333 New Home VI : The Devourer Of The Collective

I woke up on a chair, in a completely white space that seemed to be both cold and hot at the same time. There was a wooden table in front of me with a single glass of blood on it, tempting as it looked, I was a little bit skeptical about it's appearance.

"You should take it, after all it was placed there for you." Someone said to me.

I was a little startled, but I kept my cool as I looked at the incredibly handsome man who was sitting opposite me. He had on a pristine white suit, a grey tie, and a smile so white and pure it made me feel like I should go down on my knees and worship him; this man was perfect, maybe a little too perfect. I ignored the blood on the table and turned to face him before asking him in the most even voice I could muster.

"Who are you?" he chuckled a bit, before leaning back and clasping his hands together on his tie, keeping his brilliant green eyes on me.

"you don't mince words do you, you just want to get down to business. I like that, it means that at the very least we should have a mature conversation. I don't really have a name you know, I'm a cosmic entity that's existed ever since the universe was created, but because of my....special nature, no one has ever had the chance to give me a name, or those who did have become a part of me now and don't see a need to paste a name to my existence. But I think for the sake of our meeting, you can call me Devourer. It's a pleasure to meet you Kael Cor."

He said as he crossed his legs looking all perfect and downright angelic. I had warning bells being raised in my head, and a very uneasy feeling crawling all over my skin. I had no idea where I was, or what was going on, but in knew it wasn't right, not one bit.

"Great now we've met, now Mr. Devourer, what is it you want, and where the hell are we?" I asked him, as I swept my gaze over his bleach blond hair and his white skin.It's like we're complete polar opposites, me with my dark skin and black hair, and average but still considered handsome face.

"We're where I like to call the in between. Your people have come up with many wonderful names for this place in the past, they've called it purgatory, void, the force and even the origin. But it doesn't change what it is, an entity, neither a place or an energy or a consciousness, but all of those things at the same time, that exist between the seams of the universe, and everything in existence. It's like the wind in the sense that it surrounds everything, and keeps the universe itself from falling apart. It's the place where planets, gods, and well me was born.But basically it's just a very private place where I can have a conversation with you, without your pesky home planet interfering and listening in. For a planet so young, you would think that it would be weak and just simply lie over and be devoured, joining the collective as a part of a greater existence. But no! It's just kept resisting and coming up with really annoying measures to stop the inevitable, even going so far as to temp fate and tamper with the strings of destiny. Something that I, in all of my cosmic awesomeness can not do.

Which is why Earth fascinates me, and it's little human beings fascinates me, and it animals, big and small fascinates me. And then it's created universe all seven of them....."

"Okay I get it! we all fascinate you, now can you please get straight to the point." I cut him off, really annoyed by his incessant prattling.

"Oh my! Please forgive I must have lost myself in the wonders of your races existence and the planet that birth you. You all love her, after all she's your home, but you still hurt her, and sometimes you heal her too. Maybe that's why she's trying so hard to save herself, so that she can save all of you. But you're right, I should get straight to the point, time is running after all.

Like I said my name is Devourer, and for the longest time my purpose has to been to devour worlds filled with life and energy so that they can become a part of a greater collective. A universe of darkness and oneness birthed in the bowels of my cosmic existence. My purpose has never changed, but somehow I've met an obstacle, a planet that's fighting and resisting with all of it's power, not wanting to join the greater collective, and I don't know why.

Based on the scale of destructions and poison you and your awkward species have imbued on your fair planet, at this point I feel she should want to get rid of you bloody pests. But even if she wants to keep you, she should be willing to join the collective, to become one with the billions of worlds I have devoured and share one mind,one will and one goal alone, for the propagation of my cosmic greatness, and my unfulfilled hunger to be the ultimate universe, the only universe.

A place where there is no sorrow, no pain,no joy to be lost, not love or heart to be broken, no friendships and no family, all are one. Complete and perfect in every sense of the word, as a part of me.

Which comes to why I have called you here young human. You are the spearhead of earth's plan of resistance, the leader of her so called dragon kings. I want you and your dragon kings to stand down, let what should be to be, no need for you to fight or struggle. And I shall give a life without woes or loss, a oneness with me, as my own children my own awkward race of reality and future altering lifeforms. Isn't it a wonderful proposal?"

Okay what the fuck! This was the cosmic darkness we were supposed to fight…..he's hot, but even then he's also insane. I've always been skeptical about earth and all of the shenanigans it has pulled with my life, but if the alternative is being eaten by this guy, then I will massively screw somebody else's life too. But the things he talks about, and with the way he said it, this Devourer was serious.

