"I'll wait for your call, Mr. Lawrence." William squinted at fat Lawrence.

"OK, Mr. Devonshire, I won't disturb you." after that, Lawrence quickly took his son, who was also in a panic, away,

to the back of the auction house. Lawrence took out his handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat on his face, and whispered to Mickey, "don't mess with him, Mickey, don't mess with William Devonshire, God, it seems that the rumors in the black market are true.".

"What's real or fake?" Mickey said, "father, you're a bear bodyguard. We can't beat our men.".

"Shut up, Mickey." seeing his son's eagerness to try, Lawrence thought about it and decided to tell Mickey the truth, so as not to get into trouble with others. He stretched his head in his ear and said,

"there is a rumor in the underground world that William Devonshire killed dozens of mercenaries in Black Hills seven or eight months ago. It is also said that the group of people in Albania who were killed a few months ago were also him It's a good thing.

"How can it be?" Mickey's face changed. A few months ago, the people of Albania were killed 60 or 70 people in one night, which caused great panic in the underground world of France. During that time, Mickey was honest for a long time before he dared to go out and be cool.

"he is a world-class rich man. How can he kill hundreds of people by himself?"

Lawrence shook his head and said, "many people are sure that William Devonshire did the black mountain thing. I thought it was impossible just like you before. But when I contacted him just now, I could clearly feel the strong and irreducible bloody smell on him. This is your father's intuition that I developed after 30 years of working in a special industry.

If it's certain that William Devonshire did the Black Hills thing, then he must have done the killing of the French Albanian Gang a few months ago.


"Because," Lawrence said, swallowing with fear in his eyes, "because William Devonshire has a special habit.".

"What?" Mickey asked, trembling at his father's words.

Lawrence calmed down. "God, William Devonshire's method of killing people is special. He likes to use Glock, and he prefers to hit the head. He can hit the head of the target, but never hit the body parts.

Among the mercenaries who died in Montenegrin and the Albanians who died in Paris, more than nine floors were shot.

"Hell" Mickey looked at William sitting on the VIP stage talking and laughing with Wilson, wiped his forehead without sweat, "is this guy sick? Why do you just start.

"Well," Mickey, who is looking at William, suddenly sees William looking up at himself with ill will, "God, father, he won't hear our conversation.".

Lawrence also noticed that William was staring at their father and son, "no, no, impossible, how could he hear it so far away.".

All of a sudden, Lawrence's mobile phone rang, and the guilty father and son were immediately shocked by the ringing of the mobile phone.

When he took out his cell phone and saw the number, Lawrence immediately put on the phone in a cold sweat, shaking his hand, and heard William's voice, "people who talk a lot don't live long, right? Mr. Lawrence.

Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Devonshire, I know what to do.

"Well, I like smart people. By the way, if I hear about your father and son destroying Chinese antiques in the future, I'll send someone to talk to you. Do you understand?"

"I see. I understand, sir. I promise it won't happen.".

"Well, please take care of my little spider for me, thank you.".

"Spiders?" Lawrence looked at the hung up mobile phone, did not understand the meaning of spider, looked up and suddenly saw Mickey shoulder nail size spider, just want to remind Mickey, brain immediately think of William's words.

Isn't that a spider?

"Don't move, Mickey." Lawrence reached out and tried to pinch the spider robot on Mickey's shoulder, but before his hand touched the spider robot, he saw the little spider erect his forelimb and wave it to him a few times,

looking at the flashing metal light and blade like forelimb, Lawrence immediately pinched it with his hand and wanted to put his palm flat on Mickey's shoulder to make the spider robot Immediately he climbed up on the palm of his hand.

The father and son immediately saw that the spider was a robot. Mickey couldn't believe it and asked his fat dad, "is this a robot?"

"Of course, isn't it a robot or a biological spider?" Lawrence gave his stunned son a white look. As soon as he wanted to speak, Mickey said, "father, Mr. Devonshire's bodyguard is coming.".

Antonov, who came by, said, "Mr. Lawrence, please." then he showed his hand and extended his hand to Lawrence.

"No trouble, no trouble." Lawrence's spider robot immediately shrinks its eight legs and turns into a round bead in two seconds. It rolls along Lawrence's hand to Antonov's palm, and then continues to roll up along the palm of his hand.

with a very slight "pop", it blends into Antonov's round bead bracelet.

Laurence and his son were stunned. They could see that the bracelets on Antonov's wrist were all these robots,"Thank you, Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Devonshire asked me to remind you that if a child is not well managed, he will suffer greatly.".

"I understand, sir. Thank Mr. Devonshire for reminding me. I will educate Mickey well." being ridiculed, Lawrence and Mickey, who are nearly 30 years old, are not angry at all. On the contrary, they are very excited to catch up with William.

After staying in a special industry for a long time, Lawrence and his son understood that William showed them the technology beyond the times in order not only to warn them, but also indirectly to show that they were useful to William.

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Lawrence," Antonov and Lawrence nodded and returned to William.

Mickey looked at William in the distance with his eyes shining, and said excitedly to Lawrence, "God, before I heard that Mr. Devonshire was a genius, but I didn't think so. Now I really admire him.".

Lawrence looked scornfully at the son of the wind rudder, but he agreed with Mickey.

"Well, if only I had a sister, I would introduce her to Mr. Devonshire, who will still be used in our family to make counterfeits and trade in black market antiques.".

Shut up, Mickey.

Lawrence was so shameless that he almost had a heart attack. "God, why am I so smart? Your mother is smarter than me, but her son is an idiot. Hell, if I have other children, do you think you can inherit my career and wealth? I have already given you a sum of money, let you roll away.

"You're not smart enough," Mickey muttered at Lawrence.

As soon as Mickey heard the sound behind him, he turned his head and saw five or six Asians walking into the meeting hall. After listening carefully to the language of these people, Mickey said happily to Lawrence, "father, another group of Chinese are coming.".

I know, fool, don't forget I taught you Chinese.

Lawrence was wondering if he would come forward to say hello when he saw these people standing at the back of the meeting hall, looking around and walking directly to the VIP table where William and Wilson were sitting.