Chapter 215

"Jiang Hongtao, I r your ancestors --"

"Last night, all the statements of the bloody Legion were deceptive. Everything was designed by the bloody Legion -"

"His M's blood flows into a river, really his M's blood flows into a river..."

"Folks, if you don't unite and drive the bloody Legion out of Qi County, everyone will die in the end..."

When teams of defeated soldiers fled back to the base city, the whole Qi county base caused an uproar again!

A woman in black, a dog!

They are basically a group with the blood Legion. In one day, at least dozens of people saw them slaughtering the lower advanced people and even the unarmed old and weak in more remote areas of the countryside together with the experts of the blood Legion!

A person may lie, but when dozens of injured people and even those with broken limbs spoke with one voice, everyone was trapped in righteous anger, so people gathered and came to the bloody Legion station again to put pressure.

"Folks! Don't be impulsive. Listen to me. It's all a thief's trick! "

"Don't be a gun bearer!"

"I, Jiang Hongtao, guarantee with my character that everything has absolutely nothing to do with the bloody Legion..."

The current situation was out of control. A large number of people rushed to the bloody Legion. The Yangtze Hongtao of the bloody Legion Corps knew that he must have been plotted by the enemy. He stood at the door screaming for explanation, but the effect was very little. More and more people came in, and soon reached thousands, including the families and friends of the dead and injured, There are also some outsiders of the other two guilds with ulterior motives.

The situation happened suddenly. The first wave of people who had been inquiring about the military situation in the city for the past two days came back and said that the people of the bloody Legion slaughtered ordinary people outside the base, but they didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. However, when one after another disabled people came back to confirm this fact, the sudden gathering speed of the people in the city exceeded her expectation, In less than half an hour, it turned into a large mass event.

It seems that the Qi county base will be in chaos again. Fengling first thought that he should go out of the city and report to yuntu immediately! But she turned her head and thought that she would go out of the city now. The result of the incident was unknown. At that time, she would inevitably be laughed at by yuntu.

She has been fighting with yuntu for several nights. Although yuntu didn't reveal anything to her last night and she didn't see Shen Yanrong for the time being, she also knows that yuntu must also be involved in the hunting operation, but he specially chose the people of the bloody Legion to operate, and Shen Yanrong hunted without difference. She can't speculate how such a result is formed at present, But it has something to do with the cloud map.

Although her main task today is to spy on intelligence, now that she meets such a good thing, if yuntu is here, he will do something. Based on this idea, she also wanders among the crowd to join in the fun!

The crowd gathered more and more, and the blood Legion's residence was facing more and more pressure. Hundreds of experts gathered in a circle and showed their swords to stop them from outside the residence.

In the whole Qi County, the average strength of advanced people should be slightly lower than that of Jiangnan City. Although the bloody Legion has just arrived, their helicopters have flown back and forth several times, and dozens of level-3 experts have been transported. In addition, in order to quickly win the hearts of the people, they have recently created dozens of level-2 experts with blood crystals from newly recruited novices here, So their strength is second to none in Qi county!

"In peacetime, you are also people who went out from Qi county. Do you really want to dye your hometown with blood as the man said yesterday?"

"Fight, there are no murderers like you in Qi County..."

Although the surging crowd was surging, when they rushed to the residence of the bloody Legion and saw the rows of senhan swords, no one wanted to be a bird foolishly. They just shouted more and more radical numbers to put pressure on the people of the bloody Legion led by Jiang Hongtao!

This is an extremely dangerous situation. If handled well, the people's anger will slowly extinguish, and if not handled well, it is also very possible to turn into evil Xingshi pieces.

"Folks, I can swear to God that there is absolutely no idea of harming people in my hometown. Don't be impulsive, be calm, exercise restraint, and don't fall into the enemy's tricks..."

It can be said that Jiang Hongtao is still very experienced in dealing with such group affairs. At the same time, he makes his subordinates ready, and he and several main managers all stand on the stage and work hard!

The number of people gathered was enough, but under the more experienced response of the bloody legion, there was no immediate physical conflict as the wind chime wanted!

"Let me be a bad man!" The wind chime has been following the cloud picture carelessly for a long time, and has also learned some of his bad habits. When doing bad things, he likes to sip at the corners of his mouth, revealing a sinister smile.

She quietly felt a pistol from the space ring and hid it under her coat. While squeezing in the crowd to create chaos, she found an appropriate gap and resolutely pulled the trigger!


In the chaos, a crisp gunshot was not very heavy, but it finally became the last straw to crush the camel!

