
Emylan, who is inside the magic tower, feels two extremely weak spiritual forces from outside the border. His heart is dripping blood, and his face is full of pain and regret. The clenched fists showed his restlessness. He wanted to rush out and rescue his students. However, he has been firmly watched by the Elf Mage Council and can't get away.

"Your Excellency, we should stop this tragedy of killing each other!"

"The children grew up under our guard, and we put too much energy and effort into them. It's not good for them or for us to kill each other like this

"Don't forget, what is the purpose of our teaching to mankind!"

"We hope that they can become another hope of Forest Elves instead of dying in this meaningless killing. There have been two excellent mages who have died in the infighting between them. There are only six human mages left. If even amusier and alichel also died, I really don't understand why we had to teach human beings at the beginning! "

"Because, this will only let our efforts in vain, and meaningless!"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard another wizard say, "it's a mistake to teach human magic!"

"What are you talking about!" Emyland glared.

The wizard, however, was not afraid at all and said, "we Forest Elves, relying on the power of magic, survived the" doomsday flood "a thousand years ago. It is not that the fire of civilization just sprouted, like human beings, is extinguished again. The ethnic groups are divided and fall into different places. So far, there are still too many human beings. After thousands of years, they have not ignited the fire of civilization! "

"Because of the existence of magic, we Forest Elves can stand still. Even though our ethnic group is still very young for human beings. However, we rely on the power of magic to catch up! Although the history of human birth is older than us, now they are only students of our Forest Elves! "

"We have helped mankind to renew the fire of civilization. We have taught mankind a lot of knowledge and skills, and improved their civilization. Now, even magic has been taught to human beings. But what do we do when we learn our magic? "




He sneered, "human beings, while learning magic, don't know how to use magic skillfully. On the contrary, relying on the magic power of magic, wanton! A big city with a population of 100000. We Forest Elves have never had a population of 100000 in nearly 2000 years. But those eight people who are learning our knowledge, etiquette and magic in our country. But he burned and slaughtered a big city with a population of 100000 in one breath, such a crazy behavior. We can see how evil a race like human beings is, killing them! "

"It's a complete mistake to teach people the magic that belongs to the elves! I don't think it's something that we can't do with such deep attainments in magic. For human beings, there is no hope to do so. "

His words attracted the approval of some wizard. After all, the things that taught human magic were not recognized by all Forest Elves. Therefore, within the Forest Elves, there are quite a number of wizard elves who hold a negative attitude towards teaching human magic. However, since the proposal was affirmed by the speaker, it has been passed. Even if some of the wizard spirits disagree, they can only suppress their dissatisfaction and resentment. After all, the consensus of the speaker and most of the mages at the beginning represents the attitude of the forest wizard.

However, today's human mages seem to have made a big mistake with magic, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of many wizard mages. Among them, you also include the speaker who once promoted the teaching of magic to human beings. In addition, there are also many wizard spirits who originally proposed and supported to teach human magic. They are also dissatisfied and angry because of the actions of the eight human mages. Now, this part of the mages' attitude towards human beings is gradually changing.

It is an excellent example and proof to ignore the mutual fighting and internal fighting between human mages!

As the situation was getting worse and worse, emyland was anxious. He came out in a hurry and began to refute the attitudes of the mages whose positions had changed or were changing. So that they can support themselves, so that the speaker can interfere in the infighting and fighting between human mages. After all, these human mages are the elite human beings who were carefully selected after they went to the human world. More than ten years of company and painstaking teaching have already made emyland's feelings for them and formed his father's love for their children. Seeing that the human mages, who were regarded as their own children, hated each other and killed each other, and had already damaged two of them. Emyland, no matter what.

"Sages, elites of Forest Elves, founders of civilization." He said a series of embellishment terms, which are the respect of the elves to the clan mages. "It's true that there are defects and defects in human beings. But what race is perfect between heaven and earth? Those children, who have been taught by me for more than ten years, I know their character. It's not what we think. Besides, there's a reason for this. Most of the children don't want to do this in their hearts. They are still young, and their knowledge of magic is not as good as ours. In extreme emotions, they are easy to make irreparable and terrible consequences. Cause them to break out such a big crime, but I believe that their temperament is still good! I know them very well, and the complexity of the human world is different from that of the elves. It's hard for me to believe, or to believe, that the Human Mage, who has personally taken care of and taught for more than ten years and regarded as a child, will make such a big mistake. Though, mistakes have been made! "

"But I firmly believe that it is not their fault; Their original intention is not so! Now, they have paid a high price for their actions! There have been two human mages who were deeply nurtured and taught by our elves and lost their lives. I beg you to give them a chance to reform and make up for their mistakes. They are still young, no matter now or in the future, their life span is just like that of children. And children can be well educated, so I ask you sages and elites to give these children a chance to reform! Please, everyone With that, emyland bent down deeply, and his forehead almost touched the place. This etiquette never appeared even inside the elves.

Therefore, it caused the shock of many elves and mages on the scene.

However, the only one is still carrying his hands and looking into the distance; See, those two are in a hurry to flee to the figure of forest spirit territory.

"Emyland doesn't have to be like this. It's irreparable."


The speaker gently raised his hand to stop emherland's next words, "if everyone had committed such a mistake that even God could not tolerate, and only needed to make up, then the world would have been in chaos. One hundred thousand people, not ten, not a small number. He is not a cold number, but a fresh life! Now, because of the eight human mages' decision, they die in an instant! This is the destiny that should not belong to them. We elves should not interfere in the internal affairs of human beings. "

"Let the father decide their fate."

"Speaker of the house of Representatives!"