What else does wooden dragon have?

According to Ye Xiaotian's conclusion in the past three years, Mulong should have no cards to play.

Several secondary puppets, if properly controlled, are enough to make Mulong a senior elite.

He is basically at this level now.

The strength and level can basically be on an equal footing. The probability that the other party still retains his cards is not very high.

And ye Xiaotian also thought of one thing, that is, before Mulong had experienced a plot and destroyed one leg.

This is a man who has lost in the battlefield.

The targets Ye Xiaotian fought before were basically shadow level masters. Although Ye Xiaotian can only play an auxiliary role in the process of fighting with them, the main force is the three generations of Huoying ape flying day chopper.

It seems that ye Xiaotian's strength is really no big deal.

But if you think about it carefully, it's great to be able to help in such a battle.

After those battles, ye Xiaotian himself grew up very rapidly.

This is the same as playing chess.

If you play chess with an expert for a long time, you will play no matter how bad. When you play with an expert again and again, your strength has been improved to a very incredible level.

This is the case with Ye Xiaotian.

He has fought with shadow level masters for many times and has high confidence in his strength.

Even if he simply uses puppetry without using other means, his vision is there.

He also has sufficient confidence to defeat the enemy in front of him. Especially when he knows that the secondary puppet regarded as the bottom card by the other party is simply vulnerable in front of his cutting machine.

Ye Xiaotian's self-confidence has expanded to the extreme.

Mulong, one of the most powerful puppet masters in shayin village!

Originally, for ye Xiaotian, it was the same existence as Gaoshan Yangzhi.

Now it seems that it is not so difficult to deal with.

In the face of Ye Xiaotian's contempt, the expression on Mulong's face did not change.

He just opened his robe and revealed two huge legs more than 170 cm below.

One hundred and seventy centimeters is not the height, but the length of one leg.

"Do you know my legs?"

It seems that Mulong has been suppressed for a long time. When he is ready to work hard, he seems very talkative.

"I've heard that you were surrounded, chased and intercepted by the enemy and lost two legs. Finally, you were forced to change it with a puppet. It's very beautiful!"

It's just a prosthetic.

Even in the ninja world, there are few, but not none.

Not to mention, in Ye Xiaotian's original world, this is basically standard for everyone with a disability in his leg.


Wooden dragon seemed to fall into some kind of memory and didn't speak again in a short time.

Ye Xiaotian wanted to ask, but he couldn't open his mouth when he saw the appearance of wooden dragon.

Fortunately, Mulong didn't let him wait.

At this time, Mulong looked at Ye Xiaotian and basically had no negative emotions.

Or it should be said that his feeling now is not like facing a living person, but like facing a dead person.

It's safest to talk to the dead, because you never have to worry about the secret being told.

At this time, Mulong obviously didn't know about the reincarnation of filthy soil.

If he knew, it would be another attitude.

"It was not cut off by the enemy after being besieged, but by myself. Before I cut it off, it was still a pair of complete legs without any injury or even skin damage."

Wooden dragon's voice was not loud, but every word from his mouth hit Ye Xiaotian's heart heavily.

Cut it off yourself. Are you crazy?


Before ye Xiaotian asked his question, Mulong seemed to have untied his heart knot.

This matter has been buried in Murong's heart and never told anyone.

But now ye Xiaotian is about to become a dead man.

Wooden dragon doesn't have to care about ye Xiaotian's thoughts. Finally, he can speak freely and tell the secret buried in his heart for more than ten years.

"My puppet manufacturing technology reached the top level as early as 20 years ago. You have the current strength for three years, and I have reached the strength of the elite in only five years."

"But after that, if I want to improve my strength, it will be more difficult than going to heaven! The most difficult thing is not how tortuous and difficult the road ahead is, but that I can't see the road ahead. The information I can get is just some legends."


The story of wooden dragon is not very wonderful, but it is respectful. This is a person who does everything for progress.

When I heard that human puppets can make puppets go further.

Wooden dragon is like experimenting with human body.

In order to restrict the puppet master, it is certainly impossible for Sha Yin to let the puppet master really use human life as a puppet.

In this way, the bodies of other ninjas can't be human puppets at all.

Wooden dragon does it with his own body. He is not satisfied with doing it with his body. In order to get more support, he even breaks his legs.

This move really worked. Later, the wind shadow of shayin village and the president of the elders' association could only turn a blind eye to Mu Long's behavior.

Can't a man who has lost his legs want to make two legs with a puppet?

This is the first step of wooden dragon's body transformation.

After so many years of continuous efforts, he finally felt the characteristics of human puppets.

At first, it must not be adapted, but once adapted, the benefits of human puppets are self-evident.

Other puppets, even if you control them well, it's useless.

Because the observation angle is different, many details are beyond the puppet's control.

Whether the puppet itself has eyes and perception, all manipulation can only be done by the puppet master himself.

The puppet master himself hid far away.

Although the puppet master who hides can also observe the actions on the field.

However, with such a long distance and the relationship between angles, there is no way to control many details.

Human puppets are different!

You are a puppet and you can fight.

Because you are a puppet, close combat is equivalent to real combat.

For experts, the control of details has naturally reached the peak.

This is only one aspect.

The speed of the human puppet itself exceeds that of the puppet itself.

Not to mention flexibility!

Wooden dragon, who had reached the peak, turned himself into a puppet and finally made a breakthrough in strength.

He is also a shadow level master now!
