Hearing that Zhang Ziwei did not hesitate to say goodbye to the whole family, William went to the guardrail at the stern of the boat with a smile, looking at the sea and thinking about how to do it.

It's all over for a pilot to go down, even a large UAV that can control the American on Sunday.

It's just that the number of Global Hawks of the American guys is very few now. I really don't know when to wait for their UAV or the equipped UAV to fly over.

And that means, to be honest, William doesn't want to use it in a small role.

Maybe some time in the future, there will be a time when we need the Americans to take the blame.

As for spending money to find armed forces to do it, it's quite simple in places like Thailand.

But after thinking about it, William suddenly said with a smile, "on Sunday, find an iron nickel stone of the right size, and transform it to land in,,,,",

before he finished, William turned to look at Zhang Ziwei, and learned from him that the target had arrived at the manor address. On Sunday, he began to manufacture an artificial meteorite in x17 according to the order.

After Zhang Ziwei and William chatted and talked about the past for about an hour, they left the yacht and returned to shore,

a meteorite that was sent over and calculated its flight path began to drop out of the spacecraft and land on the ground.

When Zhang Ziwei returned to the hotel, there was an emergency news on TV.

A small meteorite came to a city in Thailand without warning, hit the main building of a manor, huge kinetic energy and shock wave, instantly destroyed everything within 300 meters of the main building.

According to the emergency rescue workers, let alone the living people in the main building, even if the body could not be found, the specific casualties could not be estimated.

The reason why the media will report so quickly is that the owner of the manor is the current local market leader.

The only good thing is that the size of the meteorite is not large, and the area of the manor is a little large. The shock wave did not cause earthquake and other casualties.

After hearing the news, Zhang Ziwei was sitting on the sofa with cold hands and feet.

After a long time, he thought about whether to report it or not, but he thought that it was William, whom he went to for his personal revenge. How could he explain it to the above?

Give William all the blame?

The idea just flashed by and was rejected by him.

To annoy William is more unbearable than to suspend investigation.

Don't report it. William's meteorite attack is more frightening than any nuclear egg.

After all, nuclear eggs will be criticized all over the world, and meteorite fall can be said to be a natural disaster.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly thought that before William, he told his AI in front of him,

after hesitating for a while, he dialed William's mobile phone and said, "should I report this to him?"

William, who was having lunch, said with a smile, "whatever. Anyway, I didn't do anything. I was on holiday with my girlfriend in Sumei island.".

He will give orders to Sunday in front of Zhang Ziwei, and he has already put his mind into letting people know.

Otherwise, if no one knows, no one will consider what the consequences will be.

Sure enough, his attack method, which can control the size of the meteorite and is more accurate than that of the guided egg, made all those who knew about it or guessed that he had done it panic.

This means that if William wants to, he can destroy a city or even the whole human race in an instant.


in Bangkok, looking at Su Jianqiu who left quickly, Tang Ren rubbed his eyes inconceivably, "did this bastard forget that he had to help me get rid of my crime? Or did he not take it seriously at all? "

Chen Qinfeng, who was still a child and couldn't understand a father's thoughts, stuttered and shook his head. "I think it's about finding his daughter. Are you in a hurry to find someone?"

"What shall I do? Running away? " After that, Tang Ren immediately shook his head, "but I really ran away, carrying the suspicion of murder on my back. I will never want to go back to my hometown in my life.".

Yin Yang, who has a child, can understand Su Jianqiu's practice very well. After leaving China and working as a mercenary for more than ten years, he can also understand Tang Ren's idea of returning home.

looking at Tang Ren, he said, "since the gold robbery has nothing to do with you, we just need to find gold to prove that you have a motive to commit the crime?"

Tang Ren and Chen Qinfeng's eyes suddenly brightened. As long as Tang Ren didn't steal the gold, he really didn't have to kill Songpa.

"Let's go. Let's find a place to rest first, and then go to the workshop of sompa in the evening to see if we can find any clues.".

Before ten o'clock in the evening, the two cars stopped at another street several hundred meters away from sompa workshop.

