-------New God Physiology.

It Includes - Immortality, Invulnerability, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Immunity, Super Regeneration.

-------Omega Effect.

It is a cosmic energy field, that includes - Telekinesis, Telepathy, Size Alteration and the following.

Cosmic Awareness: Kol can perceive and understand the workings of the universe on a cosmic level. He is able to perceive others even in different dimensions.

Dimensional Travel: Kol's Omega Effect allows him to transverse through time and space at will, allowing him to cross between dimensions.

Erosion Blasts: Kol can focus his Omega energy through his hands and arms to generate eradicating shock-waves.

Omega Beams: Kol can fire concentrated beams from his eyes, which can lock on its target to ensure it never misses.