After acquiring the magic weapon, Yu finds a terrible fact. It's impossible for Yu to pick up the bow other than Mo Longyu, because Mo Longyu will be angry.

It's clear that she is the master, but it depends on Mo Longyu's face.

When Yu is planning to turn his spear into a magic weapon, Mo Longyu says to Yu.

"Don't be paranoid. We have weapons of our own consciousness. Can a person have only one or master? Are you going to abandon me all the time?"

After hitting Yu, Mo Longyu becomes a turtle. No matter what Yu calls Mo Longyu outside, Mo Longyu has no response.

After being hit, Yu doesn't want to make wedding clothes for others and give away her magic weapon. So Yu returns to calm recently. When other people see that she doesn't continue to lead thunder, they think she has finally given up, but they don't know that Yu has successfully trained her magic weapon.

After Yu created the magic weapon, when Yu created several works, the system prompt came.

[players forge Dacheng and successfully create magic tools. Now they are given the title of magic craftsman to encourage them. 】。

The advantage of the title of magic craftsman is that 45% of the magic weapons can be made during training. In short, things like magic knives can be easily made. The forging success increases by 50%, and 1-2 attributes are added randomly.

In the following days, Yu spent most of his time helping Mo Longyu upgrade and research his skills.

When Mo Longyu is at level 5, he can activate a special ability - blood sucking. He has a 50% chance to add half of the enemy's damage to his own blood. At the same time, the enemy's wound will not recover.

The upgrade of Mo Long Yu is based on Yu's pain. If you had known how troublesome the upgrade of magic weapons was, Yu would not have made magic weapons. Besides an excellent blacksmith, she would not care about the upgrade of magic weapons. But a lot of blood from the group leader is the source of Yu's pain!

How many are there near the head of the group! When she was making Mo Long Yu again, she almost cleared all the group heads around here! Now she has to run all over the mountains to find one or two.

When Yu was climbing over a barren mountain, she saw it! A group of lively zombies!

She met me! Zombie leader who is known as the three most fierce places in the discussion area! Zombie understanding is known as the three most dangerous places because there is a king level demon in these three places. Among them, zombie leading is the most dangerous. The Zombie King inside is the closest to the king level demon inferred at present.

However, the zombies here also have a characteristic of slow movement, but the jump is high and far away, so few people who provoke the loss of the whole body to retreat, but also because of this reason, all the zombies in the zombie collar have the strength of the group leader, which has an absolute attraction for Yu to provoke zombies.

However, after finding zombie collars, Yu doesn't intend to provoke them directly. He should be well prepared before doing anything. Now what he has to do is to prepare materials.

Peach is a non tradable item, so you have to learn the life skills of logging if you want. However, Yu doesn't plan to cut it slowly, so what Yu plans to prepare is thunderbolt wood. It is said that there will be a lot of Yang left after the wood is cut by thunder, and Zombies are evil things with Yin Qi, which should also be effective.

So Yu began to pay to buy some wood more than 100 years old, or even more ruthlessly directly buy a whole piece of original wood. If it's not good, Yu would use the amount to make up for it, and the next thing is yinlei!

After attracting more thunder, you will have experience and do things faster. Yu's massive purchase of wood and one action of attracting thunder also let interested people find out, but the words "zombie leader" make most people retreat.

In the competition, only experience will not bring out anything, so the channel for players to make money is to kill players to explode human equipment in addition to life skills.

So the business that makes money is done by some people, while the business that makes less profit with high risk is never done by others. However, Yu's self-made thunderbolt wood has greatly opened people's eyes.

When Yu finally went to the zombie collar, he made more than 1000 arrows made of thunderbolt wood. However, the effect of a large number of thunderbolt wood was not very good. The best one made by Yu was the best thunderbolt wood made of a willow tree more than one thousand years old. Not to mention how hard it is to find the wood more than one thousand years old, this time he led eight thunderbolts to the whole tree There are only a few branches left in the tree. Fortunately, it's enough to make an arrow, otherwise it will be a big loss.

With a large number of arrows made of thunderbolt wood, Yu came to zombie collar again. This time, Yu came to some strange things, such as three talismans, a can of black dog blood, and a bag of raw glutinous rice. Basically, Yu brought some of the props that appeared in zombie movies to try the effect.

First, grab a zombie randomly to try the power of ordinary arrow stained with black dog blood. But Yu's arrow itself is powerful enough. In addition, Yu's sneak attack and hit the key, and the damage is doubled directly. When he drops that zombie in seconds, Yu doesn't know if black dog blood is useful.

However, it doesn't matter. Yu has failed so many times that she doesn't care about gain and loss for a long time. This time, she doesn't need a black dog's blood test.But to Yu's surprise, the arrow without black dog's blood couldn't go in!

What the hell! Actually hard into this virtue, feather this time in order to come to zombie leader, all the arrows are made of fine steel, plus feather's bow, the two add up is a piece of iron plate, feather also grasp to bend it, this zombie has nothing! No wonder it's known as the three worst places.

After the zombie turned around, he again released an arrow stained with black dog blood. But this time, there was no sneak attack. He just hurt the zombie seriously. Then the zombie yelled and led the other zombies together, and he was sent to hell by Yu's next arrow.

