383 Base II : The Leader That Was Left Behind

We made our way down the stairs in silence, well there wasn't really much to talk about, so we just kept silent. This was uncharted territory for most of us, and we were relying on the wood sprites to lead the way, so everyone was lost in their own thoughts. I wanted to know what Rhea, Teluna and Gush have been doing during the time I've been in a coma, but I felt it was better to wait until we were in a more secure and safe location to do so.

As for Xaseah, me being out of commission and Asha on a warpath has forced to do and be the one thing she was never interested in doing, and that was to be the High queen of our people. And I have to say she did a good job, of course there was a significant help from the rest of the dragon kings, but still she shouldered the responsibility of a nation that just kept on growing with every breath she took. None of the dragon kings were willing to become kings or queens, rather they preferred if the entire realm was under one royal family, their bloodline can just serve as protectors with equal standing with the throne, but still deferent to it.

It was surprising when I was told about it, especially since it was a unanimous decision. It bred a sense of camaraderie in me that I really cherished. Us dragon kings all had the same origins in one way or another, we came from earth haunted by our past and the life we lived there, all we wanted was a brand new dawn, a chance to be better, happy and safe.

A few hours into our descent to the next floor, the stairs began to expand, and slowly they came to an end, releasing into another temple, quite similar to the one on the surface to our left was still the slopped incline that would lead to the top floor assuming we were merchant heading back with some goods from the second floor.

Though our arrival was rather abrupt, the soldiers on duty did not react too much to it. One of them marched up to us, ignoring the wood sprites and their wood golems until he was standing in front of me. He took a cursory glance as if he was trying to find out who we were just by looking at us, but I doubt he had that much of a success.

"present your identification card please, it seems to me that this is the first time anyone of you have ventured into the dungeon. I will not make things too difficult for you, so just show your identification cared for processing and be on your way." Be said to me as the full beard on his face seemed to ruffle, but there was nothing like wind around, so the fact that it was moving was somewhat suspicious.

"I'm afraid we don't have anything of the sort sir, see we're not supposed to be here, we don't exist and you never saw us, do you understand." Teluna said to the guard as he moved forward his voice dropping to almost a whisper.

To be honest I thought maybe he was using the Allure to make the man susceptive to his suggestions, but the guard did not have the misty eyed look that would expect from someone who was under the effects of the allure, I don't get what sort of game Teluna was playing, but I'm not going to stop him.

"I'm afraid I don't understand sir." The guard replied with his voice shaking a bit. This was wasting too much time, and I'm not as patient as I once was.

"Teluna just use the Allure and let's get the heck out of here, we're on the clock." I said to him.

"Yes your Majesty, as you wish." Teluna replied a little too loudly, what the heck was this kid up to now. However the moment the guard heard the way I was addressed, he quickly got on his knees.

"I'm sorry please forgive me! I had no idea I was in the presence of a royal, please you can all go on ahead, there's no need for an identification card." The guard said to us with his voice trembling a bit.

We moved past him heading towards the temples exit, his comrades had also heard the conversation so they also went down on their knees. I looked at Gus and tapped the side of my head asking him to form a psychic connection with everyone around, except for the wood sprites.

(Teluna what the fuck is up with that? We could have just used the allure and moved on.) I said to him, a little pissed he didn't do what I asked.

(Sorry big brother, but we've been at war for a very long time, Teluna and Gus have been in charge of infiltration, espionage and overall sabotaging our enemies.

They're always behind enemy lines fighting the unseen battles and going to new places, much like how we're here. The thing is the Allure leaves a trace, other people saw us walk into the temple on the surface, and they also saw how we used our power on the guards. That's more than enough evidence to let them know that vampires are in town. And in this war, it's best no one knows who or what exactly is here, we have to keep our tracks clean. The body you left behind would have been taken care of by Gus and probably all of those merchants who were waiting to come into temple and journey into the dungeon.

We know you just returned, but this is how we solve problems, we've already been exposed, so we have to clean our tracks, which means it's better to focus on getting the where we need to be without relying on our vampire skills, or rather you guys relying on your vampire skill, I'm still human.) Rhea answered for Teluna through the psychic connection.

I was shocked, I'm no stranger to blood or having my actions causing residual damage to innocent people, but I never expected these kids that I used to look after to have grown like this. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Truly the whole of Spero and Ethernalia Leonis have chance in thirteen years of coma. It's not just my children who grew up without a father, my people grew, fought and evolved without me, leaving me behind. It's rather strange that they were content to have me just slide back in and take charge.

(What about the girl? Did you kill her too?) I asked Gus.

(If it was any other vampire administering the Allure, I would have gotten rid of her for fear of it fading. But you're one of the three most powerful vampires in existence and a god with the bloodline of a dragon, not even the Dracula himself can undo you Allure. And this is not just speculation, we all felt the power released when you used it....it was much too strong. So I'm regards to her, I did as you asked. She's at home, alive, and with her mother.) Gus replied.

I get the feeling that Gus was keeping something from me, or rather omitting some sort of information, but never the less the wasn't lying to me. I turned to Teluna and said to him.

(I'm sorry.)

(You've always been a slow block head, I can't blame you for your mental deficiencies.) He answered back with a cheeky smile on his face. Gus shook his head as my eyelids started twitching in barely restrained anger.

(I'm the fucking High King Of Spero!)

(I know, that's why ducking with you and knowing you won't do shit to me is so much fun! I'm practically person with largest balls alive because of that. I'm awesome)

I shook my head in annoyance as we marched forwards and came out of the temple. I don't know what I would do with this troublesome kid, but the sigh in front of us was one for the ages. We seemed be high up a mountain with everything covered by snow. It was amazing and honestly a ready beautiful sight, there was a city at the foot of the mountain which was probably our next stop before moving on to where ever the wood spirited would be taking us.

Come to think of it I haven't seen snow in a while, let me try this first. I bent down and packed a large cluster of snow in my hand and looked up to see everyone staring at me with a questioning look on their face. I ignored it and used my soul energy to shale hundreds of balls of snow into the air, much to the horror of Teluna and Rhea, Gus as usual had that dull look, but his rapidly twitching lips let me know that he knew what was coming.

"So I'm sure you guys all know what's coming right?"

"come on big brother, you're a father and a king! This doesn't befit your status." All I did was smile and throw three of the snow, my first target; my wife who was trying to sneak away. This wasn't a fight, it's a war!!