Suddenly heard the gunshot, Jiang Hongtao's face was pale!

"Shoot, what are the villagers waiting for? Kill -"

"Drive these bastards out of Qi county!"

"Rush --"


Under the deliberate gunshot of the wind chime, the crowd soaked in fire oil was finally lit. Everyone shouted slogans and rushed over like diving!

At this point, even the immortal couldn't control it. If he didn't fight back, even level 4 masters might die in the chaotic war.

"Kill me, kill me hard, and press down these villains!" After regaining consciousness, Jiang Hongtao issued a kill order immediately!

However, once the situation is chaotic, although the average strength of the bloody Legion is higher than that of small and medium-sized guilds and ordinary people, today dozens of level-3 experts are divided into four groups, and all of them have gone outside the base to find Shen Yanrong. Up to now, a team has not returned. In addition to several level-4 senior managers, the highest level of other personnel in the camp is level-2, Moreover, these people have been recruited recently, and they lack systematic training. Under the crazy impact of thousands of people, their defense circle is losing ground. They can't support it in two minutes.

If this wave of stations were destroyed by the people, all the middle and low-level members of these bloody legions would be wiped out. They exchanged eyes with several main managers around them. Jiang Hongtao finally sacrificed his big killer.

Boom, boom, boom——

When several major managers shot one after another, more than a dozen grenades were thrown into the crowd like no money. Suddenly, blood and flesh flew in the crowded streets, and hundreds of people were killed and injured.

stick to a thing once begun!

These people who dare to make trouble in front are not good people. No matter what happens, in Jiang Hongtao's heart, this Qi county will eventually fall into the control of the bloody army. Therefore, taking this opportunity to kill a group of unmanageable people is also a good thing for their rule in the future.

Based on this idea, several level Four masters on the stage shook their arms, turned into goshawks flying down, and all dived down from the stage.

Level 4 masters attacked those ordinary level 1 and level 2 advanced people who were bombed everywhere. They were completely tigers into sheep!

Everywhere I passed, there was a scream and wail immediately!


Soldier, there's no way!

Before they caught the living mouth of the bloody legion, yuntu was consistent with Shen Yanrong's idea. They tried to hide themselves as much as possible and didn't leave any living mouth every time. When they caught a living mouth afraid of death, everything changed their plan.

In order to survive, the greedy guy not only told yuntu and Shen Yanrong everything he knew about the bloody Legion and Qixian base, but also offered to help them put pressure on the bloody Legion. Therefore, Shen Yan tolerated his temper, gave him healing medicine to cure his injury, and then began the next day, Shen Yanrong took him to hunt the weak gatherers or hunters.

In order to make the scene more real, the guy named Jiang Liufeng watched while hunting and deliberately shouted the names of other teammates!

Those who were chased and killed by them in panic can't tell the true from the false on that occasion. In this way, an unexplained misunderstanding finally formed!

A massive palace forcing action finally took place in Qixian base. At the right time, the wind chime in the latent base finally ignited the fuse of their internal strife with a clear gunshot.

More than a dozen small and medium-sized guilds jointly besieged the bloody legion, and the bloody Legion also fought back very hard. The two sides fought for more than an hour. In the end, there were only more than 200 casualties among the bloody legions with more than 800 members, and most of the living and office facilities in the camp were destroyed. Moreover, the coalition of small and medium-sized guilds and scattered people was a river of blood and a powerful team of more than 2000 people, Finally, they were blown up in the other party's grenades, with at least 600 or 700 casualties.

In the end, all is strength. No matter what, the final result of this scuffle was crushed by the bullets of the strong bloody Legion.

When everything calmed down, the manager of the bloody Legion came out to explain again. At this time, with the mediation of the other two guilds, both sides had to believe that the bloody Legion was really wronged, because this kind of losing game can't be played and directed by the bloody Legion.

But now everyone has a deep hatred. It is impossible to reconcile the relationship between the two sides. Outside the base, the man in black and several level-3 masters who have taken refuge in the opponent will not stop until they reach the goal. The whole Qi county is in danger and dare not go out to hunt and collect!

Do tens of thousands of people in Qi county have to stay in the city and never go out for the sake of an enemy of the bloody army? If they don't go out, where does the food come from?

The person who needs to tie the bell to solve the bell!

A few hours after the battle, a negotiating team with Qi Feng society, the original largest guild in Qi County, as the main representative, came to the residence of the blood Legion again. Due to the pressure of all parties, after careful consideration, Jiang Hongtao had to make a painful decision to hand over prisoner Li Jian to Qi Feng society!