With Sloan's words, fox people can't help remembering that there are several brotherhood people who were sniped from a long distance these days.

before, they always thought that it was cross Carlos who sniped them, because the sniper was very skillful and cunning. After a shot, he didn't care about the result at all, so he withdrew immediately.

even if he was ambushed by brotherhood people, he could not escape The members of the brotherhood always thought that other people could not be so familiar with the Assassins' habits except the cross, which is very familiar to them.

It never occurred to me that Bob Lee Swagger was able to escape because all the ambush assassins were being watched on Sunday.

The assassin brotherhood can't catch Schwarzenegger if they know his opponent's every move on Sunday.

Now Sloan's analysis not only regards Schwarzenegger as the person who killed x, but also allows William to hide in the dark all the time.

The gun maker thought for a moment and sighed, "unfortunately, the bullet that hit x can't be found. Otherwise, we can make a comparison with the bullet to determine whether the person who killed x is Carlos.".

"Whether the sniper is Carlos or not, our top priority now is to find a way to get rid of him." Sloan stares at Fox, the gun maker, the unarmed master repairman and the cold weapon master butcher in front of him seriously.

"with Carlos's understanding of us, he won't give us the opportunity to encircle him. He feels a little dangerous They'll hide and kill us one by one in the dark.

"So we have to find someone who can't help Carlos to get close to him." after that, Sloan takes out four files and is still on the table. "He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to destroy the assassin organization that has existed for thousands of years just because Carlos is alone,

just bring these people who are suspected to be Carlos' son back one by one.

At this time, the four foxes knew the risk of going out alone, but they didn't want to live a passive defense life in a textile factory like a mouse, which was just like being beaten, but they couldn't keep their hands.

Moreover, although the four people are looking for each other separately, it's risky, but even if Carlos has a helper, he can only deal with two of them at the most.

moreover, they are afraid of Carlos, and other opponents don't pay attention to him, so fox is the first to stand up, pick up one of the four documents and open it.

The other three thought about it, and soon, like fox, they wanted to understand the inside, and then came forward to pick up a piece of information.

After reading Wesley's information, fox asked suspiciously, "are you sure this kind of person is really Carlos's son? And even if he really is, I doubt whether he can complete all the subjects.

Sloan took out the information. Of course, he knows who the files on Fox's hands are. "I don't know if this man named Wesley Gibbs is the one we are looking for, but I don't want to let go of any possibility.".

Fox just thought for a few seconds and nodded. He exchanged information with the other three. After writing it down, the four went out of Sloan's office to prepare.

As for what happens to these innocent young people when they find that they are not the people they are looking for after they bring them into the textile mill, Sloan and fox do not care.


fox is going to venture out of the textile mill to find Wesley, while our protagonist Wesley and William separated on the yacht yesterday and came home in Martin downer's car.

after washing, he directly lay on the bed, his mind full of conversation with William, and he didn't care about his pretty long girlfriend.

It was not easy to get to sleep before dawn. After two hours, I was woken up by the alarm clock and had to drag my tired body to work.

He didn't sleep well and thought too much. Wesley was in a trance all morning. Not only he couldn't do his work at ease, but also he was caught and ridiculed by his sharp fat boss.

Before he got in touch with William, Wesley would swallow his anger as before, but now he knows that he not only has a secret agent father, but also has a relationship with super genius and super rich William Devonshire. It seems that his relationship is still very good.

the self consolation in his heart and William's attention to him make him scolded by his boss Wesley, whose heart began to beat rapidly, surprisingly didn't take out the medicine to treat anxiety.

On the contrary, under the stimulation of a lot of adrenaline, he suddenly found that his thinking was never as clear and fluent as it is now. In a moment, he thought of a way to get rid of the fat boss.

of course, Wesley, who is still in the transition period of mentality, wanted to resist, but under the long-term inferiority complex, he couldn't think of any fierce means of resistance for a moment, just blushed and neck thick Jeanne,

, "I had a big dinner last night at Michelin 3-star restaurant outside two blocks, and I was invited to go to the yacht club of New York, to talk about a thirty meter long yacht, and to exchange name card with the yacht club manager because I talked with the customers well."

Then, fearing Jennie's disbelief, he took out Martin downer's business card from his briefcase and said, "if you don't believe me, please call and ask. Now, please stay away from me. Thank you.".Being contradicted by her subordinates who always wanted to scold her like this, Jennie could only take the gilded business card with indifference for a moment. She knew that the business card was real just by looking at it.

As a company specialized in providing various services for the rich, the yacht club is a gathering place for the rich. Of course, their company will not let it go.

So you don't have to call to ask, just look at the phone number, and Jennie knows that it's really Martin downer's card.

coupled with Wesley's appearance that I'm going to be developed, Jennie can only frown and threaten without expression, "if you don't get any achievements tomorrow, I'll kick you out of the company myself.".

"Ha, thank you. Don't bother." he grabbed the card from Jennie's hand. Wesley sat down in his chair and began to call Martin downer.

He had already thought about it. He didn't dare to ask William for such a trifle. But with Martin downer's attitude towards him yesterday, it's not difficult to ask for some unimportant things and make the same list for everyone.

Sure enough, when he called, Martin quickly introduced to Wesley a few purchase lists of daily necessities and ordinary wine.

finally, he intimately told Wesley the reserve price he knew, and asked Wesley to go to the buyer to pick up the goods according to the price. After the goods were sent to the yacht meeting, Martin would increase the price by 5% and pay Wesley's company.

Someone told him all the details. Wesley was no longer good at communication, but he could finish the order bumpily.

This makes Jennie who has been staring at the list very helpless. She sighs in her heart that Wesley is lucky and meets a noble man. Her attitude towards him has made a 180 degree turn.

In the afternoon, after confirming that the business was completed, Wesley, who had no sense of existence, was immediately remembered by many people.

Even the company's most beautiful, hot beauty deliberately passed by Wesley's office area and said hello to him.