But I can't imagine a life without pain or joy, because without that, there's no growth, that's not even life at all. Because what life really is, is a balance between the good and the bad, and the wonder of it is that; as you live through it, you get to appreciate the good whenever you have it, and fight the bad whenever it comes so that you can be more appreciative of the good.

Sure a life without pain sounds amazing, but I've learnt so far that humanity and life were a balance of views and concepts in and out of itself. One cannot exist without the other, but this guy wants to take everything away. No pain, no joy, no familial love, no husbands or wives, no sons and daughters, no friends. Everyone just existing as one single celled organism, as him; with an appetite to keep condemning other worlds to our grisly fate.

"Before I give you an answer, I would like to ask you a very important question. How long have you been studying humanity, and how well do you think you know us. In my current universe I'm not really considered human, but I know differently, but you who claim to have the ability to offer us completeness and perfection, how well do you know us?" I asked him as I leaned back and crossed my legs.

Somehow I think we both felt the atmosphere of the room change, I now held the advantage over this conversation, and it was at this point that I realized that this was a confrontation, an intimidation rather than a petition or a negotiation. My surprise at my location and the fact that I was practically talking to the source of all evil did not let me realize the antagonistic aura in the air, but now, the tables have turned.

"I have watched you humans as a whole, for twenty earth years, across seven universes and six hundred thousand and twenty seven planets, three thousand coloniesand eight thousand three hundred and sixty four space stations. And that's not mentioning the secondary dimensions where you race has been living. I've observed humans of all shapes, sizes and species, be they werewolves, fairies, angels, dragons or even vampires. Fundamentally you're all the same, weak, finite, self destructive and a poison on reality itself.

Yet you're resourceful, smart, ingenious, willful and very determined. Basically you're the rats of the universe, pests that refuse to die and multiply quickly. You lack proper direction, and even then a proper direction and leader to guide you people won't help anyone. Your gifts and your curse, you all lust for power in one way or another, and when you have it, you'll keep on wanting more and more and more, until there's nothing left but ash and bone, blood and sorrows. So I can say that I know humanity quite well, it sucks."

I was a little speechless, but only for a second. The dude was right about everything, but he was arrogant and narrow minded. He's incapable of thinking outside of the box, or beyond the scope of his own ego and power.

"Then you're even more stupid than I thought. Even a human who has given up on life will not take your offer, of course I'm sure there will be some idiots drawn to you and the promise of power that you no doubt will be able to give, but quite simply said, we don't like being somebody else's bitch.

We like to sing and dance, **** and kill, fight and make up. We destroy and we create on a daily basis, keeping balance with life and nature itself. Many of us love the smiles and giggles our children make when we play pranks or make funny faces. We like the feeling of pain in the eyes of our enemies when we stab our sword through their chest, many of us like it when a woman moans in pleasure under our body, or even a man too. Do you know what that means? Devourer?" I asked him and I leaned forward on the table.

"Of course; it means you're all very disgusting creatures, or am I wrong?"

"Yes you are you psychotic son of a bitch. It means we're not perfect, humanity is flawed, but it's in our flaws that we shine better and brighter than any other bloody races that's in this universe. We make mistakes, but we also learn from them, we destroy, yet we also create, we're literally gods ourselves, the only difference being our mortality. But above all, even with all the hate, and the wickedness and the pain, our greatest strength stems from the one thing we're capable of doing, but you will never be able to understand much less do."

"And what might this thing be?" He asked me as he also leaned forward with a mocking grin on his face.

"We can love. And everything good and bad about humanity stems from that one thing, our ability to love. It's because we love that we can dream, it's because we love that we can create and destroy, and hate and like. And because we love our home, our mother earth, we're not just going to save her from your deranged clutches, we'll destroy you to the very last cell and atom that makes up your bloody collective. Stay away from me and my people, and if you know what's good for you, back off! Before its too late. Like you said humans are ingenious, I'm sure we can come up with a plan to kill a so called dark universe, and we'll make sure it's painful."

"Hmm it seems I underestimated humanity as a whole, or maybe I didn't. After all you're a petty and weak race, and I doubt there's anything you all can do to me. But since you've chosen to defy me, and just like your planet, rejected the collective, my agents and pawns, spread allover your precious seven universes would be working to destroy you, so that you and you're planet, whether you like it or not, will become a part of the collective, all will be one."

"well then, I guess we'll see won't we. All will be one, God you're so full of it. Do your worst Devourer, send your best and send your brightest, and me and my people will give them a serving of humanity's best ass kicking. I assure you, you guys are going to hate every second of it. Now if you don't mind, I've got to go, so see you later, bye bye."