"Let's talk about our views."

The grand and majestic ladder style political palace is full of hundreds of elves, nobles and witches. In the days when ininville was not a council member, everything was discussed and voted by them.

After Hassan, the speaker of the Great Council of spirits, said this, a wizard of spirits could not wait to speak. Just listen to him say: "why do we want to share the fruits of our hard work and development for 10000 years with human beings for free?" What he said was what everyone wanted to say, and what all the elves didn't understand.

They worked hard in their hearts and developed for it for a long time of 10000 years. After they learned about human civilization in many ways, they finally found out. Human civilization does not have this kind of inside information at all, because they were still in the age of ignorance thousands of years ago. Even now, their civilization and various achievements are still inferior to those of elves.

What's more, today's spirit civilization has been diversified for more than 10000 years. In various fields and stages, we have made great achievements for future generations. This is also the result of civilization in the secular world. Their wizard civilization has also made brilliant and remarkable achievements. Although it is only a few thousand years, it is only this time that we can go on. According to a very vivid metaphor, the wizard civilization of the elves has long been a youth, while human civilization is still on the edge of youth.

Therefore, in some ways, elves do not look up to human civilization at all.

"Even though there are some excellent aspects of human civilization, I don't think we need to have equal communication with human beings. Our development is not owed to and has nothing to do with human beings. So why do we spread the seeds of civilization among them, or even teach them? What does this... Bring to the high elves? "

It's not only the hundreds of Elven nobles and witches who have been sitting here for a long time that don't understand, but also the speaker Hassan, who has survived for a long time, doesn't understand. At this time, Hassan had already shown his old state. After a long time of baptism, his mind was no longer what it was thousands of years ago. The longevity and youth of elves are related to mentality.

Hassan's heart began to grow old, which was reflected in him. His body and appearance were no longer young, but aging. But even so, he still has to work hard to maintain his mentality, to avoid the collapse of mentality in an instant. Because his king and God did not allow him to die.

"It seems that people are very concerned about human beings." Hassan, who looks old, has the same voice as his appearance. Instead of the magnetic and young voice, he has become thick and old.

"Although we used to belong to iluvita's children together with human beings when we were in Middle Earth, we also fought side by side with human beings and dwarves. But thousands of years have passed since I left there. The human beings we know were enemies to us. The changes that took place at the beginning of the world made us enemies to many races. I have also ruled many vast worlds. I really don't like human beings and other alien races. Except, of course, those who are good! "

Like Hassan, the speaker belongs to an elder, and he once followed Jiangning to take part in the battle against morgos! And has been safely survived until now, and the elderly are the most popular among the elves, because they are always full of legendary stories and experiences. And the experience they have grown up to now is what many young people need to learn. However, Jiangning also does not allow these experienced "old people" and elders to die and sleep.

"Yes, the Duke of Harrods is right, although we were friendly with human beings in ancient times. But that's in Middle Earth. In the new world, we don't have much friendship with human beings. I am the first to disagree with the idea that the fruits of civilization that we have painstakingly developed for 10000 years should be taught, or even allowed to study in our peaceful land. "

"Yes, never."

"Why should we share the fruits of civilization with ignorant human beings?"

Hundreds of elves, nobles and witches are disgusted with this kind of behavior of teaching human civilization, even spreading their advanced civilization to human beings. For a long time, elves are detached from things. They don't care to contact with human beings at all. It was only in Middle Earth, because they were iluvita's children with humanity, and they had good intentions towards humanity, and they fought side by side against the threat of common enemies. There was only one time that a small number of human beings had been accepted to study and teach in their own minaret white city. In addition, the humans they met again hardly gave them good senses.

Even though both sides are human beings in fact, they are people of two worlds. This kind of prejudice is often difficult to eliminate once it comes into being.

Bang bang!

Hassan knocked on the wooden hammer in her hand, and then the noisy discussion palace was quiet. Then she heard Hassan say: "although human beings have such and such shortcomings, we live together in the same world now. Although, why does our king and God want us to spread the seeds of civilization and the seeds of witches among human beings

"Wang's decision is wrong. We..."

A young wizard suddenly opened his mouth, and Hassan followed him with a pair of sharp eyes, though slightly old. The latter's voice stopped abruptly under Hassan's fierce eyes.

"God, you can't make a mistake!" Hassan said word by word. Then he said, "although I have doubts in my heart, I firmly believe that God can't make mistakes. It is under the guidance of God that our ethnic group has achieved so much. In the beginning, if God didn't share his knowledge, would there be a brilliant and brilliant elf civilization today? " Then he turned his fierce eyes to the wizard and said, "arswell, you obviously don't realize this. At the same time, there are seeds of betrayal in your heart..."

"I didn't, I just..."

But his words were mercilessly interrupted by Hassan, "you, who are not grateful and loyal, are obviously not suitable to stay in the discussion palace or in the land of elves. Now, I'm sending you into exile. I hope you can realize your mistakes in the outside time. Only then will you be qualified to return to the land of the elves! "


Young wizard, alswell had been completely stupid, and he didn't mean to say that. It's just an urgent retort. Who knows, it's the sentence of exile! In the same way, although the other nobles and witches were shocked, they could accept it in their hearts. After all, the gods can't arrange and slander at will.

With the fall of Hassan's judgment, the Holy tree behind the white city of Whistler in the steeple twinkles with a brilliant light, and a mark falls on alswell. He will be sentenced to exile for blasphemy. The young wizard felt the strong malice and repulsion in the air around him at the moment when the judgment was given. He knew that he was rejected by the Holy tree. Unless one day, he can realize his mistakes, and can really grow up, otherwise, he will not be able to enter the kingdom of elves all his life. At the same time, other Elves will not contact with him, let alone help him!