
The dull and heavy breathing sound came from behind the thick metal armor, accompanied by the metal friction sound of armor hitting each other. A tall figure, wearing heavy armor, slowly walked down the heavy deck of Nigel law. When a heavy landing sound sounded, the tall figure in armor had stood on the slightly muddy land.


The nightmare Lord, the king of hunting, slowly took off his helmet, revealing a slightly sinister face. His thin lips gently opened, and he heard a hoarse voice, "awalak!" He looked at his best partner with a little deep meaning, and immediately looked at Gail, his chief think tank and military strategist“ Gail, it's hard for you. "

"For, ayne El!"

Iritin nodded slowly. "Yes, for Ian al!" Immediately, his eyes became serious, "what about the man with ancient blood?" Looking at Gail and the silent awalak. Hearing the inquiry, the expression on Gail's face became obviously ugly. "That human, beyond my expectation, broke away from my bondage!" He some dejected reply, "carelessly, let her escape."

"Gail, are you so weak that you can't even capture a single human?" Iritin looked up and down at Gail with a glance that made him extremely uncomfortable. He said, "she has mastered the power of blood beyond my expectation. However, it's my responsibility that I didn't catch her. I won't make excuses for that!"

Instead of staying with him, iritin looked at awalak. "Can you explain that, awalak?"

"Explain what?" Awalak gave a stuffy reply.

"To explain, of course, why didn't you help Gail capture the human?" In an instant, the expression on her face became extremely dangerous. "You should know how the return of ancient blood to ayn'ai has helped our ethnic group." He accused awalak, "but you let the human go. You should know that the high elves are also coveting her."

"There will always be a solution, maybe not to such an extreme degree."

Iritin scoffed, "the solution?" "Gail may have told you that half of our homes have been destroyed," he said. People have suffered a lot. Do you still want a peaceful solution? "

Avalac said: "continue to fight, the last to be destroyed only ayne al."

"But the blood of ancient times is the hope for the rejuvenation of our nation!"

"It's just wishful thinking, iritin." Awalak said sadly: "the weakening trend of ayne Ayre can't be changed. The gap between us and the strong enemy is too big. The gap and pressure are like an endless mountain pressing on ayne Ayre's head. Even if we try our best to climb, we can't cross that mountain. "

Iritin looked at awalak. He was angry. After a long time, he shook his head in disappointment. "You let me down, awalak!" With that, he ordered his knights to escort awalak to the ship of doomsday, Nigel FA. Then, the powerful black ship, under the command of iritin, opened the portal again and began to pursue Shirley.

Although Shirley escaped from Gail's bondage, she was still traumatized by that moment's breakaway. It would make her run in the jungle, but the constant tingling in her mind made her feel very uncomfortable. The rapid gasping made her suffer from the double levels of spirit and body. But she also knew that she couldn't stop because her pursuers didn't leave. As for awalak's act of "betraying" himself again, Shirley is extremely sad. At the same time, he is pessimistic to find that at this moment, he seems to be abandoned by the whole world. Everyone treated her with strong malice.

This makes her sad to want to cry, but she also knows that this can not solve any problem. She forced herself to be strong, even now her feet are as heavy as lead, but she is also forcing herself to continue to run. She didn't know and didn't dare to imagine what was waiting for her once she was caught up by crazy hunting and captured by crazy hunting. However, she clearly knows that the taste and feeling must be very bad.

She didn't want to put herself in such a situation, and she didn't want to cast a shadow on the life she just started.

She didn't know where she had come, or where the jungle and area were. At that time, she had no time to worry about where she was. How much she wanted to see her family now, jerot, vissimil, yenefa, Trish, Lambert and so on. Shirley swears that this is the first time in his life that he is so eager to return to kelmohan and meet his relatives and friends.

Because, until this moment, she felt how much she wanted to get help from relatives and friends. The terrible feeling that there was no one in the world to help her made her reluctant to continue.

At this time, Shirley felt the evil and cold current from behind. With the constant cold wind and a faint animal roar behind him, Siri knew that it was hunting. She never doubted the speed of the chase. She only knew that her speed should be faster, otherwise she would be chased by crazy hunting. Gradually, the roar from behind became clear, and Siri knew that he could not compare with the hounds under crazy hunting. Therefore, she chose to avoid the pursuit of wild hunting. She climbed up a big tree, crouched and waited quietly, watching the hunting knights and hounds running quickly under her. After a while, Shirley jumped down from the tree. There was no sign of hunting in front and behind her. Relieved, she continued to run forward. However, he accidentally fell into a swamp. Shirley, struggling to get up, ignored the muddy water on her body. She vaguely saw that there seemed to be houses in the swamp ahead. That means someone is living, and that means you have a chance to get help!

Shirley ran towards the house. After she arrived at the house, she finally couldn't bear the dual exhaustion of spirit and body. Already exhausted, she fainted in front of the door of the house.