403 The Morrigan IV : Giant Guardians 1

*Swoosh!* *bang!*

(Big Brother I don't mean to contradict you, but isn't this the opposite of the story of David and Goliath. Last I remember David had a sling shot and a stone that he used to fell the giant, but here you are being literally kicked around like a soccer ball. Obviously this isn't a story about David and Goliath, but rather a nursery rhyme! I would like you to sing it with me brother!

????Take me out to the ball game! ????)

I spat out a tooth as I picked myself out of the crater my body had made, wincing slightly as my awkwardly bent arm, moved back into place. Rhea's mocking wasn't really helping matters, sure I underestimated the giants, but that didn't mean she would be rubbing salt in my sounds and adding insult to injury. But maybe this was sign from a higher power, I was probably getting to arrogant with my new found powers and godhood, I guess it's time to take a few steps back and unwind, that way I won't have to underestimate every enemy that I might be facing from this point onwards.

I shot into the air and rushed towards the giants, droplets of blood rapidly coalescing into a blood crystal sword that swung across the air, releasing a piercing red light that stretcher across the horizon. The giants blocked the strike, but the hills behind them, was slashed in half, causing an inordinate amount of rocks to fall from both sides of the canyon, each boulder threatening to bury the entrance to the second floor. Seeing the destruction the gorge seemed to have pissed them off, but quite honestly, I was very much ready to kick their ass.

I shot toward the giant with an axe, my body twirling in the air as I flew past his swing Are, barely missing the massive weapon by a hair's breath. I gathered soul energy in my fist, making sure to make it compact enough that's I'll be delivering a punch that was a few noticed more powerful than what a Dracula could muster. To the eyes of the people who were watching, all they would have been able to see was a black hour slamming into the chest of one of the giants.


A hundred and fifty feet tall figure of ours rock, power and just overall badassery was blasted backwards like it weighed nothing more than a sheet of paper. The faint went well beyond the territory of the canyon and the entrance to the second floor, it's massive body breaking apart as it smashed into the ground and dug deep furrows in the earth, creating ravines of it's own as the momentum from my hit carried it forward. I raised my hand into the air at that moment.

(Shield) *bang!*

The other giant with his massive metal pole slammed it into my shield, the strike was powerful enough to actually leave a few cracks behind, but overall the strength of my weaves were completely unlike what they would be for a man at my stage of power, which is to say it still had the sturdiness of a gods weave. If I didn't feel the need to hide the fact that I was a god, this fight would have been very much over by now. The strike against the shield created a recoil that pushed the giant back three steps, but he was already coming back for more as he swung his pole, a dense layer of black and brown energy suddenly clinging to it's form.

Whatever than energy is, I'm not going to underestimate it's power, or the damage it could cause. I layered the shield with three more, and then flew in the moment the pole came into contact with the shields. There were loud cracking sounds as two of the extra shields were destroyed, and it was in that moment I could sense the divine energy behind the strike used against shields. It was well hidden, but it was there all right, so either these things were close to becoming gods or they were made by gods themselves. Which sort of raised a few questions, that at the moment I'm not sure I was at the leisure to answer.


I was now perched on top of the head of the giant, and the first thing I felt was the massive amount of heat coming off it's body, like it was either some living being running a fever, or some giant machine as opposed to be a creature of magical construct. I guess we'll find out eventually just what made them tick and move, I raised my right fist up and then slammed it down on the forehead of the giant, not at all faded as my fist dug deep into it's skull and my hand followed all the way to my shoulder.

With my hand inside the head of the giant I could feel the heat was a few hundred degrees worse inside that outside, and I really couldn't feel anything but a sort of burning hot liquid.

Regardless of what it was, it wouldn't stop me from doing what I wanted to do as my soul energy began to pour into the body of the giant, Dee rumbling sounds rising up from it's body as it stretched it's massive hands upwards and tried to dislodge me by running it's fingers through it rock hair.


The giant's massive arm was pushed away from me as I flipped back into the air, using my aura I gave the giant a wide berth as the soul energy in it's body began to rapidly rotate and expand. It took a step forward, and neither, but it's body was vibrating intensely and every move seemed to take all of it's effort. It had a hard outer shell, but it wasn't anything that I couldn't penetrate, not to mention, no matter how large of powerful it might seem, this thing was not alive, without a soul the force hat it can muster would be only a fraction of what a living creature could.

The rotation if the soul energy became even more intense, and I raised my hand up, spreading them both apart as the soul energy Within it's body exploded outward with a loud bang. Rocks, soul energy, a black energy with traces of divinity and an inordinate amount of blood rained down on the earth, it was a very bloody sight, but it still raised questions in my head though, what the hell or rather how the hell was this giant made that it would have such a massive amount of blood in it's body.

And I could smell it, that was without asking human blood, and there was a lot of it, there was enough blood in it's most to be drained from half a million people. The image this was painting in my had was to terrible to imagine even for me, needs hundreds of people gathered and slaughtered like sheep to create guardians to a path that led to the second floor of this fucking dungeon, why? Whatever the answers might be, I'll figure it out eventually, however......

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

I have another giant to slay.