189 War Of The Blue District IV

I had to admit, the fortresses looked impressive. I think the easiest description would be to say they looked like a bundle of uncooked pasta, or as if someone grabbed a dozen pencils in their hands. The peripheral towers in this area had been repurposed for habitation, so there was a massive silver gate right on their frame.

A little ways up, was an opening on the tower where an incredible silver plated long barrel was poking out of. There really was a cannon there, and whether we could stop it or not, that thing looked powerful enough to kill my vampires in droves.

"Maybe I can disable the cannons if I get close enough?" Rhea said from behind me.

"But that's if those cannons run off magic or a skill. If it's manually operated, then you're dead!" Kodak answered, and he couldn't have placed it any better.

"Well we wouldn't know unless we try." She tried to argue.

"That's too much risk lady Rhea, you're an important asset, you have to stay safe." Teluna added his opinion.

"Asset? Do I look like some sort of weapon or property to you! How dare you!"

I couldn't help but shake my head, as the sound of Rhea berating a tongue tied Teluna began to irritate me. I had forgotten that Rhea was such a diva, literally. And now I was receiving a refresher course on the wonders and hazards of a pubescent teenager. Prior experience has let me know that it's better to let her run the full course of her angry tirade, or shit won't end well for whoever decides to interrupt her. But right now, I'm trying to think.

"Rhea! Enough! I can't think with your incessant whining ringing in my ears. Grow up would you!" I said to her. The next think she did was to kick me on the shin, and as much as I hated to admit this, it hurt, like a lot.

"Well hats off to you Mr. grow up, how much growing do you want me to do, I'm only ten!"

Then she marched back towards the army, with everyone else having a relived look on their face. But she was right though, she was only ten, each and every single one of them were just kids. This was the time in their lives where they had to have fun, live life and just be normal, instead I was carrying them around to fight a war, to kill people. Such actions would have sparked a debate about morality back on earth, and it was a debate I was about to have with myself. But not now, I can't deal with my crazy emotions at the moment.

"We don't have to take out all the cannons Master Kael." white said to me.

"We just have to take out the cannons and the towers with a direct aim at us." Black continued, finishing up for her brother.

If I tell you that their way of speaking didn't freak me out, then I would be lying through my teeth. But I couldn't make sense of what they're saying either. Then I turned to look at the cluster of towers trying to figure it out.

"my sister and I have head stories about a beverage called ice cream. And that this ice cream is placed on an edible container called a cone. If you take a bite out of the cone, especially from one side, then the ice cream will drip down that side….." White said

"The towers work in a similar manner. From what we can see their cannons can only aim at an approaching enemy, and there's not enough room to maneuver the cannons to aim in every direction. It's like a circle, and all we have to do is break through one line, and they'll all be disconnected. Taking two or three of those cannons out, would give us enough time to attack and take over those towers, then we can ambush the others from behind." Black finished

Truly all is not as it seems. If you just looked at it without thinking or analyzing the situation thoroughly, this group of fortresses were really formidable. However it had massive design flaws. It was built to withstand attacks from vampires, 'sealed' vampires.

Unless there was something else to prevent travel to the shadow realm, a vampire can bypass the towers, and set a bomb or somethingbehind them. They were too clustered for a fight to happen in their middle, which meant all of the fights has too be on the outskirts. But what if you can't see your enemy coming.

We needed to blow up the towers, and we have a dragon to do so. But even with the shadow realm, vampires were very perceptive. As soon as we come up in their vicinity, they'll be warned about our arrival, and for now we only see the cannons, but what if there was something else hidden within those towers that could cause us a significant amount of damage. We had to make them show their hand completely.

[Kuyait get over here, I need you on immediate stand by.]

[Yes master Kael]

I turned to Teluna, Gus and Kodak. A rather unlikely bunch, but this three worked best with each other. Alone either one of them was quite formidable vampires, even though they were still so young and had a lot of growing up to do.But together, it would take ten of me to beat them in a fight.

"The three of you have to be on standby too. You're to take Shadowers with the flashiest and most explosive skills and spells,and travel rapidlybetween the three towers in front of us. Attack their cannons, and their gates, create enough distraction that they won't see Kuyait coming from above. However,you're not to make your move until I say so! You're distractions, but you're only the second part of it. I need you guys to coordinate with each other, and when you find an opportunity, infiltrate the towers and cause as much mayhem as you can."

Then I turned to Black and White.

"You guys have to take charge of the ground troops. Gather every ranged attacker, and as soon as I give the signal for the boy's unit to begin their assault, you guys are to attack the gates. But keep your distance, in fact all of you are to wait. Teluna, I need you guys to try and get them to fire one of those cannons, we need to see how dangerous it is, and how much of a range it can cover. Once that is established, we can set up a battle line that will keep us out of their reach, but close enough to cause damage. Do you understand?"


Well that was all I needed to hear. The first step in this battle, belonged to me and me alone.....well, along with a few thousand monsters. "summon monster".

Eight massive summoning circles appeared out of thin air, and out of it, bat monsters, dog monsters, rats, a significant amount of snakes, like huge ones, and lava wolves appeared. It has been quite a while since I've visited Soren, but I had given him full control of the dungeons creation and management. Which means he has kept on making monsters, and increasing the scope of the dungeon with each subsequent increase in monster population.

They poured out in droves, like an angry tide or wave of unstoppable fangs and claws. I summoned them, but I couldn't help but shudder at the sight in front of me. How could they be so many? And so strong. The monsters were standing in file, and the bats flying in a formation above my head, all awaiting my orders. I looked at them, and pointed at the towers in the distance.

"You see those towers, there are a lot of people inside. Whoever can get into it, has permission to eat anybody he see's."

A wave of excitement went through them as they charged at the target that has been giving. From where I was standing, all I could see was a surging tide of beasts. Monsters that had nothing but bloodlust in their minds, and all at the behest of their master. I suddenly felt a little woozy and fell back, it was Xaseah who caught me in time. I gave her a smile as I tried to get my legs to work properly.

Summoning this much monsters needed a lot of energy, and I seem to have depleted all of my reserves both soul and ether like to carry it out. I sat down cross legged to watch as the army of monsters got closer to their targets. It was the bats that got there first, and as soon as the first wave of lightening tailed bats got near them, there was a flash of light.


A white beam of light shot out of one of cannons, reaching an almost 70 meter radius, turning all of the bats in sight to blood mists that slowly dispersed with the wind. The monsters were enraged seeing their comrades die, and unfortunately for whoever shot that cannon, it seems as if it could not fire successive shots, and had to recharge for a little while longer; big mistake.

The bats crashed through the opening that released the cannon, an opening that if you ask me was a little too big; as the man sized sanguine curse bats could actually fly into it without problems. The sound of fighting broke out from within that tower, and mere moments later, the tower beside it also fired it's cannon, shooting a significant amount of bats out of the air too.

Honestly I'm thankful I chose to use this method rather than sending Kuyait or Gus to lead the attack. Who knows what sort of trouble Teluna would have caused for me if his mom was hurt, or worse.

It was at this point that the rest of the monsters reached the tower, and they attacked with a frenzy.

Many of them were good diggers, really good diggers. Holes were rapidly bored into the wall of the towers as they made their way inside with extreme prejudice. There were roars, screeches, squeaks, and bone chilling hisses coming out of those towers, and along with it were the pain filled screams of men.