283 Jotun Giants II : Demi-god

I could hear the wind whistling in my ears as we fell through the clouds. I angled my body and even started using my aura and wings, so that I could get Baeki as quickly as possible. I did not know if she was alive or dead, as a Dracula het heart should have really slow but steady beats, but I couldn't hear anything. In my panicked state, I just chalked it up to the fact I was flying/falling from the sky, and the wind was too loud, so I couldn't hear anything.

I was about to catch her, when I felt someone barrel into me from behind, and threw me off course. I watched her slip last my fingers with just inches to spare, meanwhile the person who flew into my, locked my hands behind my back with his body and angled my head downwards towards the ground. I was about to use my minor teleportation skill, or even shadow walk when I felt something prick my neck, and I suddenly lost all feeling in my body.

It was already too late by the time I realized that this was just a set up. I heard Baeki hit the ground, as a crater dozens of meters wide and deep showed up on the ground, with a massive cloud of dust to follow. And just behind her with my head still facing the ground, I followed her, with my enemy still wrapped around me.


I felt my skull crack as my body made a crate just as deep and as wide as Baeki's. My vision went blank, and I could taste blood in my mouth, and feel bone breaks and fractures allover my body. I was overwhelmed with pain and helplessness, because this was the first time I've ever found myself in such a position, completely unable to put up a fight. My limbs felt weak, and no matter how hard I try, my body could not muster up any energy or strength to fight back, I just felt so weak, so fragile and so human.

The dude, whose name I would now be changing to man in the black armor, based on the fact that he could really hurt me, just to give honor where its due, turned me over. And he was not gentle about it, as most of my broken bones that were slowly mending, got knocked out of alignment. Everything just felt so slow, and I was still too weak. I could feel blood trickle out the side of my mouth, ears and eyes. My fingers twitching as I tried all that I could to move it, then I felt him step on my fingers, crushing them allover again.

"you know if it was a straight fight, you wouldn't be in this much trouble. You would probably have caused me a lot of damage before I killed you, but none the less you would still have lost. Your first mistake was ignoring my ships and placing all your attention on me, you're the head of the Cor family, all of it's assets and wealth belong to you. And whether your so called council of light likes it or not, it will belong to you.....or it would have, if there wasn't such a large bounty on your head. But where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Grimgar Ironmould, son of Baldur, grandson of Odin the all father. For all intents and purposes, I'm half dwarf, half ancient human. However what I really am, is a demi-god, so my young friend it would have been impossible for you to beat me either way."

I was a little surprised by what he had just finished saying, but at this point, I'm nit sure that I really gave a damn. I just wanted to get out from underneath him, and stop feeling so helpless and at his mercy. Suddenly I felt something pour out of my nose and ears, it's texture a whole lot thicker than blood. The moment it was out of my body, I felt myself begin to heal at a faster rate, but almost immediately this dude, Grimgar bent down, and plunged a syringe into my neck, emptying it's contents into my blood stream. And I could see it was a substance that was black with a dull glow to it.

As soon as it got into my body, I felt another wave of sickness, and the healing of my body slowed down to a crawl once again, hell I even felt it, whatever this poison was, cause even more damage to my body. The Grimgar proceeded to stomp on my chest, cracking my ribs in the process and forcing me to cough out a mouthful of blood.

"I'm sorry, but I can't have you healing now can I. Despite being a Demi-god, the one thing I can admit you have over me, is your ability to heal. Hell if you vampires wished, you could heal yourself from a decapitated head as long as it's reattached to your body, or so I'm told. Should we put that to the test? Maybe later, we have to leave anyway. But I'm surprised that my client was actually right about you and your connection to the Jotun giants. Those giants have been enemies of my family for a very long time, and I was all too willing to exterminate the last of them, when you came prancing about.

I admit you caught me off guard for a while, and cost me two of my starships, but I guess all is well that ends well. So just sit still for a while, and be a good little bounty while I deliver you to my employer. He wants you dead, but he's paying a lot more for you to be brought to him alive."

"You're not taking him anywhere!" I heard Teluna's voice, and watched as a big ball of darkness slammed into Grimgar's body. He was completely caught of guard, as the ball dragged his body across the ground, digginga huge trench in the snow.

I was using my eyes to try and warn Teluna to get away from here. At his current strength, there was no way he would be able to put up a fight against Grimgar. And whilst the poison in my body was still slowing down my healing, I could feel my body beginning to push it out. But it might not be done on time for me to come save Teluna.

Teluna lifted me up and placed me on his back. He was about to shadow walk with me, when I felt Grimgar grab my wings and yank me back, throwing me backwards through the snow. I was almost completely buried by it, but I could see as he grabbed Teluna by his neck and raised him up with an annoyed look on his face.

"Look here punk! I'm not in the business of killing kids but brats like you always make my job harder than it should be. So run along before I do some damage." Grimgar said to Teluna as he threw him aside like he was worth nothing but a speck of dust.

"If you underestimate me, you'll regret it. And there's no way in hell, I'm letting you take him away!" Teluna yelled back.

