235 The Old Ones III : Cyclops, A Vision Of Earth


It just happened, no one knew how, but they knew why. There were tears, screams, unfettered joy as every vampire still sealed or partially unsealed in the pit, watched and felt their seals disappear from around their wrist. The feeling was euphoric and it damn near almost drove a lot of them insane.

The sudden rush of power, full and unbidden. The spark of light as their systems came to life and for the first time in their lives, they could see how powerful they were, what they were, and what they were truly capable of. The sudden tingle on top and underneath their skin, the spark of electricity from within their minds as abilities were born and unearthed, exposed to the world for the very first time.

They were happy, this was an unprecedented development, and they knew they only had one person to thank for this. His efforts to help the vampire race as a whole could not go unnoticed as a new found respect was etched in all of their hearts. Kael Cor had kept his promise, he had set them all free just as he had promised. Beyond all things, they wanted to honor him, to give thanks in any way that they could.

"Hey guys! Let's march to Ethernalia Leonis! We'll wait there for his return!"


Normally such loud yells and screams, coupled with the sheer amount of vampires moving towards the blue district, would have been a cause for alarm. But today there was something else in the air, something better, stronger. A sense of unity and camaraderie that's just been born from the joy of being totally free from 600 thousand years of bondage.

And so they marched, and they yelled, and they sang. Happy to their core, as even the darkness within thrummed in anticipation and ecstasy, shaking like strings of a violin to the sound of an invisible melody. Today was the dawning of a new age, and the pioneer of this new age would have his name etched forever in the hearts of many as a legend and a hero many could look up to.

"The Lion Of Shearath!"

"Kael Cor Of Leonis"

And they chanted his name and title, over and over and over again. Such that the very earth beneath their feet began to rumble and quake in appreciation. It was a powerful and awe Inspiring sight. Meanwhile...…..



I don't think the old ones gave a damn about the destroyed array. Though that was to be expected, the array was just left here because it would enjoy the same protection as whatever lay in this case that I'm stuck on. But that was just in retrospect, because the array was never the priority of the old ones, heck I don't think they cared it even existed.

Grabbing a hold of the chains on the case, I pulled myself up, flipping backwards until my legs were standing on top of it. And it was just in time too. As two of the old one appeared and smashed their staff at my previous location, smashing it into the body of the case and jostling the chains that kept it afloat.

As soon as they hit the chains though, it released a shockwave that pushed them backwards, and made the case sway back and fort like a swing. But my feet was planted firmly on it, and with the help of my aura, it was as if I was a part of the case itself.

Now in the time that I've spent fighting this old ones, I'venoticed quite a couple of things, and one of those things was the fact that only two of them could attack me at the same time. The others would hang back an watch, tagging themselves in whenever I manage to defend or repel the attack of one of them.

I didn't know why they fought like that, but I don't think I'll have time to figure it out, the Old Ones were back, and the previous shockwave had blown off their hoods. I raised my sword and shield, defending and blocking their flurry of attacks, as I resisted the urge to run under my bed in fright.

All that's left of their faces, was a massive mouth, filled with serrated fangs, tipped ears that was more demonic than elfin, and one big massive eye. No nose,no cheekbones, just a flat face with a mouth that seems to stretch all the way to the back of their heads. They had no hair, and the pitch black eyes were spooky beyond belief.

So it was due to that I've come to the conclusion that, this Old Ones, were nothing more than cyclopes. Very weird looking and short cyclopses; who's black eyes werebeginning to glow a grey light that was pointed straight for me...….Shit!

I teleported, going right into the air as the beam of grey light smashed on top of the case. One of the chains holding the case dimmed, as it was rapidly turned to stone. But that was not the end of it, as the Old Ones, teleported along with me, sending those grey beams of petrifying light after me. From them on, it became a game of hide and seek as I tried to figure out a way to stop them.

The problem with this was that they could teleport just like I can. So while they don't know where I was going to turn up, I also didn't know where they were going to turn up. But this also made me realize that the reason why all this giant's look like sculptures was because the old ones had used their eyes to turn them to stone.

