As I said earlier, in the East, especially in quevienen and hildorian, where iluveta's children wake up one after another, it was the home and absolute sphere of influence of morgos. On the vast land, and in the shadow, there are many dark creatures wandering, all of them are Maya, kundi and hildo (human beings) who have been seduced and degenerated by morgos. They became the most famous oaks who would have blood feuds with many ethnic groups in the future( Orcs)

In the beginning, orcs were born when morgos satirized iluvita's children. He captured them, took them to utamo's nest, and made the elves suffer endless torture and give in. He instilled his evil power into the spirits, changed their thoughts and appearance, and the orcs were born. These orcs don't remember that they were once elves or members of human beings. Their souls had already fallen completely in the torment of morgos. Although morgos is their Creator, it does not mean that orcs are willing to submit to morgos.

Their feelings for morgos are twisted and crazy hatred, and they will not appreciate their creators. On the contrary, they hated morgos more than anyone else. However, the orcs could not resist. Not any dark creature could get rid of the control of morgos like ugoliant.

As a matter of fact, morgos was also miscalculated only because ugoliant got rid of his control. Apart from that, no other dark creature he has created can escape his control. Ugoliant is just an exception, a very special case.

What is the reason why morgos degenerated? Because time is too long before the birth of Yiya. In other words, there was no concept of age at that time. He and Vera were born in iluvita's mind one after another. In his soul, there is an immortal fire from iluvita, which used to create the universe.

When Vera began to create Alda one after another, morgos should have been called milkow at that time. He didn't know why he had fallen. He destroyed the world that Vera had worked hard to create and attacked them when they were not prepared. As a result, villa's strength is greatly damaged and they have to carry out long-term cultivation. At that time, Mirko, whose strength was the strongest among villa, was in the first place. Moreover, his power at that time had not yet spread into the world, or into the evil creatures he had created. This allowed him to lift a skyscraper and then push down two giant lights.

He abhors all good things, such as Arda and Yiya, as well as iluvita's children. He was jealous that the elves could get the favor of iluvita and Vera. He was jealous that iluvita was too kind to elves. He was also jealous of the beauty of the elves and all they had. He hated the children of iluvita. Whether it's the eldest son kundi or the second son hildo. As long as it was iluvita's children, he was instinctively disgusted, so after kundi could wake up, he attacked them. However, at that time, he did not dare to attack kundi openly. Just capture the single kundi, take them to angban for torture, and transform them into orcs.

But after the human wakes up, similarly has not been able to exempt his poisonous hand. The talent of human beings is not as good as that of elves. They do not have the beauty of elves, and they are not loved by Vera. Although urmu, with manwei's acquiescence, passed some civilization to them through the water. However, human ears can not hear the information contained in the water. In this way, humans lived in the East, in the place where they woke up, for hundreds of years. Until he could no longer bear the danger of the East, he trudged to the West.

Therefore, they heard that in the west, the land under their feet is a land of peace and security. After confirming their arrival in the west, humans happily lit bonfires and sang songs in the forest to celebrate. Similarly, their songs and bonfires also attract a special human, the eldest son of iluvita, the elf.

As the king of slond, finrod believed that he had seen many special races and heard many languages. Only this time the strangers he saw and the strange language he heard made him feel strange and curious. Finrod watched them like this until they fell asleep one by one, and a love for them came into his heart. The unguarded campfire gradually faded. Fenrod quietly walked up to them, sat by the campfire, and added firewood again to keep the campfire vigorous. Then he picked up the crude harp beside the campfire and began to play music that human ears had never heard before. Except for the dark elves wandering in the wilderness, human beings never had a teacher to teach them art.

In finrod's playing and singing, the sleeping people wake up one by one. Everyone thinks that he is having some wonderful dream, until he finds that his companions are awake and listening just like himself; But they did not speak or disturb fenrod's playing and singing, because the music and singing were so beautiful. The words of the king of spirits are full of wisdom, and those who listen become more intelligent; Because his songs about the creation of Alda and the joy of crossing the sea shadow over the other side of Amen Island, with the song like a picture one by one, his elvish language was interpreted in their minds according to their individual intelligence.

Because humans have met the dark elves in the east of the blue mountains, the human language is similar to that of the elves. Finrod succeeded in understanding and communicating with human beings. Humans have learned a lot from fenrod. They call fenrod "nomeng", which means "wisdom" in their language. In fact, they first thought that finrod was Vera, a God who was rumored to live in the Far West; This is one of the reasons why they moved westward. So finrod settled down among them and taught them real knowledge. They also loved him very much and respected him as king. From then on, they were loyal to the family of Finn.

Since Eldar is better at language than all other races, and finrod also finds that he can read human minds before they speak, he can easily understand what they say. It is said that these people have been dealing with the dark elves in the east of the mountains, and have learned a lot of their language from them; Since all kundi's languages are of the same origin, the languages of Bao and his people are similar to elvish in many words and changes( BeO, the old BeO, originally named balan, changed his name to BeO after fenrod. It was the first human leader to cross the blue mountains in the first era and enter bereryander.)