"Well, it seems that I should really help him find some suitable girls," Winston continued after the pause. "What's Perkins doing these days?"

Carlon hesitated and said, "Sir, I don't think Miss Perkins is the right person. Her desire for money is too strong, and you have to consider Mrs. Devonshire's wishes.

I think if Mrs. Devonshire knows the identity of Perkins, she will definitely trouble you.".

"Well," Winston looked at Karen suspiciously, "what did Perkins do?"

"It seems that she has some contact with Mr. Vigo Tarasov. Some time ago, Miss Perkins should be very short of money. She took over several tasks in private without telling the hotel. The target was Mr. Vigo Tarasov's opponent.".

"Ha ha," Winston said with a smile on his face, "she's such an idiot. She's got ready-made big legs. Ha ha, she's going to find someone like Viggo to be her backer. Perkins is going to be implicated by Viggo sooner or later.".

Winston looked at William's direction inexplicably and said in a low voice,

"although William seems to need Viggo very much now, when Viggo starts to have ideas that he shouldn't have, he will be kicked away by William like a small stone.".

Carlon nodded, "it's normal, sir, there are no permanent allies, only permanent interests"

this made Winston silent for a long time, and said in a low voice, "I can feel William's defense against me. Although he's well hidden, I haven't seen anyone in decades.

my intuition tells me that my nephew is more ruthless than we think Maybe I'm all his pawns.

"How is that possible, sir?" kahlon looked at Winston in a panic. "The most important thing you have is the New York Continental Hotel.

long ago, you planned to give the hotel to Mr. Devonshire. What else does he want from you?"

"I don't know," Winston said, shaking his head.

he said that he didn't know, but he said in his heart, "maybe the goal is a high table meeting.".

Some words even Winston, who is the most intimate of all, would not say,

Winston speculated that William might want to join the mainland Hotel Council, or even more crazily, to replace him?

Winston was afraid of this idea when it appeared. Mainland hotels have existed for hundreds or thousands of years. It's not that they have not encountered the event of nearly killing the door in history.

but just like gamblers, the killer industry can't be destroyed forever.

Winston didn't understand how William would replace him, even if he was a gambler Every hotel manager knows only one or two directors, and he doesn't know how many directors there are.

forget it, if you can't figure it out, you don't want to. Even if William wants to replace him, as the only blood in Devonshire and Winston's family,

Winston doesn't agree, but he can only ignore it for the time being, depending on the situation.


William walked out of the mainland hotel from the secret road and waited for a few minutes on the street. The four seasons hotel car service he ordered on Sunday arrived on time, and a silver Rolls Royce stopped beside him.

before the driver got off and opened the door, William opened the door and got on.

"Good evening, Mr. Devonshire. It's my pleasure to serve you again." the driver turned to say hello to William from the driver's seat.

Good evening, Adam. I didn't expect to see you again. Take me to the headquarters of Vimy.

"Yes, sir," Adam nodded.

Half an hour later, William sat in the car and watched Alexander Ambrosius walk out of the Vimy headquarters.

seeing William from the open window, Ambrosius's eyes were bent with laughter. He quickly walked to the car and opened the door. As soon as he got on the car, he hugged William tightly.

then he twisted his waist a few times, gritted his teeth and complained in a low voice: "asshole, one More than a month, you still know to come to me.

"I'm sorry, honey, I've been dragged in Oxford by something," William said quietly, rubbing Ambrosius's shoulder:

"I've ordered restaurant No. 11 on Madison Avenue. After dinner, we'll go to the cinema, then go home to work out, and tomorrow we'll take you to fifth avenue to do some shopping.".

"It's not so good," Ambrosius said pitifully with a mouthful: "honey, I'm almost laughed to death by everyone. If I have a boyfriend like you,

I haven't called for a few months, and it's almost two months as soon as it disappears, can't you come to see me?"

hey, William make complaints about his time, but of course, can't you ask for leave to go to England to find me?

"I'll rent a big yacht tomorrow and invite your colleagues to have dinner and swim in the river," William said with a smile.

Ambrosius sat up from William's arms and stared at him with hatred. "Don't even think about it, asshole, William. You are an asshole.

don't think I don't know what you're up to. If you show up in front of those bises, you don't know who's playing with whom?If they don't eat you, they will never stop,

it may not be long before there are several bishes who will have an affair with you in the newspaper, and then they will tear up with me and try to rob you, so "Ambrosius bowed his head and pondered for a moment, covered William's cheek with both hands and looked into William's eyes,

said in a hateful voice:" you bastard, if you want to steal, you can go to find bishes from other industries I'll never let you show up in front of those Beatles in Vimy.

"I didn't steal food, my dear. You've wronged me to death." William broke Ambrose's hands and bowed his head. "I promise I didn't steal food. I'll come to you in New York.".

"Ha ha," said Ambrosius with a sneer on his face. His expression was like telling William that I was not an idiot, but he was smart enough not to mention it again.

after a month of mobile closed training across the country, I almost became a rabbit Today, I'm going to make an exception to eat a small quick steak.

"Just a small steak? It doesn't matter, even if you eat a steak today, it's OK, "William said with a smile,

" after eating, we'll go home to work out. I promise you'll exercise more than the calories of a steak. ".

"Asshole, what else can you do besides exercise?" Ambrosius gave William a white look. He was ready to move. William couldn't stand it.

He took out his mobile phone and said to Sunday, "on Sunday, help me find the yacht I can order now, send the photos of the yacht to my mobile phone

and then invite the chef of restaurant No. 11 to go to the yacht. I want to have dinner on the yacht and tell the restaurant that money is not a problem.".

Then he pressed the communication button and told the driver Adam, "Adam, let's go to the yacht club.".

"Yes, sir." Adam started the car immediately.