At this point I guess I should say I was touched, but this kid was really foolish. Have I not taught him anything yet, it was incredibly stupid to pick a fight you knew you couldn't win, what's with the whole anime hero routine. God what do I do.

Teluna was running towards Grimgar with his right hand coated in his darkness element. Grimgar stood in place, waiting for Teluna to approach, but before he realized it, Teluna Shadow walked and disappeared from his sight. But Teluna still showed up right in front of him, throwing a left hook to the side of his jaw, but Grimgar caught it. And held the young boy up by his arm.

"I thought I told you to scram!" he said with annoyance etched in his voice. And in true Teluna fashion, the young vampire fired back.

"I thought I told you not to underestimate me!"

And before Grimgar could realize what was wrong, he had a partially transformed were-dragon slashing his claws at his unprotected neck. I don't know how Teluna did it, but he wad able to break skin, and take a significant chunk of Grimgar's neck with him. And then he kicked himself backwards, and just in time too as Baeki came down with a heel kick that completely pulverized the surrounding area, and melted all the snow around, turning the newly created crater into a lake.

I wad happy she was okay, though she still seemed injured given how tired and weak she looked, however the glowing blood red eyes were more than enough indication, that she was beyond pissed, and filled with murderous tendencies. Grimgar shot out of the crater, dripping wet, as he held his bleeding neck that was rapidly freezing over. There was a dull glow around his neck that was stopping it from freezing, but in doing so the wound was not healing either, which meant his blood was still dripping out of the wound slowly.

It wasn't until then that I realized that Teluna's darkness element, had the same properties as his mother's ice element. And it was corrosive, eating away at whatever it's attacked or in some cases, freezing it over. Grimgar scoffed and shot towards Baeki, but the dragon queen of fire did not shy away from his approach as sue performed a spinning heel kick, that created a huge phantom leg made from flames. Grimgar saw the move coming, but his body did not have the speed necessary for him to evade. The fire kick slammed into his chest, and sent him upwards.

In retaliation he pointed his hands downwards, and a massive bolt of lightening came flying at Baeki's face. But Teluna showed up in front of her, and created a shield out of darkness, that completely swallowed the incoming lightening. Few seconds later the shield glowed red, and lightening bolt a little bit smaller, but red rather than white, shot out of the shield and slammed into Grimgar.

Part of his armor was blasted apart, as he was pushed back a few meters into the air. It was at that moment that I finally gained a little control of my body, and it seems Grimgar knew it too, as he shot towards me. I was still weak, and couldn't do much, but I've been bleeding on this spot for a while now, which means I had enough blood to leave him very damaged.

[Sanguina's Crystal]

The puddle of blood around me, solidified and rumbled in preparation of his arrival. Teluna and Baeki tried to follow, but Teluna was not fast enough, and Baeki wad still injured. Meanwhile Grimgar's battle capabilities did not seem to he affected, even with all his injuries. He was going to get to me before them, but none the less I was counting on it.

He was just three meters away from me when I gave the command, and massive crystal spikes made from my blood, shot upwards like stalagmites and pierced through his chest and abdomen, and out his back. It pushed him backwards and raised him back into the sky until he was hanging from them, impaled. His blood fed the crystals and they grew into his body, slowly draining him of his blood. But he had a weird smile on his face, one that I couldn't understand.

He was strong and he was fast, and as a Demi-god I'm sure he didn't show all that he was capable of. But he was wrong about healing being the only thing vampire's had over him. He also had a shitty defense, seeing as even Teluna could scratch him.

"It seems our fight today is inconclusive Kael of house Cor. I never took into account that you would have talented helpers, and one that is even stronger than you. It's a pleasure to make your aquarium Ming Bae Ki, the last living Dracula. And you the kid, who's a were-dragon, you have quite the talent there, reminds me of this female vampire I met one time.....I think her name is Kuyait. I underestimated you, all of you. That's a mistake I wouldn't make again, I'll be back for you Kael, this time I'll be coming in person, with my real body and my army. But just so you know, I'm not the only mercenary, bounty hunter or assassin after your life, there are thousands more of them coming for you, and you're city. So until next time, I hope you put up more of a fight than today."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body seemed to melt into the crystal, and his black armor turned to smoke and faded away into the night. Howheard the sound of the final ship engaging it's thrusters and leaving the planet, probably returning back to whatever hell they crawled out from.

We had won, at least I think we did. But this victory was superficial at best. We just had our asses handed to us, and I turns out that it's not even he's real body. That's really didn't know what to think about this, it felt really unfair no matter which way I looked at it. After everything I've been through, now I have to fight demigods and bounty hunters, thousands of them, all going after my life. And they would not hesitate to wipe out anyone or anything that stands in their way.

I was frustrated, but at this point I was more angry. If it's a fight the universe wants, then it's a fight that they'll get. Let them come, or better yet. I'll be going to them, I like to see the face of the bastard who thinks he can decide my life and death with his fucking bank account.