Several bodyguards got out of the car first, went to the workshop with a seal, looked around and made sure no one was found, then reported to the walkie talkie.

Hearing the sound of "safety" coming from the car walkie talkie, Tang Ren immediately wanted to get out of the car, but the sound came from Yin and Yang's ears."Mr. Li, on the third floor opposite the workshop and in the dwellings on both sides of the street, there are at least 15 policemen in Chinatown.".

"Wait a minute." Yin Yang grabs Tang Ren, who wants to get off the bus. "There's a police ambush.".

It turns out that this morning, after Huang langdeng got rid of the suspicion that Tony Xiao, the mastermind of the gold robbery, was his accomplice,

he thought that if he didn't catch Tang Ren again, the position of deputy director of the police station would be out of his way.

With the idea of taking a chance, he brought people to Songpa workshop to take a chance. Maybe Tang Ren would come back here to have a look.

As the afternoon and evening passed, Huang Lan Deng suddenly realized.

If Tang Ren is a murderer and the gold has been taken away, the possibility that he will come back to the workshop is too small.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. Although he was depressed and didn't wait, it also showed that Tang Ren was more likely to kill people. Unexpectedly, four black suits suddenly appeared outside the workshop.

Huang langdeng immediately asked in the walkie talkie, "did you find Tang Ren?"

The police on both sides of the street, looking around the window, "no suspect, head.".

"Hell," Huang said, turning back to his opponent, "take a picture of these people and send them back to the police station to find out who they are.".

I see, head.

And after hearing the reminder on Sunday, yin and Yang hold the walkie talkie and say, "big Liu, there's a police surveillance on the other side of you. Act natural.".

Then he said to Sunday, "Sunday, can we send drones into the survey?"

"No problem, Mr. Li." after Sunday's reply, a spherical probe carrier was launched by a spacecraft that was synchronously stationary in space.

A minute later, several detectors entered the workshop.

Yin and Yang wear smart glasses, but listen to Chen Qin's saying, "Uncle Li, let me have a look. You know I have a strong memory. Maybe I can find some clues.".

After thinking about it, Yin Yang simply took out his mobile phone and put it on the central armrest box, "on Sunday, put the pictures in the workshop.".

I understand.

A beam of light came out immediately, and everything in the workshop was displayed as the spherical detector entered the workshop.

When Tang renzheng and his small mobile phone have this function, Chen Qinfeng's eyes are on a wireless router.

I didn't expect that this thing of China was just popular. Songpa is already in use.

But it's no surprise to think that this is Bangkok, Thailand's most prosperous city.

Without waiting for him to think more, the spherical detector suddenly sounded a "diddidi" alarm.

The TianChao dialect converted on Sunday was immediately introduced into the ears of Yin Yang, Chen Qinfeng and Tang Ren, "heavy metal substances are found, and the nine layer probability is predicted to be gold.".

"What?" Tang Ren immediately asked excitedly, "who is that? Where is the gold?"

In the virtual imaging, a statue more than two meters high appeared immediately.

"Sunday, are you sure it's gold in the statue?"

At the same time, Chen Qinfeng didn't doubt what he said on Sunday.

After all, when he was ten years old, he met and talked with William from the virtual imaging. That scene easily left an indelible impression in his mind when he was young.

"Since the gold is inside and the police are outside, let's take some risks and go into Ru workshop to find out the gold in front of the police?"

"Wait a minute", Chen Qinfeng's brain power immediately flashed an inspiration, "since the gold is in the workshop, will Tang renyun's box be the murderer?"

"No, I can't," stammered Tang Ren. "When I was carrying the boxes away, I saw Songpa's shadow on the glass window in the workshop with my own eyes.".

"It's not gold in that box, it's not the murderer. What would it be?" Chen Qinfeng shook his head and said, "it can't be a tool of crime, can it?"

Then Chen Qinfeng was depressed and said, "we know too few clues. If we can know the information in the hands of the police, maybe we can find something.".

At this time on Sunday, he suddenly said, "I can go into the database of Chinatown police station and look for the information in the hands of the police. However, access to the database of special departments requires the authorization of Mr. Devonshire.".

