Leaving the park, William drove directly to the royal blood manor.

Just arriving at the manor and waiting for Amelia, I got a call from Philip,

"you've done it.".

"Of course," William said directly without concealing, "you have given me so much power, don't you just want to kill these aliens with my hand?

Don't tell me, have you changed your mind again? "

"Of course not, no one dares to change his mind when it's already started, otherwise it will be the blood clan's crazy revenge waiting for us"

after that, Philip hesitated for a moment and said, "but Alexander corvinas just called me,

he hopes you can give Marcus to him, for which he is willing to pay you a billion pounds or the same value of antiques and assets.".

"Give it to him?" William grinned. "What do you think I should do?"

Silence. Philip was silent for a long time. When Amelia arrived, he heard the sound of the flute and said, "you're so rich, aren't you?".

Seeing that Amelia had got out of the car, William said, "yes, goodbye. I have something to deal with.".

Hang up the phone, walk out of the car, and walk into the manor with amelia, whose eyes shine when she sees her.

As soon as they entered the manor, the fighting robot stopped Amelia's men.

Looking at dozens of robots wrapped in metal, holding m416 and pointing at their robots,

and William's meaningful eyes, Amelia can only make a sound to let her people stay outside the manor and follow William to the basement.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see victor and members of the kinship Committee kneeling on the ground pressed by more than 20 robots.

"Amelia, you betrayed me, betrayed the whole community.".

Listening to Victor's angry roar, Amelia felt at this moment that she had never been so relaxed. Even the roar did not make her fear, but felt very wonderful.

Squinting, his fangs on his lips peeped out and said with a smile, "from the moment you coldly drove me to Eastern Europe, away from love, away from power,

and ordered people to watch me, you should have thought of this day, victor.".

Victor growled, "all I've done is to prevent our three elders from going to war for their own benefit.

What's more, I've given you the real right, the right to be in power independently. For hundreds of years, you've been the master of the whole Dongzu. What else do you want.

Amelia said, "the best is for yourself, but you hypocritically give the barren land to Marcus and me.

after all, you just want Marcus and me to open up territory for you.".

"Well, if you linger on, it's almost dawn." William took the rapid fire pistol from the combat robot hand and handed it to Amelia. "You can solve these committee members. No problem, your highness Amelia.".

Calmly took the gun, although Amelia thought about the reason why William asked her to come back, but at this moment, she hesitated again.

If this gun is fired, she will really become a dead enemy with the Western blood group, and even the whole blood group will want to kill her.

After hesitating for a long time, looking at William's smiling face, and several robots turning to their muzzle,

Amelia understood that she had betrayed the whole blood clan from the beginning of making a deal with William, compromised once, and it would not be so difficult to compromise again,

What's more, the current situation has left her no choice. She said cruelly, "can you help me Get rid of all those people out there? "

"Including Thomas?"

Yes, including Thomas.

With the gun up, Amelia shoots at five members of the committee who are held on their shoulders by combat robots.

While she was shooting, William snapped his fingers, and dozens of spherical aircrafts suddenly flew to the top of more than 100 bodyguards and Thomas.

A burst of purple light flashed by, and all the vampires were burned to ashes by ultraviolet rays unprepared.


Looking at the five committee members who turned to ashes, Victor struggled to fight,

in a rage, he slowly straightened his legs from the suppression of two battle robots.

"Creak, creak, creak", several electric lights shot into Victor's body from the robot hand a few meters away

Victor, who had stood up, trembled all over and lost his strength. He was forced to kneel on the marble again by the robot,

his knee was directly smashed because of too much force.

Looking at the bloodless Victor, William said to Amelia with a smile, "shall I send someone to take you to the airport or other places?"

"No", drop the gun, Amelia does not hesitate to turn to leave, and then stay, she is afraid that William will directly kill her.

Seeing Amelia leave as fast as running away, William walks to victor and whispers,

"in a few days, the whole blood clan will be cleansed. Do you regret informing Marcus that those hands will go down to kill me?""It's not that easy to end," Victor said, looking up at William calmly. "You haven't won yet, William Devonshire.".

"Hey, you've been sleeping for a long time, victor. In the past 100 years, the whole human society has changed too fast and thoroughly.".

William smiles and waves to the ceiling. A spider robot with eight sharp legs jumps up to him with a letter.

"The moment your messenger went out of the secret Road, he was stopped by my baby door.".

After opening the envelope and reading it, William unexpectedly looks at Victor with a dead face. "I didn't expect that you had contact with Alexander corvinas.".

After thinking for a moment, William understood, "ha, no wonder that the old man has been able to live well, this is to raise a tiger to protect himself

while pretending to be the virgin, hypocritically helping mankind clean up your evil traces, while secretly protecting you,

No, he is not protecting you, but protecting his son, as long as Marcus lives, the blood clan will never disappear , right.

Looking at William's gaze on Marcus' coffin on the ground, Victor said sarcastically, "corvinas has more power than you think.".

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I didn't want to let the old man Alexander go, but you can't see that moment.".

William raised his hand, drew a circle, and a golden portal appeared in front of victor.

"Wizard, how can this be, how can you be a wizard?" Victor looked at William incredulously, and at this moment, he really showed a look of fear,

"impossible, impossible, as a descendant of the Templar, how can you be a wizard.".

"There's so much you don't understand?" Bind Victor with the specially made chain on Sunday,

say to Sunday, "take him to see Serena. If she doesn't dare to kill Victor, you can do it immediately.".

"For whom? SIR”。

"What do you say?" William said without hesitation.

Yes sir.

Watching the robot carrying Victor away, William quietly sat on the marble throne in the secret room, closed his eyes, quietly waiting.

Ten minutes later, Sunday meeting reported that "Sir, Miss Serena killed Victor herself.".

"Well, tell her to wait for me at the safe house in London.".

With that, William fixed his eyes on the mechanism where Marcus' coffin was hidden.