But with two of the Old Ones chasing after me, it left one obvious target for me. However this seemed like an obvious trap. They were chasing me, however the beams were not following me as relentlessly as I imagined they would. I'm sure they knew I could get away from them, so instead of chasing after me, they would prefer it if I brought myself right into their palms. Hence the obvious trap with the lone Old One waiting for me to attack.

Well then, I guess it's time I finished all of this in one fell swoop. I returned my shield back into it's band form, and pulled out my left handgun. And then I began to charge it, but this time it wasn't just with soul energy. Taking a hint from my previous display of power back in hell, I began to fuse equal amounts of my aura, soul energy, ether, and my mental energy into the gun.

I've not learnt to balance anyone of those energies before, and each of them were as volatile as a nuclear bomb or a vial of acid. Mixing all four forms of energy together was beyond stupid, and dangerous not just to myself, but also to my enemies. But I don't think I could get close enough to weave on them, not with their ability to teleport and the fact that I can't move around to much if I want to control my soul energy. Using the gun was the only option available at the moment.

I felt the gun begin to heat up as it's black frame began to leak traces of white light. Then I stopped teleporting around, and instead just let myself fall down from the air, coming in hot like a meteor that just breached the atmosphere. The two Old Ones kept following me for about tree seconds to keep up the pretense, then suddenly they appeared on the ground, their staff facing upwards as it began to glow a black light. This time it was all of them who were making a move rather than two.

I was thirty feet away from them when I pulled the trigger and fired at them. A beam of white hot light lanced through the air like a laser. And as soon I shot the gun I teleported upwards, looking down as the old ones fired their own black beams at my fleeing form, then.


I've watched a lot of movies where a nuclear warhead goes off. What I was seeing now was quite similar, but just on a smaller scale. The explosion enveloped the three old ones, and spread outwards, catching up to their own attacks and chasing after me.

I kept teleporting, moving my self upwards towards the case held by closed by chains. I reached it just in time to perch on it, call out my shield and weave my soul rune [SHIELD] on it. The transparent barrier was not fast enough, as my right hand was caught in the explosion, turning to ash in mere seconds before I was encased by the barrier.

After that, everything felt like I was in the middle of a turbulent storm, as the explosion buffeted the entire tower. However one thing I noticed through my pain filled mind, was the fact that it was contained within the tower, with the bodies of the giant's preventing the destructive energy from going out, and remaining unharmed through it all.

The energy storm raged for almost half an hour, and it was so intense I could not even believe I created something like this. This was enough power to challenge a nuke, and win. I could leave a hole the size of four Olympic stadiums with this cocktail energy attack. And this was just a rough combination, how much more powerful would it be if I could combine all of energies in my body perfectly and increase it's output. I couldn't even begin to fathom the amount of damage I could cause to my enemies, but also to my allies.

If this attack has proven anything, it's the fact that it's unable to differentiate between friend or foe. This should be nothing more than a last resort, a move to be used when there was no other choice.


The sound of something opening resounded, and a blast of wind was released, pushing all of the residual dust through the gaps made by the bodies of the giants. I looked down to see that the case had opened, and a piercing golden light was released. When the light died down, I could see that nestled within the case was a shield, and on it's front, the very life like depiction of a dragon with rubies for eyes was staring at me.

And then it fell to the ground, falling down hundreds of feet. I teleported down and caught it just in time before it hit the ground. And then everything went white and I was looking at the stars. And then I was looking at planets, soon I went upwards, flying until I got to the very edge of the universe and went through a veil. It was a very cold feeling, however it didn't last before another flash of light caught my eyes.

And then I was in another universe, I could see new planets, new stars, new moons and suns. And then I went up again, and again, for seven whole times, which makes for seven universes. Until finally I could see it, just as beautiful as I remembered, it was home. I could see earth, it's seas, it's forests, it's cities and it's people. And then everything faded and I opened my eyes to an open sky. And surrounding my prone form, were the giants who's bodies once made up this tower. Hundreds of them, and none of them were sculptures anymore.

"Welcome Kael Cor of Earth, We've waited two million years for your arrival. There's much to discuss."

"Oh! Yeah! Sure no problem...….so what did you say your name was again?"