Yin Yang and Tang Ren can't help but focus on Chen Qinfeng.

"I, I", was staring at, but also to call William, Chen Qinfeng suddenly stuttered, "I, I don't know how to talk to him.".

Concerning his innocence, Tang Renli said, "he's your cousin. What's wrong with him?".

"Wait, wait," Tang Ren looked at Chen Qinfeng strangely, "Devon hill? The guy that's often reported on TV? "

Without Chen Qinfeng nodding, Tang Ren felt that he must be the great aristocrat of England when he saw the people of yin and Yang and the virtual imaging on his mobile phone.

"Daozu of the Sanqing Dynasty, Buddha of the Tathagata, you old Qin family have such a cow's relatives. You haven't revealed them for so many years. What you have hidden is deep enough."."I'm almost on the phone. What are you doing? How can I say I'm your uncle? I can be regarded as Devonshire's.

Before the word "Uncle" was spoken, Tang Ren was immediately covered by Yin and Yang.

Warning like said, "you do not want to be locked up, it is best not to identify relatives.".

Chen Qinfeng immediately nodded.

Thinking of the information that yin and Yang did not know where to get from and showed him, he stammered, "I, I, that Tang and cousin, seem to hate distant relatives coming to see their relatives, and his temper is not very good.".

"Cousins are not relatives?" Tang Ren was frightened immediately, but he murmured in a low voice, "blood is thicker than water?"

Yin Yang and Chen Qinfeng can't help but roll their eyes. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, let alone, in their view, it's strange that William, who grew up in England, cares about his relatives in China.

Did not see Chen Qinfeng this cousin, he is indifferent so many years, did not pay attention to once?

Seeing this, yin and Yang could only reluctantly say to Sunday, "help me ask Mr. Devonshire if he is authorized by Xiaofeng.".

Soon on Sunday he replied, "authorize to pass.".

Within ten seconds, all the information in Chinatown police station was displayed in the virtual imaging.

Looking at the picture that Tang Ren came to the workshop that day and left ten minutes later, Chen Qinfeng thought for a while and asked, "is there only one exit for the workshop?"

Sunday replied, "yes, there is not only one exit, but four surveillance videos on the street outside the exit show that no one else came in and out of the workshop that day.".

This is difficult, Chen Qinfeng thought for a while, suddenly exclaimed, "do you want to check the monitoring around the building where you sent the box?"

"You don't need any authorization, do you?" When Tang Ren finished, he replied on Sunday, "Mr. Devonshire gave Mr. Chen Qinfeng zero hour level authorization,

it was 11:40 in the middle of the night when Tang Ren entered haiyuntai building that night." the video image on the main street is displayed in the virtual image,

it can be seen vaguely that the driver in a van is Tang Ren, "after that, he passed by that night There are 174 vehicles in this street,

if the time passes by one day, there will be 14190 vehicles in the daytime and at night.

"Wait a minute," Tang Ren thought for a moment and said, "that day I put the box on the side of a van, which is probably, yes.".

After thinking for more than ten seconds, Tang Renmeng patted his head and said, "it's a yellow van.".

As soon as the voice dropped, the endless stream of vehicles in the video turned into a yellow van in just a few seconds.

Tang Ren immediately yelled, "this is the car, this is the car.".

"Ha ha, it's cool to have a super powerful relative. It's so easy to find clues.

With the blessing of Buddha, my old Tang family has finally made a breakthrough.

When Chen Qinfeng and Yin and Yang look at each other and feel that Tang Ren is sure to have no good fruit to eat, the virtual image, along with the monitoring all the way, comes to a waste car treatment plant.

Without asking Chen Qinfeng, all the employees of the treatment plant were automatically transferred out on Sunday, and then said, "compared with all the monitoring, the results showed that only three of the 19 employees of the treatment plant had no alibi on the day of the murder.".

Chen Qinfeng said, "go, go, let's check these three people.".

But Yin and Yang shook his head, "we go into the workshop, find out the gold in front of the police, and then give it to them to check.".

Chen Qinfeng a Leng, "why?"