast sea is no more than the land. In this dark middle ages, production was not only extremely backward. The same is true of this warship. The warships rowed by oars have no steam assistance. Secondly, there is no strong wind in the sea area today. It's not easy to escape from this land of right and wrong quickly because there's not even a slightly bigger headwind.

Moreover, the two armies' warships were entangled with each other, and the cannibals needed to get rid of the bitter Tang army if they wanted to escape.

In waves of shouts, the fighting continued.

It was not until dusk that the battle came to an end.

"Your Majesty, do you want to pursue?"

Ajert's attendants looked at more than 100 cannibal ships leaving the regiment and asked his monarch.

"There's no need to pursue. The soldiers are tired after a day's fighting! Return to the port as soon as possible, and then make preparations for the next step! "

"Yes, sir


With the sound of the bugle, the spirit of the Tang army began to relax. When the blood dissipated, I felt a strong sense of fatigue and hunger.

But they can't rest yet.

The officers on each warship began to give orders to recover the bodies of the Tang soldiers who died in the war one by one and transport them back to their homeland for burial! Until nightfall, the bodies were recovered one by one, leaving countless cannibal bodies on the sea.

The whole sea area is completely dyed red, and a large number of carnivorous fish gather around the battlefield.

At the beginning of the battle, they were attracted by the endless blood gas, but they did not dare to enter the middle of the battlefield, because there was a terrible shadow hidden in the bottom of the sea.


The naval battle between Tang people and cannibals, after brewing for a long time, spread to the whole Mediterranean world!

The Tang Dynasty defeated the cannibal attack in the confrontation. After the nearby fishing boats, merchant ships spread, the entire Ionian Sea is full of cannibal bodies, no less than ten thousand people!

When the news came out, the world was in an uproar!

After this war, no matter how the diplomatic relations between the Tang people and the cannibals were, the offensive and defensive between the two sides had been exchanged for a long time.

Now, it's time for cannibals to worry about themselves.

When the main force of the navy was lost, the remaining 100 ships could only patrol the coastal waters. However, the territory of the cannibals was extremely broad, and there were important harbors and cities everywhere. It is still unknown which of these places would face the attack of the Tang Dynasty.

When more than 100 ships returned to Alexandria, the whole cannibal court was in chaos.

However, ajert did not care about the situation of cannibalism or the response of Europeans. At this moment, he was drinking with the soldiers in the military camp.


But in the high altitude, there are three figures standing.

"Master, the war is over, they have won."


Jiangning's calm eyes, without any waves, or he hides very well. In his eyes, a glimmer of satisfaction and appreciation flashed!

A few years later, the original doll has grown into a monarch who can be independent. Jiangning is very satisfied with the performance of ajert, both politically and militarily.

This is the quality of a qualified monarch, and ajert did it, and did it well.

Regardless of estimation, the monarchs who dare to fight in person undoubtedly have a common characteristic.

great talent and bold vision! The color of courage is extraordinary!

It can be said that such a brilliant and bold monarch is deeply loved and supported by the army. In particular, a monarch who can win a battle is even more so.

This war has completely established ajert's prestige, which is more than he has gained in the past few years. After all, a monarch who can govern the country does not necessarily bring a sense of security to the people. However, a monarch who can fight will surely bring a sense of security to his people. This means that a country's military strength is strong, and if it is strong, it will not be invaded by foreign enemies. It will be good if it does not resist aggression.


Ajert and the soldiers cheered and drank for a long time. The dazed ajert was helped back to the tent by the servants! Mouth unconscious murmur, and then fell asleep!

"Your Majesty, wake up

"Your Majesty..."


Ajert gradually became clear in his deep sleep. He quickly grasped his sword with his right hand and looked at the blue freak standing beside him. He was surprised: "who are you?"

The blue freak said with a smile: "I am the spirit, the spirit of the lamp!"

"The spirit of the lamp?"

The Spirit said with a smile, "Your Majesty, someone wants to see you!"

"Someone wants to see me? Who is it? "

"A man you miss so much!"

"Is it..." ajert widened his eyes and looked at the spirit incredulously.

"Come with me, your majesty!"

With that, the spirit gently waved, and ajert's body could not help floating behind the spirit. At that time, he could see that there was dense fog everywhere, but the scene was not a barracks, but a new world.

"Here..." ajert looked around at the scenery in disbelief.

Spirit: "this is your dream!"

"My dream?"

"Yes, your majesty. This is your dream, my master, I do not know why, choose to meet you in a dream! Now, he's waiting for you! "
