390 Base IX : Captured Again!

When I woke up it was to a massive castle staring right back at me, it was gothic, primal, scary and very new. But being that as it may, I also discovered that I was bound hand and foot along with the others, now being bound wasn't that bad, it was the fact that we were being held with Ionite that pissed me off. I would very much like it if I don't make getting captured by strangers a habit, and also staying far away from the void compound that would make even a god as weak as a baby if it was near it.

I looked around me to notice that we were surrounded by a small army, there should be about fifty men and women around, and they were well equipped. None of them looked anything like the inhabitants of the dungeon planet as most of them were aliens rather than fantasy creatures. They were all looking at the massive castle in front of them and discussing what to do with it, but even more so was the fact of whether I had anything to do with it or not. And seeing how the name Kael was being thrown around, these guys must really know who I am.

"I would advice you not to go into that castle, you all might just not make it back alive." The others were still unconscious, and I needed to buy time for them to wake up or at the very least find a way to get rid of our captors.

"Well if it isn't the great Kael Cor, the high King of Spero and leader of the dragon Kings. Permit me to say sir, but I'm a very big fan. I've wanted to know you and your merry band of chaos causing freaks for a very long time." A man said to me as he walked up, the ugly scar on his face stretching in an ugly manner whenever he spoke.

"Well get in line buddy, I've got gods, Kings and a fucking cosmic entity trying to kill or take over my mind, body and soul. If you want a share of the pie, you would have to go to the start of the line and wait for your turn, or better yet you can get this cuffs off and I'll happily forward your application. Trust me, I'll make your death as painless as possible." I said to him, only for him to send his foot flying towards my face.

There was a sickening crunch as I felt my nose get broken, I was pissed off even my godly abilities weren't sealed , I wouldn't have passed out, and this cool would not have been able to even get within twenty feet of my body. I'm going to kill him, in a manner that would give even nature pause, and make the earth quake.

"Well too bad for you, I make my own lines. And I'll say I'll torture you first, then let you watch as I have my way with your wife, after all it's not everyday you get to lay hands on a queen, much less do it in front of her husband. But before all that happens and I give you a life worse than death, I need you to tell me...…what's with the castle, and where the fuck did my Ionite mine go?"

Wait the mine belonged to them? So that was why it was so down easy to transport the damn thing, there were already chunks of if waiting to be transported the moment we came here. But then again I still would have taken it, if I had to give compensation to some poor miners, I would have, but since it belongs to this unknown group of people who very much knew who we were and hated us to the core, then I'll happily get it off their hands for them.

The thing is though I still needed to stall, at least long enough for Rhea who was practically immune to Ionite to wake up, she was the only one who could get us out of this really unsavory situation. I looked up at the man, trying to see if I could remember ever crossing paths with him, but still nothing was coming to mind. Quite honestly I've not met a lot of people who made any sort of impression on me since I woke up from my coma, so this guy was probably someone who's holding a grudge on me from before the coma, or just hates me in general.

"I have no idea who you are dude, of why you must really hate me this much, however just know I'm going to make your death as painfully sow as possible. Think of it as a first meeting gift, Believe it or not that's the greatest gift you can ever receive for me, I'll...urgh!"

He kicked me again, this time his foot slammed into my gut, he was quite strong, like really strong! Which was why he was causing this much damage to me body. Ionite might neutralize any sort of energy and cause a serious amount of weakness, however the thing is I still had the body of a vampire, though heavily weakened , I could still take a bit if I needed to. I looked up at him and started laughing, completely unable to stop myself as I found the entire situation completely ridiculous.

"Is there something funny about your situation?" he asked me as he pulled me up by my hair with a furious look on his face. I guess my nonchalant approach to the threat he thinks he loses might have upset him quite a bit.

"Yeah it's really funny, it's obvious the people who sent you here had no idea I was around, and neither did they tell you how dangerous I could possibly be, especially now that I'm smiling. If I were you I would pray I actually stop smiling, because at least that way you would die faster. It's such a pity though, if you knew just half of what I was capable of doing, you would probably be running for the hills."

I wasn't afraid of this guy, because quite frankly unless he has some sort of god killing weapon around, he wouldn't be able to kill me, not even if he melts Ionite by the ton and forces it down my throat. I am a god after all, a being that had fully transcended what it meant to be mortal and the normal rules that governed life and death. I was just toying with him, and he knew I was doing so because I knew he couldn't kill me, though his reasons and mine would be completely different though.

"What do you know about this castle, if you don't tell me I'll start killing your companions. I might not be allowed to kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't kill the others, you're much more valuable after all."

I gave him blank look and shrugged as I struggled back up to my feet, I shifted my gaze to the others and notice with peculiarity that Teluna was already missing. I shook my head slyly as I decided to play the most fun games I've ever had in a long time. Well I'm not really one to play games, but I was feeling a bit mischievous.

"We were able to explore a bit of the castle before we got booted out unconscious (an obvious lie, but I doubt he'll notice). We came here tracking the castle, apparently it had not just instructions, but also methods to achieve godhood. Plus just before we were thrown out, I noticed an armory, and no less than 20 of the weapons I saw were of the god killing kind. This would probably too the scale of this war in our favor, but to get to all these you had to pass a test of resolve and will power. I really can't fathom how I failed, but there shouldn't be a limit to how many times you can take the tests. I was hoping to try again before I woke up bound and captured by your sorry ass."

Well I've left the bait lying around, and it was quite an extravagant bundle of bullshit and stupid stories that I was hoping he was going to buy. Of course things might turn out wrong and he might be someone who was fiercely loyal to his superiors, so he would call for them instead and give the key to ultimate power to them or.....

"Consider today your lucky day you filthy leech! Because your coming with me, and you're going to tell me exactly how to pass those tests, or they all die. Team 3 and 4, you guys keep watch on this group of filth, the rest of you come with me, we're going into the castle for recon."

I guess his greed was a lot more stronger than his loyalty, but I couldn't felt him for that, he was only human after all. And humans were food, guess it's about time I say, dinner is served. Hahahaha