The registration hall of the joint tolerance test.

There are hundreds of ninjas waiting to show their power in the Ninja exam.

Although it is difficult to advance in the joint Zhongren examination, once you successfully advance from this examination, you will be able to make a blockbuster.

Not a World War I fame, but a blockbuster.

You know, through layers of screening, there will be no more than five people who are determined to be promoted in the final examination.

These five people are equivalent to being killed from hundreds of ninjas. All of them are super elite.

In their own village, they will get the key training of the village.

Even if they take over the task in the future, because of their prominent reputation, there will be more entrustments to come to them by name.

Good fame and wealth.

Even if every Ninja knows in his heart that the purpose of holding the joint middle tolerance test is to show force to other villages.

But so what?

Since Daren village can, they can. And because their village is small, they don't have any psychological burden.

What if you lose the exam?

For them, it is just another witness to the strength of Daren village.

But what if their ninjas do well? You can even compete with the Ninjas in Dayin village.

Can't they show their village's force in front of everyone? This will not only enhance the reputation of their village, but also give them more benefits.

For this reason, it is not those big tolerance villages that want to show their own force that look forward to the United tolerance test most.

Instead, there are some small and medium-sized tolerance villages.

They prefer to pass such an examination and gain benefits.

In addition to these people, there is no lack of unfulfilled middle tolerance and lower tolerance in Da Ren Village.

After all, there are a few who can be promoted.

More are low-level middle tolerance and lower tolerance.

But as we have said before, there is no strict limit of strength between middle tolerance and lower tolerance. Even if it's not a special tolerance or the most common tolerance, they don't have a chance to complete the anti killing in the process of fighting with Zhongren.

It depends on how he arranges tactics, how to make rational use of his ability, and whether he knows the ability of the other party?

When it comes to tolerance, the level is completely different.

According to Ye Xiaotian's division, Shangren is the so-called first combat power. They can easily kill ordinary middle tolerance and lower tolerance.

You don't need to use Ninja magic. You can solve the battle with simple body art.

It's like Kakashi faced the ghost brother.

The ghost brothers will never cut off and travel north and south again. That's also a cruel character who has seen blood.

Knowing that there is Muye Ninja protection, if you dare to let the ghost brothers do it again, you are confident that you will definitely have a chance to kill each other with their strength?

In other words, the ghost brothers have a certain chance of winning the battle with ordinary ninjas.

But even the ghost brothers are not weak ninjas. When facing Kakashi, what was the result?


They were easily killed by Kakashi without even making it through.

This is the strength gap between Shangren and Zhongren.

Of course, Kakashi is not an ordinary upper tolerance. But he did not use his unique skills, nor did he use the writing wheel eye, nor did he use his own ninja.

Even those Ninjutsu copied by Kakashi were useless. He killed the two brothers face to face with his powerful body skill.

Without using those things, Kakashi's strength is not much better than ordinary tolerance.

To put it bluntly.

Middle tolerance and lower tolerance are mostly the gap between knowledge and experience. Zhongren is the team leader of Zhongren under the command. Strictly speaking, there is no difference in their strength.

Although there is no difference in strength, the status and treatment are very different.

First of all, Zhongren is the captain, which has great attraction. Plus the treatment of money, remuneration and preferential treatment given by the village.

These are different.

There are tens of thousands of ninjas in a village, which can form combat power and reach the highest tolerance. There are only a few hundred.

In other words, the remaining tens of thousands are basically lower tolerance and middle tolerance.

In this case, how to distinguish who is xiaren? Who is Zhongren?

A village cannot give tens of thousands of ninjas the same treatment. They don't have so much money and resources.

In this case, the next tolerance is willing, and only the present tolerance for a lifetime?

Of course not!

This is also another purpose of the Chinese forbearance test.

Give those opportunities to endure and strictly control the quota at the same time. No chance, xiaren, the largest number in the village, has not rebelled?

If you can't do it yourself, can't you blame the village?

Almost every Chinese forbearance test, a large number of people take it. However, most of them take part in their own assessment in the village. Such a joint Zhongren examination does not have a certain confidence in their own strength and dare not take part in it.

The two sides of the battle are not companions in the same village.

Even a companion in a village can't guarantee mercy, let alone ninjas in other villages.

If you have no confidence in your strength, you'll be dead in such an exam.

Hundreds of people gathered here dare not say 100%, but at least half of them have some strength.

Most of them have seen blood.

Staying with such a group of evil spirits, Muye's Xiaoqiang are inevitably a little frightened.

Most of them are now in the learning stage and have not really participated in high-level Ninja missions.

Naruto and some of them don't know how to mix with pharmacist Dou. They are asking pharmacist dou for information about other ninjas.

Lillock, Ningci, I love Luo.

These three guys make people feel tricky. From the intelligence point of view, their strength is really tricky.

I love Luo even completed the task of s level.

You should know that tasks at that level, even ordinary endurance of the first combat power, do not have much chance to contact.

Completing such a task basically marks that guy's strength beyond ordinary tolerance.

Fortunately, Naruto did not know the secret. They only know the task of s level, and only Shangren has the right to take it.

I love Luo. How can I take that task?

In this regard, the pharmacist also asked three questions.

"Is there anyone else you want to inquire about?"

Asked the pharmacist.

Sasuke shut up.

Naruto thought for a moment and said a name.

In his opinion, the guy who cherishes heroes with his heroes is also a very noteworthy object.

"Sand hidden, wood wind!"

"Wood wind!"

As soon as the pharmacist's pocket changed, one more card came out of his hand.

The name on the card is Mufeng.

There is no detailed strength information above, but the tasks completed by Mufeng are recorded in detail.

Level D tasks: 105 pieces!

Level C tasks: 127 pieces!

Level B tasks: 29!

Class a task: 11 pieces!

Level s task: 3 pieces!

SS level task: 1 piece!

The pharmacist's pupil contracted.

How is that possible?