Before other zombies come, Yu has changed his position. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is surrounded by a group of zombies, there is only one way to die.

After a few more experiments, Yu found that the effect of black dog blood was only once, and it was only effective for a zombie. It would not change because of the connection. However, with black dog blood, the zombie collar became a good place for Yu to practice bow.

Back and forth a few times, Houyu has killed nearly a thousand zombies. Just when she wants to keep up her efforts, she has verified a sentence that happiness brings sorrow!

Just arrived at the zombie collar, not long after she even met a zombie, the ink dragon feather in her hand suddenly vibrated to remind her that there was an extremely dangerous demon approaching! The most dangerous one in the zombie collar is the Zombie King who wants to be advanced, that is to say, it's coming!

Yu ran away without saying a word! No matter how she said, she was just a top-level person. Even when she reached the peak, the other side was also a king level person. There was no way to compare with her.

But the trouble is that the Zombie King seems to recognize the feather, as long as the feather appears on the zombie collar less than 3 minutes, the Zombie King's breath will come over.

After several attempts, Yu finally decided to kill the zombies! In fact, there's a reason why the Zombie King has been chasing Yu. If you think your people are being slaughtered, will you want revenge? That's why the Zombie King has been biting Yu all the time. Now the Zombie King can't leave the zombie leader, but when it is successfully promoted to the Emperor level, the activity range set by the system will be invalid, and Yu can't even run I dropped it.

But now Yu doesn't want to let it go. Yu comes to the zombie leader again. This time, she stands in the same place waiting for the Zombie King to appear.

When the Zombie King appeared, Yu began to look at the Zombie King in front of him. In terms of appearance, the Zombie King had nothing special except his eyes were green and his corpse spirit was heavier.

Feather is considering whether to start first for strong, Zombie King speak.

"Why don't you run away, you coward who slaughtered my people."

Obviously, the Zombie King is going to clear the general account. Yu is not only unhappy about the days when Yu ran after him. It seems that the Zombie King is also unhappy about the old man.

"I will kill you today, and then I will continue to kill your people! See what you can do with me! "

Feather said the heroism, but there is no base in the heart, but gas it I also cool.

"Good! After you die today, I must turn you into a zombie to torture you slowly! " Yu's words greatly stimulated the Zombie King's bad temper.

Both sides moved together! Before Yu's arrow aimed at the Zombie King, he had already jumped to Yu's side. Two big canine teeth were about to shake in front of Yu, but Yu didn't intend to attack with Mo Longyu. Yu's left hand shot a short sleeve arrow, which hit the Zombie King's heart!

Being attacked by a small human in cognition is undoubtedly a severe blow to the Zombie King's self-esteem, and when the Zombie King wants to skin and cramp his feathers, he finds that he can't move!

A talisman is sticking to the forehead of the Zombie King. Yu also sees that the talisman is on fire. It will burn out in a second or two at most. Now he doesn't care much. Nine thunderbolt arrows and black dog blood are put on the Zombie King in one breath.

Nine stars in a row.

Zombie King down to eat nine arrows, is the Zombie King in the dying before a counterattack!

Bite on the white and tender neck of Yu, shit! I want to catch a cushion before I die!

Go to death, feather immediately stimulate the exclusive skills of Mo long feather!


Bow, a pure thunder arrow, slowly forming in the ink dragon, release!

Thunder Dragon runs through the chest of Zombie King in one breath, and it is broken together with the inner elixir of Zombie King, but a large amount of zombie blood is leaking out from the chest of Zombie King and dyed black feather.

When Yu is awake again, she wants to catch the Zombie King and whip the corpse after seeing the system's prompt!

[do you want to be a zombie when you accept the blood of the Zombie King? 】。

[player doesn't reply in 20 seconds, it's the default. 】。

What do you do when you faint and wake up to find that you are no longer a human being, but a zombie?

Yu first took out some black dog blood and put it on his body, but nothing happened! Am I really a zombie? As soon as this question comes out, it's faster to call out the attribute bar.Name: Yu.

Race: mutant zombies.

Strength: 800.

Constitution: 600.

Wisdom: 80.

Agility: 0.

Charm: 40.

Savvy: 390.

Root bone: 400.

Skill: nameless mental skill.

Her attributes have changed again! Looking slowly from the system prompt, have you missed any prompt?

[players become zombies by reincarnation, and become third-order zombies by absorbing the Zombie King. Neidan breaks up the energy in the body, repels and fails to advance, and changes occur in the transformation process. 】。

Now Yu finally knows why he is a mutant zombie.

However, there seems to be no change, or the same white hair and red eyes, in addition to two more prominent canine teeth and long black nails, just like before, since it's so easy.

In addition to the internal force, there is also an energy called corpse Qi on the body. However, corpse Qi can keep running. The movement route is exactly the same as the nameless mental method, but the order is completely opposite. I don't know if it will be possessed.

The content of the next item is:

[players turn into mutant zombies, agility returns to zero, and strength, physique, savvy and bones rise. 】。 How good is it to be a zombie! Maybe there will be a lot of people to transform it?

And Mo Longyu has successfully reached level 9. Next, as long as the materials are collected, you can upgrade.