Chapter 1183

"Have you seen the five clawed Golden Dragon?" A surprised voice came from behind Yang Xiaodong: "are you serious?"

Hearing the sound, Yang Xiaodong immediately turned back and hugged: "father, how did you come out?"

An old man walked slowly in front of Yang Xiaodong. He looked calm and said with his hands on his back: "I'll take a look at the second royal highness of the God King. Maybe it's really the people sent by the God King. After all, a long time ago, we were under the jurisdiction of the God King..."

Yang Xiaodong said, "I don't think he is sent by the God King. Father... Don't be deceived by him."

The old man was obviously Yang Xiaodong's father, the last city Lord. The old city Lord said, "don't be rude. If he is really the second royal highness of the king of God, we can't afford to be so rude. It's true or false. I'll know when I ask. "

Yang Xiaodong seemed to be very filial. After listening to the words of the old city Lord, he saluted and retreated without saying more. There was still some doubt in his eyes, but in the face of his father, he was still not saying anything.

The old city Lord walked slowly to me. Unexpectedly, he was just a medium-level martial god, which was lower than Yang Xiaodong's strength.

"Young man, are you really the second highness of the God King?" The old city Lord looked at me, and a light that moved my mind flashed in his seemingly dark eyes. Listen to him slowly say, "you don't have any keepsake?"

I nodded, hugged my fist and said, "old city Lord, I'm really your second highness... Have you ever been to the divine domain?"

The old city owner shook his head: "the divine realm is millions of miles away. Even if we use teleportation, we don't know the exact direction, it's difficult to reach. We haven't been to the divine realm for many generations, although we always want to see it and enjoy the style of the divine realm... "

I'm embarrassed. How can I prove my identity? Do you want me to take the city Lord Yang Xiaodong to the divine domain, meet the divine king, ask the divine king to explain my identity, and then come here to get the map?

Then I might as well go back directly and find a way to go to the place where Dongmei is. Why go around such a big circle? I feel it takes more time?

It's also my carelessness. Space channel transmission is often millions of kilometers. I'm afraid I've already arrived behind Dongmei. But I use the space channel again, which is farther and farther away from Dongmei.

As soon as I read this, I hugged my fist and said, "I actually came to find someone, but I inadvertently came here because I mistakenly estimated the transmission distance of the space channel when using the space channel. Old city Lord, whether you believe me or not, I just want to ask, can you show me your map and confirm the coordinates of returning to the divine domain? "

The old city Lord looked at me, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. According to the ancient rules of our Jixi ancient city, you can't see the map. Because this involves some ancient secrets, and our map can't see the coordinates of the divine domain at all. Young man, if we knew the coordinates of the divine domain, wouldn't we have gone to the divine domain to meet the God King according to the map? "

I nodded understandably: "in that case, please tell me, what other cities exist nearby besides the Jixi ancient city? I can go to other cities and ask for directions. Maybe I can return to the divine domain. "

The old city owner shook his head slightly: "within hundreds of thousands of miles nearby, there are territories of descendants of spirit beasts and divine beasts. Our Jixi ancient city was able to build a city here thanks to the help of a God King a long time ago. In order to live in peace with the beasts, the God King established this extremely western ancient city to convey the news of the divine domain and here. But then there were some changes. The beasts tore up the agreement of peaceful coexistence signed with humans, occupied a large area around, blocked the way we left, destroyed all the Dharma arrays we contacted with the God King, and made us a completely isolated city. "

The old city Lord said this at one breath, and finally sighed: "we haven't contacted the God King for a long time, and we don't know whether the God King now is still the God King we knew before. You claim to be the second highness of the God King, and you can't prove your identity. We can't do anything for you. "

I frowned and said, "I understand and understand. According to the old city owner, you are completely isolated now? There is only one city within hundreds of thousands of miles? "

The old city owner nodded: "the ancient city of Jixi is surrounded by vast forests, and there is no second city. The only transmission array between the city and the outside world can no longer be used, and our contact with the outside world has long been cut off. "

I didn't expect this. I was disappointed and could only say, "just now you were surprised that I saw the five clawed Golden Dragon. I don't know why? Is there any past between you and the five clawed Golden Dragon? "

Referring to the five claw golden dragon, the old city master immediately became interested, raised his voice and said, "young man, if you haven't lied to us and have really seen the five claw golden dragon, I want to ask you to do me a favor. I don't know if you can?"

I said, "excuse me, old city Lord, what do you need me to do?"

The old city Lord said: "our Yang family has a huge defect for generations. In their old age, all people will suffer from a strange disease that cannot be cured by ordinary drugs... Like me, they will age rapidly, their strength and realm will fall, and they will die in just a few decades. Even taking the panacea to prolong life will not work. The only way to cure us is to use the blood essence of the golden dragon to prepare a large number of precious spiritual herbs to refine a life renewal pill to slow down the rate of aging and let us live a few more years. But we can't get the blood essence of Jinlong at all. The strength of Jinlong family is too strong. They regard their own blood essence as the supreme treasure and won't give it to anyone easily. "

I've heard of such a disease, which has a lot to do with genetics. It's commonly known as gene poisoning, or gene defect.

However, the disease of the Yang family mentioned by the old city Lord is not only manifested in the flesh, but also in the yuan God. It is different from the genetic defect commonly referred to.

Their people, the aging is not only the physical body, but also the yuan God will quickly weaken in a very short time and finally disperse completely.

I have some blood essence collected during the five claw golden dragon war. I can help them with this.

Without much thought, I took out a bottle of five claw Golden Dragon's blood essence and handed it to the old city master: "I have the blood essence collected from the five claw Golden Dragon. Since you urgently need this blood essence, I'll give it to you."

The old city Lord was stunned. He was puzzled at first. Then he was overjoyed and shouted: "great. I didn't expect to finally find the five clawed Golden Dragon essence blood we dreamed of today... Thank you. Whether you are the second highness of the divine king or not, we should thank you... You are our friend!"