After listening to Hades saying that Zeus had a treasure in his hand that could be transmitted, William felt nervous and thought that Zeus could not use the transmission of treasure. He did not expect that the war would be so difficult, that he was dragged into Purgatory and could not return to Olympus.

Otherwise, the fall of 90% God's residence can't be said to be a calculation. It's all about smashing one's own throne and shaking the ruling foundation of Olympus.

If Zeus's goal is to put on William and six wireless gems, it can be said that the life of his wife and children and dozens of other God's palaces can be exchanged.

But in addition to wireless gems, William did not expect Zeus not to help Olympus, what great benefits can be obtained.

In the domain of Olympus, they are discussing with each other what conditions they should take to let William help Zeus and Athena's Artemis. Suddenly, Zeus's voice of saying goodbye comes from their hearts.

Athena and her sisters looked at each other in shock. At this time, just like William, they really believed that Zeus was at the end of his tether.

"I will certainly marry William," said Artemis, staring at Athena. "There are only two gods left in the divine world, I and you. Without William's support, let alone the position of the God King, it's hard to say whether they can block the attack of Titans and giants.".

Athena certainly understood this truth, but what Artemis didn't say also means that whoever gets William's support and gets through the future crisis of life and death is the king of God,

or becomes the same as Hera, when William sits on the throne of the king of God, the queen of God shares the dominion of the divine realm with him.


Athena doesn't want to leave the stage of history and watch Artemis and her and William's descendants become the new ruling deity of Olympus.

"Hum", Artemis cold hum, silently looking at Athena, and then they are so quietly waiting for the arrival of a moment.

In other words, as long as we understand the relationship between the gods of the whole Olympus system, anyone will smack his tongue and say, "you are really good at playing.".

But Zeus didn't care about anything. He could do it as long as he saw it.

In addition, Athena and Artemis knew very well that no matter what William thought before, when he saw the situation of the divine realm, he would definitely stare at the whole Olympus.

Even if he really promised to save Zeus, he would slow down the pace of rescue and waste his time on the way through the underworld.

William was standing at the viewing platform on Mount Olympus, letting the clouds float in front of him. His eyes seemed to be looking at the mortal world, but his eyes were shining. He was also quietly waiting for the moment when Zeus fell.

At this stage, if Zeus did not die, William would kill him himself, or seal him with enough interests.

Otherwise, it's more dangerous to be missed by a God King or a God King who has lost everything. It's more dangerous to think about it for the reason of death and hatred than mieba who doesn't understand the earth.

In the purgatory of Tartarus, Zeus held the gun of victory, which he could not hold because of his own strength weakening, and showed a sad smile.

If ares had not destroyed the throne which he used to locate in space for the first time, Zeus would have rescued Olympus first.

After all, killing Cronus is more important than the stability of his wife and children and the divine world.

But he was concerned about his wife and children, but in any case, he did not expect that his two living daughters would look forward to his fall together. Therefore, he did not hate William who had this idea.

Struggling to make more than 20000 living subordinates resist the demon army alone, Zeus stopped the attack and tried to pray to William.

"Come and see me, William.".

When he heard the words in his heart, the light in William's eyes became more intense. A magic separation flew out of him, and then the blue and yellow light of the heart and space gems lit up on the wrist of the body.

along the channel of Zeus and his heart, the magic separation appeared in the purgatory of tartartaros.

More than ten days ago, Zeus, with his beard and hair still brown, was gray all over his head and face, and his life seemed to disappear at any time.


Although Zeus couldn't hold on any longer, his eyesight became stronger and stronger at this time. When he saw the separation of magic in a moment, he was so careful with William, but he felt that he deserved it.

After all, to some extent, it is more hateful than the mastermind behind the plot.

If William really appeared in front of him, Zeus himself did not know whether he would use the last blow on William, who could easily be found, but never helped.

But Zeus had no other choice.

He would never allow his father Cronus to restore himself and become queen of God, devouring all his descendants.

What is most unacceptable to Zeus is that once all his descendants are gone, the third generation of God system he created and his history will be easily wiped out.No emperor wants to die, but there is no spray in history.

Looking up at William's identity, Zeus narrowed his eyes and said, "help me kill Cronus and the Knicks who made the twilight of the gods.".

"No problem.".

With a smile and a nod, Zeus did not mention this condition, and William himself would not let go of Cronus and Nix.

They pretended to do a few, the start of the form of Akron magic. More than a dozen magic parts flashed into the air one after another, but they didn't rush out to attack Cronus as before.

Instead, they release attack magic one by one, helping the remaining thousands of divine armies to resist the attack of countless demons.

Dozens of large-scale holy light attack magic, across the front of the remnant army of the divine world, into the devil pile, instantly harvesting the lower demons like wheat.

Then, they put out their hands in batches to resist the molten slurry waved by Cronus.

Although these parts are working, the magic they have is filled little by little under William's own extremely fast magic recovery speed.

A minute later, more than a dozen of them were suspended in the air. A smile appeared at the corner of their mouth, and one of them disappeared suddenly.

As soon as the figure appeared beside Cronus, the Holy Light exploded without delay.


The whole Tartarus purgatory was swept by the holy light. Countless demonic cannon fodder under the power was directly melted into ashes. Even the higher demons and great demons who were a little closer to the power were burned to ashes or seriously injured by the holy light.

Cronus, who was blasted face to face, was suddenly hit into the volcano. His body, more than 100 meters high, was only one-third ablated by William's magic light explosion.

If Cronus hadn't been absorbing the power of the earth veins in the volcano, maybe this self explosion just now would have turned him into ash.

What made William even more surprised and happy was that after the Holy Light swept, the goddess of the night, no, in purgatory, it should be said that Nix, the Lord of fear, was directly destroyed by the holy light, and she wanted to escape in horror.

Zeus immediately anxiously to have been around, release a magic barrier to block the holy light, so as not to let him absorb the holy light to restore the strength of the magic, called out, "don't let her escape.".

"No problem.".

When the first one came, there was a blink in the air behind Nix, and then she hugged her with a smile under her fear expression.

Boom, boom, boom.

Without the addition of the Olympus priesthood, Nix, who is in purgatory, is just a fear Lord whose strength is not much worse than those famous demons.

The moment he was held by the magic, he burst out of his body, which was burned by the holy light, and the golden light came out of his body. He yelled and stretched out his hand to scratch him.