401 The Morrigan II : Three Sisters

\"Roe, Greana! I need you two to use your magic and clean up the city as much as you can, Roe see if you can create orchards or farms that an provide food for the people, and heal those that are injured, civilian and soldiers alike. As for those who want to leave let them, each of you should select a representative of two strong and smart enough to watch over the matters of the city of Kamesh while we move forwards to our next target. I need you both done within the hour, of two if you encounter any trouble, I'll prepare some few others things. Carry on.\"

\"Yes Master.\"

\"Yes Master.\"

They both answered me as they turned and left, probably hurrying to go take care of what I've asked them to do. Leaving the city in rubbles and shambles was not the style of Spero, we can never let someone else to through any sort of suffering, not if we can help.

We were fighting this war in their first place to keep people safe from a council of dark gods colluding with a cosmic entity intent on swallowing us all. Destruction was never our aim, but when the gods and dragon Kings fight, it would be a miracle for planets to even remain standing much less cities.

Kamesh was lucky in the fact that I decided to decisively end the fight between me and the Twin Gods of silver and darkness, a prolonged fight would have put too many people in danger, hell there would be nothing left of the city at all, as none of the gods seemed all that willing to back down a bit due to the life in the city. They were both going to go all out in an attempt to destroy, and I couldn't blame them for that, I'm too much of a threat as a Dragon king, now imagine how much of a shit show it's now become now that I've become a god. Fucked up doesn't even begin to describe the hell that's coming their way, the dragon Kings played one over the dark council.

(Your Majesty! I've gotten the map you asked for.) Gus's voice rang out inside my head as he came up besides me with Teluna close behind, and followed by Xaseah and Rhea.

\"We've taken care of Kamesh, but what's our next order of action?\" Teluna asked as he looked at the Map that was now floating in the air, I dragged a hand through my hair before speaking up.

\"Kamesh is too the far south of the empire, it's prosperous and a fortress, so loosing it would be a huge blow to them. If this was a war, they'll would want to do everything in their power to get the border town back and slow down our incursion into deeper north into their lands.\"

\"But isn't this a war?\" Teluna asked sounding confused, but it was Xaseah who gave him an answer.

\"After the one sided beat down we just dropped on this city, you think this is a war? It's a massacre Teluna, they don't stand a chance, and we're here for a purpose. So I'm thinking he wouldn't want to waste time fighting ordinary mortals, but rather go for the gods that are here, and then see what's so special about this Dungeons planet. We're not fighting a war Teluna.... We're hunting our enemies.\"

Xaseah couldn't be anymore right, what she just said was the complete truth, this was no war, it was a hunt. And so far we've taken care of two major enemies, and that means there's still five more to deal with, however I get the feeling they'll know that I'm coming. Gods were very sensitive to change and to energy, they know now that there was probably another god working with me, and while the universe was like a giant Wikipedia for people with divinity, they wouldn't be able to know it's me, because even Wikipedia doesn't have all the information. I just needed to hurry up with what I was doing before they decided to pay a closer attention to who the god who lent a helping hand was.

I'm pretty sure there are eyewitnesses, but this was a medieval civilization, even their magic alone wasn't advanced enough to send long distance communication much less having something as sophisticated as phone. Though just to be safe there was already a silent and unseen barrier hanging over the city and much of it's surrounding lands.

\"Well then big brother where are we going next?\" Rhea asked me as we all shifted our gaze on the map as my fingers traced a long line all the way to the north-east.

\"Our next stop is the capital, there's just a single god left there to take care of things in the Bork empire, the entrance to the second floor is also there, and the remaining four gods had gone ahead, leaving Jarl and Tarl and this third god, a war goddess named Morrigan to watch over the Bork Empire and make sure that the amassing of armies weren't slowed down.\" The moment I finished talking, Gus spoke up.

\"Morrigan is not an unknown goddess master, in fact I doubt she's a minor goddess, her domain over war is absolute and she's and her sisters are quite feared even amongst the dark council. But why would she be here? Isn't this a little too big for her to handle?\" He asked as I gave him a smile, digesting the information that was passing through my head.

\"Its not as if she has much of a choice, the dark council has her in a sort binding contract, or rather it would be easier to say they're using her sisters to blackmail her. Her sisters are war goddesses themselves, and all three sisters were going to be part of a neutral party in this war, but they were offered to the Devourer, her sisters are corrupted by his energy, and now they're just Eldritch versions of themselves. It's a common do this to get your family back kind of situation. If she helps them fight this war and do whatever they tell her, Morrigan gets her sisters back, and the Devourer would remove his energy from them and leave them alone.\"

\"But he's not going to leave them alone is he?\" Rhea asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

\"Duh! He's aim is to eat everything and everyone, no mind, no will, no freedom, everyone would become a part of the collective with one mind, and that's his. Her sisters are gone.\" I said to her as I looked at the area surrounding the capital.

\"Isn't there some way to save them? Get them back?\" Xaseah asked, making me roll my eyes at their interest. This was basically what Asha had to go through when I was first capture by the council of light and was turned into a vampire, she was forced to do horrible things just to save the man she loves.

\"Gods aren't mortals, they have a stronger soul and a stronger body, so in theory I can get the Devourers energy out of their bodies. However the backlash would probably make them lose their divinity, they'll become mortal, and the procedure would be hard enough as it is, that I doubt their mortal bodies would be able to live for more than 5 more years. Leaving Morrigan with the options of (A): pouring her divine energy into her sisters to keep them alive, they would probably live for like 300 or 500 years before their mortal bodies become not just resistant to her divinity, but they'll get poisoned by it.

The second option (B): have her sisters turned into vampires, however most revenants hardly ever get the chance to advance, so while they'll be immortal they'll be weak and stuck like that for a while. And finally option (C): crazy as it might sounds, she let's them die, I can keep a trace of their divine energy, and weave it into their soul and then send their souls into reincarnation. Heck I can choose who the mother and father will be, or I could just keep their souls intact until their sister crafts a good enough body for them to start from scratch with.

But these are good ideas and all, but what makes you think she's willing to accept such a deal hmmm? She's a war goddess goddamit! What if she decides to kick our asses instead. I'm sure I can find someway to defeat her, but she's a Major God, I doubt I can kill her.\"

\"And you would be right about that God King Kael Of Spero.\" I felt a chill go down my back at the new voice that just appeared behind me, no we about to call out my sword and shield and let the full might of my divinity rush out when the voice continued.\"

\"Please relax, I'm not even here in person, this is just a chosen Avatar of mine. It's really smart what you did with the barrier, it was almost too hard for me to establish a connection, I had to be old fashion a send my divine sense underground, digging under your barrier. You should work on that next time yeah? Just in case someone else figures it out.\" I turned around and saw a twelve year old girl standing there with her just floating in the air, sweating blood, as she hoped from her ears, nose, eyes, and mouth.

\"I'm guessing You're Morrigan?\" I asked her as I turned to face the bloody twelve year old child.

\"And your guess will be somewhat right, I'll be taking that option (C) of yours. In return I will not just back away from this war, I'll tell you exactly what they're doing on this planet, what their next move is, which god to watch out for, and every last smidge of my divine energy.

Basically you get my divinity, there'll be a bunch of other details, but ill tell you that once you're done with you own part of the bargain. For now go west to the Roiling Gorge, there's a secret entrance to the second floor there that was just discovered, it should give you the element of surprise. Once you get there I'll get in touch and tell you what to do next...…and Kael Cor, for your sake, your methods better work out, or the entire universe will know you're a god, and I'll go to your home and mutilate your children and use their skulls as war trophies, wearing it as a necklace for a million years.\" And then she was gone, the young girl collapsed to the ground, a breath away from death. Her threat lingered, inducing a chill in me that wasn't anything like fear...… it was pure unbridled rage, no one, absolutely no one threatens me with my children.